Author Topic: Experts warn of possible terrorist attacks here with crazyjoes open borders. «  (Read 1218 times)

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Experts warn of possible terrorist attacks here with crazyjoes open borders.
« on: Today at 09:05:24 PM »

Experts warn of al Qaeda attacks on US soil as global terror threat reaches 20-year high
Victor Davis Hanson: 'The next three and a half years, I think, will be our most dangerous since the 1950s of the Cold War'
By Yael Halon | Fox News

Media top headlines August 20
The Biden-ordered Afghanistan withdrawal and subsequent Taliban takeover has increased the global terror threat to its highest point in two decades, and without U.S. intelligence operatives in the region, an al Qaeda 9-11 style attack may be imminent, experts warn.

Dr. Tom Copeland, an expert in intelligence failures and mass casualty terrorist attacks and director of research at the Centennial Insititute told Fox News on Thursday that the fall of the Afghan government will likely coincide with the twentieth anniversary of the September 11th terrorist attack. Moreover, Copeland warned, the United States' complete withdrawal could presage another attack of that nature on U.S. soil.

"Having an entire country as a safe haven, will give [al Qaeda] more physical space and more breathing space to reconstitute and go back to planning major events, so I think the U.S. withdrawal itself is a large part of that threat," Copeland said.


With the country under complete Taliban control, al Qaeda is expected to set up shop and fully resume operations, making terror attacks on the West an ever-present national security concern, he explained.

The fear, Copeland said, is that for the first time in nearly 20 years, the U.S. will be blind on the ground with the absence of an embassy, military bases, and a CIA station based in the region.

"Even though we may be better organized to defend the homeland than we were in 2001, this withdrawal is going to leave us with a much more limited window into what the terrorists are doing inside Afghanistan," he told Fox News.

On Friday, President Biden appeared to downplay the threat of al Qaeda in Afghanistan, only to be later corrected by the Pentagon.

"Let’s put this into perspective here," Biden said during a press conference Friday defending the decision to withdraw from Afghanistan. "What interest do we have in Afghanistan at this point with al Qaeda gone?"


Roughly an hour later, Fox News National Security Correspondent Jennifer Griffin questioned Defense Department press secretary John Kirby on Biden’s statement.

Griffin asked Kirby for an estimate on how many al Qaeda operatives were currently in Afghanistan, and Kirby was not able to give her a specific number.

"I haven't seen an estimate on that," Kirby said. "OK, I don't know if we have an exact estimate."

"You don't have military intelligence estimates about how many al Qaeda remain in Afghanistan?" Griffin pushed back.

"We know that al Qaeda is a presence as well as ISIS in Afghanistan," Kirby said. "And we've talked about that for quite some time. We do not believe it is exorbitantly high, but we don't have an exact figure for you, as I think you might understand."

'The Five' question if Biden lied during 'disturbing' national addressVideo
Military historian and Fox News contributor Victor Davis Hanson believes Copeland's assessment of an impending attack on the West "may very well be correct."

"The next three and a half years, I think, will be our most dangerous since the 1950s of the Cold War," Hanson told Fox News on Thursday.

"Jihadists now have a centrally located haven that has a proven record of successfully launching anti-Western terrorist operations; the Taliban are far more jubilant now than in the past, given the climatic defeat of the entire NATO coalition, and, finally, they feel there no longer exists U.S. deterrence," he explained.

"I am confident saying that the U.S. is at higher risk of international terrorism today than at any point in the last 20 years."

— Paul D. Miller
"Iran, China and Russia will in the next year likely become far more adventurous in our experience on the expectation that the Biden administration, the woke Pentagon, and the politicized intelligence agencies either cannot or will not deter them," Hanson went on. "That encourages the Taliban who feel that the U.S. will be pressed simultaneously by several enemies and won’t dare confront them."

Paul D. Miller served in Afghanistan, first in the military – then as a CIA operative -- before he was tapped as director of the Afghanistan desk for the National Security Council during the Bush and Obama administrations. Asked about the U.S. national security threat expressed by Copeland and Hanson during a Fox News interview on Thursday, Miller said plainly "I am confident saying that the U.S. is at higher risk of international terrorism today than at any point in the last 20 years."

What upsets him most, he said, is that this "was an avoidable catastrophe.

"It was a manmade disaster, it was policy engineered chaos," he said. "The President continues to insist that this was unavoidable. It was inevitable. The war had already been lost. There was no other way out, could not have been would have the chaos. All of this is false…and everybody paid responsibility for the consequences of his choice to withdraw."

Miller noted that the government in Afghanistan is the "same one that harbored al Qaeda 20 years ago."

Until Biden's withdrawal, al Qaeda and affiliated Jihadist militants "were on the run," Miller explained. Now, the terrorist group is "certain to regain some measure of safe haven in Afghanistan and Pakistan," he said.

"They were spending their energy and their time running and hiding from our airstrikes or drones or Special Forces. They didn't have time to plan their attacks. They now have breathing room to reconstitute themselves and focus on creating, recruiting, fundraising and planning. They couldn't do that for 20 years. Now they can. That means we are all at heightened risk of a terrorist attack – not just United States, but this could very well be our European partners as well."

As for a timeline, U.S. intelligence agencies should gear up for an attack "within the next four to five years," Copeland said.


"They said al Qaeda might take two years to reconstitute itself but it sounds like from what I've read, they're thinking they could do it in six months," he told Fox News.

"Now, that doesn't mean we'll have an attack in six months, it does take time to plan these spectacular events… I don't think it'll happen then, but I think in the next four or five years we should anticipate at least efforts by al Qaeda and ISIS and other groups that may form in the aftermath here."

Andrew Mark Miller contributed to this report

Yael Halon is a reporter for Fox News.
Mr. Charles Glenn “Charlie” Nelson, age 73, of Payneville, KY passed away Thursday, October 14, 2021 at his residence. RIP Charlie, we'll will all miss you. GB

Only half the people leave an abortion clinic alive.
What part of ILLEGAL is so hard to understand???
I learned everything about islam I need to know on 9-11-01.

Offline ironglow

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  Nothing quite like inviting terrorists in. Now that they have a whole country to serve as terrorist headquarters, we can almost expect some more 9/11 attacks...

  Perhaps even 9/11/21..but i expect it will take a bit longer for them to "cook up' a really big one..

  ...Comforting to know that as we face such a possibility..Bumbles and Cackles remain vigilant , and on the job !
If you don't want the truth, don't ask me.  If you want something sugar coated...go eat a donut !  (anon)

Offline guzzijohn

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The last big terrorist attack was on 1/6 at the capitol and none of the participants crossed a boarder as far as I know.

Offline Dee

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Well  I see the little adopted anti-American failed silver spoon in his mouth ex-farm welfare recipient is calling protesting Americans in Washington, terrorists.  ::)

We had sherriffs deputies stop a packed car last night, about a half mile from my house here in west Texas.
They arrested the driver for transporting illegal aliens in Texas. They were ordered to release the 10 illegals  by the federal government.
They were literally turned loose in our little town, and we  know nuthin about'em.
You may all go to hell, I will go to Texas. Davy Crockett

Offline oldandslow

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I don't believe we have to have "experts" warn us about this. Anyone with a little common sense which I will admit seems to be in short supply these days has already figuered it out.
 Guzzi's reply isn't even worth a response.

Offline ironglow

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The last big terrorist attack was on 1/6 at the capitol and none of the participants crossed a boarder as far as I know.

  Surprised you didn't notice the terrorist attacks which took place in cities like Portland, Seattle, St Louis , Baltimore... and still continue in Portland today ?

  Perhaps you didn't notice that ugly as the incident in DC was, there were no businesses looted or burned, and no killings...except one by a capital policeman.

  Unlike Minneapolis...there were not several blocks of center city completely destroyed..

  Of course, the only intelligent thing to do when crime becomes to defund the police, and  encourage felons to start killing them ! !

    Suggestion... consider the mote in your own eye...
If you don't want the truth, don't ask me.  If you want something sugar coated...go eat a donut !  (anon)

Offline guzzijohn

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What other group of citizens have attempted to physically overthrow the government, brought gallows to the capitol grounds, threatened the lives of a vice president and other legislators?

Offline ironglow

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What other group of citizens have attempted to physically overthrow the government, brought gallows to the capitol grounds, threatened the lives of a vice president and other legislators?

  None...and none has to date.  Have you ever heard the term, "false flag attack'?  It was all for show on both portions of those demonstrators, plus it was a 3-part incident.

  1) The conservatives wanted to demonstrate their frustration with a stolen election.

 2) The Antifa, false flag operators..following their communist mentors practice, wanted to make the regular protestors look dangerous.

   3) Although offered NG support BEFORE the event, Nancy refused since she wanted a "crisis".  ...And it looks
 like Antifa accomodated her by  breaking into the building..
  "Never let a good crisis go to waste" (Rahm Emanuel, Democrat.... &*@#%)
If you don't want the truth, don't ask me.  If you want something sugar coated...go eat a donut !  (anon)

Offline guzzijohn

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From IG:
  None...and none has to date.  Have you ever heard the term, "false flag attack'?  It was all for show on both portions of those demonstrators, plus it was a 3-part incident.

  1) The conservatives wanted to demonstrate their frustration with a stolen election.

 2) The Antifa, false flag operators..following their communist mentors practice, wanted to make the regular protestors look dangerous.

   3) Although offered NG support BEFORE the event, Nancy refused since she wanted a "crisis".  ...And it looks
 like Antifa accomodated her by  breaking into the building..
  "Never let a good crisis go to waste" (Rahm Emanuel, Democrat.... &*@#%)

Now that is some funny BS.

Offline Dee

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From IG:
  None...and none has to date.  Have you ever heard the term, "false flag attack'?  It was all for show on both portions of those demonstrators, plus it was a 3-part incident.

  1) The conservatives wanted to demonstrate their frustration with a stolen election.

 2) The Antifa, false flag operators..following their communist mentors practice, wanted to make the regular protestors look dangerous.

   3) Although offered NG support BEFORE the event, Nancy refused since she wanted a "crisis".  ...And it looks
 like Antifa accomodated her by  breaking into the building..
  "Never let a good crisis go to waste" (Rahm Emanuel, Democrat.... &*@#%)

Now that is some funny BS.

Giving BS a name like "guzzijohn" is funnier.  ;)
You may all go to hell, I will go to Texas. Davy Crockett

Offline ironglow

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From IG:
  None...and none has to date.  Have you ever heard the term, "false flag attack'?  It was all for show on both portions of those demonstrators, plus it was a 3-part incident.

  1) The conservatives wanted to demonstrate their frustration with a stolen election.

 2) The Antifa, false flag operators..following their communist mentors practice, wanted to make the regular protestors look dangerous.

   3) Although offered NG support BEFORE the event, Nancy refused since she wanted a "crisis".  ...And it looks
 like Antifa accomodated her by  breaking into the building..
  "Never let a good crisis go to waste" (Rahm Emanuel, Democrat.... &*@#%)

Now that is some funny BS.

  One caution often given to an 8th grade debating team:
  "Don't try to ridicule your opponent, it is juvenile, plus it simply indicates that you have no worthwhile reply".

  So I assume you had no facts to present to counter what was said. 

  OK..that being the case, try this.. 

   How many things has the Biden team done since "elected", that has been GOOD for the United States?

   Can you list 10 things?









  If not 10, How about 5 things...or even 3 ?
If you don't want the truth, don't ask me.  If you want something sugar coated...go eat a donut !  (anon)

Offline Mule 11

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The latest the unelected in office have done has been a true debacle. How can anyone defend open borders, almost doubled fuel prices, leaving Americans unprotected without a way of escape in Afghanistan, and leaving billions of dollars of armament behind for terrorists making these ? One of the best armed army’s in the world. Way to go unamerican leftist turds of America. The new ulta... have to mention the hand greasing of dollars to our sitting government and media to make the humiliation of the U.S.A. And all it stands for. Way to go ULTA.

Offline ironglow

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  OPEN BORDERS,,,  And the Taliban just released 5,000 of the worst terrorists and murders from the prison in Kabul.
   Now just wait for things to start going "BOOM" here in the US !

  OH  BTW... Guzzi; Can't you think of ANYTHING GOOD, Biden has done for America..not even one thing ?

  Well...Don't feel bad, I can't either !
If you don't want the truth, don't ask me.  If you want something sugar coated...go eat a donut !  (anon)

Online Lloyd Smale

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there should be a like button on this forum.

  Surprised you didn't notice the terrorist attacks which took place in cities like Portland, Seattle, St Louis , Baltimore... and still continue in Portland today ?

  Perhaps you didn't notice that ugly as the incident in DC was, there were no businesses looted or burned, and no killings...except one by a capital policeman.

  Unlike Minneapolis...there were not several blocks of center city completely destroyed..

  Of course, the only intelligent thing to do when crime becomes to defund the police, and  encourage felons to start killing them ! !

    Suggestion... consider the mote in your own eye...
blue lives matter

Online Lloyd Smale

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i tried that list thing on the other forum even asked for just 5 good things. Then just one and the best i got was extended unemployment which has become just another welfare program. Ask him too to list the good things his fellow socialist teachers have done since biden has been in office. I can give you ONE thing biden has done for middle class America. Between the border and Afghanistan he has committed political suicide and has done more to hurt the democratic party then any republican ever could.
From IG:
  None...and none has to date.  Have you ever heard the term, "false flag attack'?  It was all for show on both portions of those demonstrators, plus it was a 3-part incident.

  1) The conservatives wanted to demonstrate their frustration with a stolen election.

 2) The Antifa, false flag operators..following their communist mentors practice, wanted to make the regular protestors look dangerous.

   3) Although offered NG support BEFORE the event, Nancy refused since she wanted a "crisis".  ...And it looks
 like Antifa accomodated her by  breaking into the building..
  "Never let a good crisis go to waste" (Rahm Emanuel, Democrat.... &*@#%)

Now that is some funny BS.

  One caution often given to an 8th grade debating team:
  "Don't try to ridicule your opponent, it is juvenile, plus it simply indicates that you have no worthwhile reply".

  So I assume you had no facts to present to counter what was said. 

  OK..that being the case, try this.. 

   How many things has the Biden team done since "elected", that has been GOOD for the United States?

   Can you list 10 things?









  If not 10, How about 5 things...or even 3 ?
blue lives matter

Offline ironglow

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i tried that list thing on the other forum even asked for just 5 good things. Then just one and the best i got was extended unemployment which has become just another welfare program. Ask him too to list the good things his fellow socialist teachers have done since biden has been in office. I can give you ONE thing biden has done for middle class America. Between the border and Afghanistan he has committed political suicide and has done more to hurt the democratic party then any republican ever could.
From IG:
  None...and none has to date.  Have you ever heard the term, "false flag attack'?  It was all for show on both portions of those demonstrators, plus it was a 3-part incident.

  1) The conservatives wanted to demonstrate their frustration with a stolen election.

 2) The Antifa, false flag operators..following their communist mentors practice, wanted to make the regular protestors look dangerous.

   3) Although offered NG support BEFORE the event, Nancy refused since she wanted a "crisis".  ...And it looks
 like Antifa accomodated her by  breaking into the building..
  "Never let a good crisis go to waste" (Rahm Emanuel, Democrat.... &*@#%)

Now that is some funny BS.

  One caution often given to an 8th grade debating team:
  "Don't try to ridicule your opponent, it is juvenile, plus it simply indicates that you have no worthwhile reply".

  So I assume you had no facts to present to counter what was said. 

  OK..that being the case, try this.. 

   How many things has the Biden team done since "elected", that has been GOOD for the United States?

   Can you list 10 things?









  If not 10, How about 5 things...or even 3 ?

   Lloyd..that just shows how totally "out of it'"the leftists are.  The only thing he could point to, is extended unemployment benefits !
  Anybody who claims  as a benefit, must be 2 persons.. because nobody could be that STUPID..all by themselves..

  There are a lot of people, sitting around on their donkeys..sucking up the freebies.  Yet you drive up and down

   America's streets, and you see "help wanted. "now hiring' and "will train" signs all over the place !!
If you don't want the truth, don't ask me.  If you want something sugar coated...go eat a donut !  (anon)

Offline Mule 11

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Most of guz’s Posts are jabs or orange man bad...

Offline ironglow

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Anyone who is at least half way sane know that if, should know that if 5,000 of the worst terrorists were released from Kabul prison, many of them would head here to "kill the big satan'.

  So anyone with 2 brain cells to rub together, would realize that...and slam the border shut !

  I know Joe and all his advisers are stupid..but I don't think they are quite that stupid, so i can only conclude once again..they are out to destroy America, by every device they can dream up !  (IMO)..
If you don't want the truth, don't ask me.  If you want something sugar coated...go eat a donut !  (anon)

Offline Mule 11

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What other group of citizens have attempted to physically overthrow the government, brought gallows to the capitol grounds, threatened the lives of a vice president and other legislators?
Don’t forget. Were going to rape ocrazyho cortez. Oh yeah. That was her fantasy... I get my leftists mixed up.

Offline Mule 11

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Anyone who is at least half way sane know that if, should know that if 5,000 of the worst terrorists were released from Kabul prison, many of them would head here to "kill the big satan'.

  So anyone with 2 brain cells to rub together, would realize that...and slam the border shut !

  I know Joe and all his advisers are stupid..but I don't think they are quite that stupid, so i can only conclude once again..they are out to destroy America, by every device they can dream up !  (IMO)..
Can’t argue with that.

Online Lloyd Smale

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yup and neither did the black lives matter and atifa rioters the caused a hundred times more damage and injurys and was actually cheered on by your socialist politicians
The last big terrorist attack was on 1/6 at the capitol and none of the participants crossed a boarder as far as I know.
blue lives matter

Online Lloyd Smale

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guzzi can add to his list the  monthly payment made now to everyone with kids. Heck of an incentive for welfare trash to pump out even more babies. 
i tried that list thing on the other forum even asked for just 5 good things. Then just one and the best i got was extended unemployment which has become just another welfare program. Ask him too to list the good things his fellow socialist teachers have done since biden has been in office. I can give you ONE thing biden has done for middle class America. Between the border and Afghanistan he has committed political suicide and has done more to hurt the democratic party then any republican ever could.
From IG:
  None...and none has to date.  Have you ever heard the term, "false flag attack'?  It was all for show on both portions of those demonstrators, plus it was a 3-part incident.

  1) The conservatives wanted to demonstrate their frustration with a stolen election.

 2) The Antifa, false flag operators..following their communist mentors practice, wanted to make the regular protestors look dangerous.

   3) Although offered NG support BEFORE the event, Nancy refused since she wanted a "crisis".  ...And it looks
 like Antifa accomodated her by  breaking into the building..
  "Never let a good crisis go to waste" (Rahm Emanuel, Democrat.... &*@#%)

Now that is some funny BS.

  One caution often given to an 8th grade debating team:
  "Don't try to ridicule your opponent, it is juvenile, plus it simply indicates that you have no worthwhile reply".

  So I assume you had no facts to present to counter what was said. 

  OK..that being the case, try this.. 

   How many things has the Biden team done since "elected", that has been GOOD for the United States?

   Can you list 10 things?









  If not 10, How about 5 things...or even 3 ?

   Lloyd..that just shows how totally "out of it'"the leftists are.  The only thing he could point to, is extended unemployment benefits !
  Anybody who claims  as a benefit, must be 2 persons.. because nobody could be that STUPID..all by themselves..

  There are a lot of people, sitting around on their donkeys..sucking up the freebies.  Yet you drive up and down

   America's streets, and you see "help wanted. "now hiring' and "will train" signs all over the place !!
blue lives matter

Online Lloyd Smale

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Hes either got balls or is dumber then a box of rocks. Who in there right mind comes to a pro 2nd amendment website and posts trash like he does and seriously thinks his opinions are wanted. Its about like me walking into an antifa meeting with a rebel flag t shirt and expecting them to respect my opinions. I dont understand the mindset of someone who comes daily to a place that nobody agrees with his opinions or wants him even giving them. 
Most of guz’s Posts are jabs or orange man bad...
blue lives matter

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What is even more worrisome about potential terrorist attacks, now that thousands are crossing our borders unchecked, is the Marxist takeover of all government agencies. Like the FBI, and homeland security. I think they have become so inept at doing anything. The chances at them stopping a terrorist attack is slim to none.

Those people who will not be governed by God will be ruled by tyrants.    Wm. Penn