.........." Resist the devil, and he wil flee from you" (James 4:7)
That is Biblical advice..old as scripture.. ...But instead, Benedict tries to dance with the Devil! He thought it a good idea to be cooperative with the Taliban.
He should have shunned having anything to do with that diabolical bunch..he shoiuld have resisted dealing with them..
He evidently he thought they were just some "good old boys" who are misunderstood. He must have thought they would be as good as their word..letting Americans, Christians and those who wanted to leave...leave..
He should have should never dealt with with them.
Here, unarmed members of the Afghan army surrender...and get shot down in coldest of blood
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8zmssB5tWVE Now, tell us these brutes are not the spawn of Satan...