Try this 'never happened' scenario;
Timeline: 1775 Fort Boonesboro just completed, and settlers all in behind it's log stockade
The Shawnees have gathered a large force and moving through the woods to raid Boonesboro.
Boone and other leaders confer, then call a meeting to gather the settlers and inform them of the next move.
What's the next move? Well, they plan to desert their log palisade, abandon all their guns, ammo, supplies and equipment, leaving them for the Indians.
So the settlers ask..what do we do then? Boone replies.."We figure we plan to take 2 riflemen, a bit of pemmican, and set up behind that brushy hedge hedge 200 yards west ! Then we will ask the Shawnees to be nice."
Tell us... What do you think those settlers, many of them illiterate, told Boone and the other leaders ?