It's a good thing the Egyptians didn't do that when Joseph and Mary took Jesus across the border.
Very different situation , of course..
Actually not so much. If you look at what is going on in Haiti, president killed, gangs taking over killing and extorting from the population, earthquakes and storms devistating the country side, and the natural resources being exploited. Would you want to live there and raise your kids and grandkids? With Jesus it was "just" the king killing all the baby boys.
Very different..Jesus, Mary & Joseph were just one family, entering Egypt, not likely even noticed by authorities, and that was before the killings started in Bethlehem. They were not a flood of refugees, which threatened to destroy the Egyptian economy.
It was Pharoah's job to look out for Egypt, just as it is the US president's job to look out for the US. A job at which, Joe is failing miserably.
There was no "Ellis Island" in Egypt at the time, but a mass exodus would be noticed..just as it was noticed by the Moabites, Perruzites and Canaanites, when the Hebrews arrived near the promised land.
One point you seem to have missed.. Those Haitians who are arriving at the Texas border did not row a boat from Haiti to Brownsville, but were living and working in Brazil, however they apparently got word of the gravy train that slow Joe was offering to such law breakers.