What a shame that the government
won't protect our country from invaders.
There's thousands and thousands
that think they're exempt from the
southern border troubles because
they're sitting miles away in their gated
subdivision watching the national
felons league and sucking up their
beers, but they don't realize that these
border jumpers will be using up resources
and infrastructure that their tax dollars
were allocated for, and when it's
needed in old age or for emergencies
it won't be there
Have you ever had a car totaled out
because a drunk border jumper was
driving sans valid license and insurance
and/or been injured and had to be
hospitalized because of their laziness
and negligence?
A friend of my mother was hit some years
ago and totaled her car and she was
severely injured and was never able to
return home. Full recovery was impossible
because of her age, and she finally died
in a nursing home. I've a vehicle totaled
out, and my mother had 2 totaled out
by illegal drivers
Everybody will be affected by illegal
border jumpers eventually no matter
how many miles away you live.
Either directly or indirectly you won't
get a pass
Oh well. . .