Author Topic: 45-70 factory load vs 500 S&W vs 12g rif. slug vs 12g sa  (Read 1502 times)

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45-70 factory load vs 500 S&W vs 12g rif. slug vs 12g sa
« on: March 08, 2004, 07:32:18 PM »
Which of these in their most common gun (lever gun for 45-70, 10" barreled revolver for 500 S&W Mag, 12ga Brenneke Rifled slug in smoothbore pump, 12ga sabot slug (take your pick) in rifled barrel pump) would be better as a self defense gun against grizzleys?  Such as backup for a hunter, or just for personal protection when hiking or hunting other critters?

And with shotguns - would 2.75" vs 3" vs 3.5" make much of a difference, or is the extra shot with 2.75" more important?  Is my 8 shot 2.75"/3" Moss 590 enough, or would a Remington 870 ESM that can take 3.5" be a much better idea?
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Offline Lawdog

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45-70 factory load vs 500 S&W vs 12g ri
« Reply #1 on: March 09, 2004, 12:35:09 PM »

Simple answer to this.  Go with the lever action .45-70.  Best pick of all you stated.  Lawdog
Gary aka Lawdog is now deceased. He passed away on Jan. 12, 2006. RIP Lawdog. We miss you.

Offline lilbiggun

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45-70 factory load vs 500 S&W vs 12g ri
« Reply #2 on: March 10, 2004, 03:54:09 PM »
Easy for me too. The 45/70 hands down. The 500 which is very powerfull is just to big (weight and bbl length) for a decent protection gun IMO. I dont do the shotgun thing. Not to impressed with them after doing my own little unscientific penetration tests. I used the best slugs I could find and it still didnt compare to the good ole 45/70 with a hard cast 400gr bullet.

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45-70 factory load vs 500 S&W vs 12g ri
« Reply #3 on: March 11, 2004, 10:04:57 AM »

Before you start to protect yourself the grizzly bear will have to be 40(+/-) yards or closer to keep from getting into trouble with the game department.   A Brown Bear can cover those 40 yards(in about 2 - 3 seconds) faster than a fast wide receiver can cover the same distance.  If you had a good auto-loading shotgun just how many shots do you think you will get off?  Two maybe three max, depending on the recoil.  Don’t worry about getting a lot of shots off just make sure of the first shot.  Personally I don’t believe ANY handgun makes for good protection against bears.  First place the handgun would have to be in your hand and not in a holster, where most carry their handguns.  Remember you only have three seconds MAX to see the charging bear, draw your handgun, get into action to stop the bear.  Again you will only get off one maybe two shots and are you more accurate under stress with a rifle or a handgun?  Ask our resident PH, JJHack, if his .44 mag. revolver did him any good when a Black Bear jumped him?  That is why I would choose the lever action .45-70.  Lawdog
Gary aka Lawdog is now deceased. He passed away on Jan. 12, 2006. RIP Lawdog. We miss you.