Author Topic: Having anything to do with leftism and Marxism..  (Read 523 times)

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Offline ironglow

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Having anything to do with leftism and Marxism..
« on: October 31, 2021, 03:54:03 PM »
  According to this award winning journalist, having anything to do with radical leftism or Marxism, is flirting
   with evil and witchcraft !

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Offline BUGEYE

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Re: Having anything to do with leftism and Marxism..
« Reply #1 on: November 01, 2021, 05:05:57 AM »
Well, I can take some comfort in the fact that EVERYONE will meet the JUDGE of JUDGES some day and we'll get our just rewards.
Some won't like it.
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Offline darkgael

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Re: Having anything to do with leftism and Marxism..
« Reply #2 on: November 01, 2021, 04:42:42 PM »
IG: Thanks for the article. There is quite a bit in there that is gratuitous even though true. Foolish Americans who embraced Ortega or any other Marxist despot were playing a fool’s game. The one important thread that runs through that article, which has little to say about witchcraft and midnight burials, is that communism, marxist or any other form, does not work now and never has. There are only five communist states in the world and every one of them is a suffering third world country. As for Bernie….he is now and has been out of touch with reality for a looong time.
Any one who espouses communism is a fool. Socialism is easier to foist on people…..look at the stimulus payments of recent practice……socialism at work….redistribution of wealth. Give money to people who do not have to work for it. Give them enough and they won’t want to work. Why is it that there is such a shortage of workers nowadays?
How many people who received free money from the Gov’t sent it back with a no thank you?
The references to Santeria and other cults which are common in poor nations of central America and parts of Africa are misleading as they have nothing to do with political belief. They have been part of the cultural background of those societies for centuries.

Offline Dee

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Re: Having anything to do with leftism and Marxism..
« Reply #3 on: November 01, 2021, 05:13:14 PM »
Seldom click on the websites. As for witchcraft being associated with Marxism.
Wasn't aware that Karl Marx rode a broom. You don't have to attach ghosts and goblins to Marxism to realize its evil, and to stay away from it.
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Offline ironglow

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Re: Having anything to do with leftism and Marxism..
« Reply #4 on: November 02, 2021, 12:49:16 AM »
     There is one thing that many seem to overlook (IMO), and that is the old theory of the nature
    of a vacuum in everyday life!

   Consider the old maxim.."Nature abhors a vacuum"....   At this season, many churches are telling their kids
  that they should not participate in the halloween ritual, but do they offer anything in it's place?

   Many do, and it is to their credit!  However some prefer to leave a social vacuum in it's place, and that is neglect, because that vacuum will be filled with something, possibly something no better that what they have been warned against!.

   Same situation follows Marxism wherever it rears it's ugly head.  Communism (or socialism) doesn't have to introduce Satanic influences, because by their own insistence on atheism, they are welcoming Satanic worship and it's many iterations.

      Some may disagree, but for many, there are just two spiritual forces in all creation..good vs evil !

   When the good is banned, the evil side flourishes..  ..By suppressing God, they are promoting Satan..

       ....Nature indeed, does abhor a vacuum...prove me wrong..
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Offline Dee

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Re: Having anything to do with leftism and Marxism..
« Reply #5 on: November 02, 2021, 01:43:52 AM »
Christmas? December 25 the "Winter Solstice" a pagan holiday adopted by Constantine to bring pagans into his new religion of Roman Catholicism?

Same thing with "the christmas tree".

Or how about Ester? The "goddess of Spring"? We'll call that Easter. Another pagan holiday made "christian" by Constantine.

Halloween a celebration of the harvest. And clearly pagan, "merged" with "All Saints Day".

When so called "protestants" split from Roman Catholicism, they took these "hollidays, celebrations,  and customs" with them.

I could go on.

So now somebody decided to attach witchcraft to Marxism. I guess he sold it cause some folks bought it.
You may all go to hell, I will go to Texas. Davy Crockett

Offline DDZ

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Re: Having anything to do with leftism and Marxism..
« Reply #6 on: November 02, 2021, 02:46:03 AM »
 Marxists will use many, and any means to take control of a nation and its people. Whether its witchcraft, taking property, dividing people, promoting sexual deviancy, destroying capitalism, brainwashing the next generations through the education system. They are all means to an end. I think one of the main tenants of Marxism is doing away with Christ in a society. Their can't be a higher power than the almighty government for the citizens to bow to. It then gets to a point where any Christians that are still worshiping Christ will be exterminated. Just as they have been in the past century. The suppression of Christianity has been central to every Marxist regime in history.  Marxism is demonic, so in a sense witchcraft is probably a part of it. 
Those people who will not be governed by God will be ruled by tyrants.    Wm. Penn

Offline darkgael

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Re: Having anything to do with leftism and Marxism..
« Reply #7 on: November 02, 2021, 07:43:19 AM »
Christmas? December 25 the "Winter Solstice" a pagan holiday adopted by Constantine to bring pagans into his new religion of Roman Catholicism?

Same thing with "the christmas tree".

Or how about Ester? The "goddess of Spring"? We'll call that Easter. Another pagan holiday made "christian" by Constantine.

Halloween a celebration of the harvest. And clearly pagan, "merged" with "All Saints Day".

When so called "protestants" split from Roman Catholicism, they took these "hollidays, celebrations,  and customs" with them.

I could go on.

So now somebody decided to attach witchcraft to Marxism. I guess he sold it cause some folks bought it.
Good post. Accurate.
Thanks. There is, as you note, much more to say about “connections” between the pagan and the Christian. The pagan feast marking harvest end, Samhain, occurs at this time of year. The connection between Halloween (All Hallows Eve) and All Hallows Day (All Saints Day) and the feast of All Souls Day on the day after is often missed.

PS the Christmas tree…..And mistletoe…..the Golden bough of legend.

Offline BUGEYE

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Re: Having anything to do with leftism and Marxism..
« Reply #8 on: November 02, 2021, 12:14:39 PM »
     There is one thing that many seem to overlook (IMO), and that is the old theory of the nature
    of a vacuum in everyday life!

   Consider the old maxim.."Nature abhors a vacuum"....   At this season, many churches are telling their kids
  that they should not participate in the halloween ritual, but do they offer anything in it's place?

   Many do, and it is to their credit!  However some prefer to leave a social vacuum in it's place, and that is neglect, because that vacuum will be filled with something, possibly something no better that what they have been warned against!.

   Same situation follows Marxism wherever it rears it's ugly head.  Communism (or socialism) doesn't have to introduce Satanic influences, because by their own insistence on atheism, they are welcoming Satanic worship and it's many iterations.

      Some may disagree, but for many, there are just two spiritual forces in all creation..good vs evil !

   When the good is banned, the evil side flourishes..  ..By suppressing God, they are promoting Satan..

       ....Nature indeed, does abhor a vacuum...prove me wrong..
Our Church offers “trunk or treat “ for the little kids while the older ones party inside.
Works well giving the little ones sugar shock. :)
Give me liberty, or give me death
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Give me liberty, or give me death

Offline ironglow

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Re: Having anything to do with leftism and Marxism..
« Reply #9 on: November 02, 2021, 12:15:24 PM »
Marxists will use many, and any means to take control of a nation and its people. Whether its witchcraft, taking property, dividing people, promoting sexual deviancy, destroying capitalism, brainwashing the next generations through the education system. They are all means to an end. I think one of the main tenants of Marxism is doing away with Christ in a society. Their can't be a higher power than the almighty government for the citizens to bow to. It then gets to a point where any Christians that are still worshiping Christ will be exterminated. Just as they have been in the past century. The suppression of Christianity has been central to every Marxist regime in history.  Marxism is demonic, so in a sense witchcraft is probably a part of it.

  Most any Christian with even a cursory knowledge of the faith, knows all these things, and most are smart enough not ot get tied into the sad history or participate in that original and pagan spirit of them.
     Today Christians celebrate Easter, not because of the ancient,  false Goddess "Ishtar", but to recognize the resurrection of Jesus Christ during that time,.  Many of us prefer to refer to"Easter Sunday" as "Resurrectiion Day".  That way, we not only squash the old pagan error, but correct the understanding for many.

   ..And how many Christians do you catch on a cold mountain hilltop somewhere, welcoming in the new season on the 26th of December?   I don't know about you, but my Christmas eve is at church, celebrating the birth of our Saviour !

  Actually, the solstice is closer to the 21st...

  Those complaints are often heard being repeated by JWs, in their effort to slander others.

  The difference between Easter, Christmas and those who celebrate Satan, hold seances or practice Voodoo, are vast.
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Offline darkgael

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Re: Having anything to do with leftism and Marxism..
« Reply #10 on: November 03, 2021, 01:59:20 AM »
Before anyone gets off wrong about my next comments concerning Marxism, please read post #3.
one of the main tenants of Marxism is doing away with Christ in a society. Their can't be a higher power than the almighty government for the citizens to bow to. It then gets to a point where any Christians that are still worshiping Christ will be exterminated. Just as they have been in the past century. The suppression of Christianity has been central to every Marxist regime in history.  Marxism is demonic, so in a sense witchcraft is probably a part of it.

The focus there is off. “Doing away with Christ in society “ is not a main tenant of Marxism. The goal is broader than that…..Marxism seeks to stifle  the practice of “religion”, any and all religion.
You may construe this as an attempt to institutionalize atheism. That would be incorrect. Stifling the practice of religion does not necessarily change belief.
“Central to every Marxist regime in history” . I suppose that is correct though you make it sound like Marxism is larger and older than it is. It is understood that very large numbers of people were affected but the number of countries you can count on your fingers. Nowadays on one hand.
Marxism/Leninism/ Communism did not get rolling until the Russian Revolution in 1917. All the other regimes followed and failed after that. Some exist today as dictatorships with a communist framework supporting them.
There is no evidence of any vast turn toward Satanism, no increase in the practice of witchcraft (whatever that is).