Ranger, how long do you soak the eggs in the pickle juice??
Week, two weeks, however long
it takes to eat what's swimming in
the brine
I've only been making a few at the
time. I haven't been able to make
anything that I found edible until
recently. The first ones were really
bad ( to me) and I ended up tossing
them out. I've followed a bunch of
different online recipes and videos,
and I don't know how people would
actually think some of those were
good. One that was titled something
like state fair blue ribbon prize winning
picked eggs, or something like that
were one of the worst. I only make
2 or 3 when trying a recipe blind.
A man I knew that I used to piddle
with hotrods and hunting and such
made some of the best ones, but
he never shared the recipe with
anybody, and he's been deceased a
long time. He would make dozens
at a time in a big (2 gallon?) jar, and
they didn't last any time at all.
I've yet to be able to duplicate the
right taste