Author Topic: The lefts denial of CRT  (Read 928 times)

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The lefts denial of CRT
« on: November 05, 2021, 02:53:04 AM »
Its easier to just deny that CRT is being taught, than to come up with any reason that somehow CRT indoctrination is good for kids.   

 Why Won’t The Left Admit Schools Teach Critical Theory And Defend It On The Merits?
Democrats and the corporate press obviously agree with the tenets of critical race theory. But instead of defending it, they pretend it doesn’t exist.
John Daniel Davidson
By John Daniel Davidson
November 5, 2021

By now, most Americans know that critical race theory is real and that it’s being taught widely in public schools.

This isn’t a semantics debate. Students are being taught racial hierarchies, along with the idea that the United States was founded on white supremacy, and that the U.S. Constitution, our legal system, and American ideals like freedom and equality all work to perpetuate and sustain systemic racism.

There is mountains of evidence of this. The work of Christopher Rufo and others has exposed critical race theory’s many manifestations, not just in public schools but inside major corporations and even the U.S. military.

Yet the left has refused to debate critical race theory on the merits. Instead, the corporate press, Hollywood, and woke Twitter bluechecks keep insisting that it doesn’t even exist, it’s just a fantasy conjured up by racist Trumpers trying to scare white voters into electing Republicans.

Just look at the left’s response to the historic Republican sweep of Virginia on Tuesday. Glenn Younkin’s campaign, their theory goes, falsely claimed that critical race theory was being taught in Virginia public schools. Racist white Virginians, terrified at the idea their kids would have to learn the truth about slavery and racism in America, elected Youngkin, who is also a racist.

(That these same voters also made history by electing Winsome Sears, a black woman, as lieutenant governor, and Jason Miyares, an Hispanic man, as attorney general, is conveniently ignored in this narrative.)

Their key talking point is that critical race theory isn’t even taught in Virginia schools. Cable news talking heads like MSNBC’s Nicolle Wallace incessantly dropped it into her election-night commentary, saying critical race theory, “which isn’t real,” swung the suburbs 15 points to the “Trump insurrection-endorsed Republican.”

Julian Castro called it a “fantasy world.” Larry Sabato called it a “phony issue.” Joy Reid called it a “coded boogeyman.”

After the election, humorless comedians like Seth Meyers kept hammering away at it. “Republican and Fox News have successfully weaponized the panic over so-called critical race theory, but I’m sorry, it shouldn’t be radical to teach children about the history of racism in American society.”

Examples abound, both before and after the election, but you get the idea. For the left, critical race theory is nothing more than an obscure and harmless legal theory that’s been twisted into something sinister by racist MAGA Republicans. Months ago, legacy media outlets were insisting that critical race theory is a “moral panic” and an “obsession” of racist Republicans. It’s what white conservatives denounce whenever their kids have to study “real” American history in school.

The problem for the left is that no one outside their cloistered milieu believes this. There’s been too much original-source reporting about the prevalence of critical race theory in public institutions for any honest person to think otherwise.

So here’s my question: why doesn’t the left just debate critical race theory on the merits? People like Joy Reid and Wajahat Ali clearly agree with its central tenets. They obviously think America was founded on white supremacy, and that racism pervades our civic life and public institutions. Why not just come out and say, “You know what? Critical race theory should be taught in public schools, because it’s the best way to expose kids to the truth about America.”

Why pretend something that you fervently agree with doesn’t exist? Why play shell games about how to define critical race theory? Why not just take the broadest definition that all sides can agree to and go from there? Why not make the case for why we should base school curricula on it, why corporations should train their workforces in it, why it should be the legal basis for racial reparations and the mass redistribution of wealth?

If people are confused about what critical race theory is, why not explain what it really is? Why argue that its attendant ideas and policy prescriptions are correct and desirable, and make the case for why they will make America a better, more peaceful, and just society?

Leftists won’t do that because they know that most Americans find the ideas at the heart of critical race theory repulsive, and rightly so.

This is also why the left never openly debates the merits of, say, mass illegal immigration, which they obviously support. Instead, they pretend to oppose it, or argue that the border isn’t really in crisis. Same with the Black Lives Matter riots last summer, the effects of pandemic lockdowns, the dangers of transgender ideology and bathroom policies. Whatever the issue, they pretend the thing they support isn’t even real, then call their opponents racists and bigots for insisting that it is.

The bad news for the left is that this tactic obviously isn’t working. So I look forward to frank, open, and honest debates about teaching racial hierarchies in elementary school, the merits of totally open borders, and a rich discourse on why urban rioting for racial justice is a public good.

Just kidding. The media assures me none of that’s even real.
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Offline BUGEYE

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Re: The lefts denial of CRT
« Reply #1 on: November 05, 2021, 03:47:12 AM »
The left is well known for lying, cheating, stealing, and worst of all, the wholesale murder of little boys and girls.
They think that they are smarter than you and me, but, one day they will meet the really smart one who will make them scream for eternity.    They know the consequences of their actions but refuse to acknowledge a higher power.
Look at Biden and Pelosi, they have been warned by catholic priests but they carry on with their evil doings.
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Offline darkgael

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Re: The lefts denial of CRT
« Reply #2 on: November 09, 2021, 12:53:35 PM »
There is some pretty nasty stuff circulating. I would dearly like to get my hands on a syllabus from a school that is teaching CRT. How much time is devoted to it. What text is used. At what levels is it being taught.
I wonder what class it is taught in.

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Re: The lefts denial of CRT
« Reply #3 on: November 09, 2021, 02:11:58 PM »
There is some pretty nasty stuff circulating. I would dearly like to get my hands on a syllabus from a school that is teaching CRT. How much time is devoted to it. What text is used. At what levels is it being taught.
I wonder what class it is taught in.
My understanding is that it is being taught without a syllabus by those indoctrinated in crt. Great way to deny it’s existence aye? Your statement is like asking the pedophiles victim or their parents for the syllabus the pedophile used to groom the child. Your questioning is considered as denial. Just saying.

Offline ironglow

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Re: The lefts denial of CRT
« Reply #4 on: November 10, 2021, 12:55:06 AM »
     From the Patriot Post article above;

   "Mainstream media outlets have assured their viewers time and time again that Critical Race Theory (CRT) is not taught in public schools. MSNBC host Joy Reid insists it’s merely “anything that makes a white parent uncomfortable.” Another host, Nicole Wallace, went so far as to say, “There is no Critical Race Theory.” These pundits have attempted to convince people that CRT in schools is a “racist dogwhistle” or a “coded boogeyman.”

        This paragraph alone demonstrates the racist mindset of the backers of CRT (Creating Racial Tension).

   Now, let's go back a few years...when Reagan's attorney general, Ed Meese concerned for the youth, ran hearings on pornography.  The leftists laughed at him and  ridiculed his efforts.
Citing the first amendment freedom of speech, they asked for a fine definition of pornography, as opposed to art.

   Wise to their tricks, Meese said (paraphrased) ... "I won't give you a fine definition of it, but I know it when I see it !  Still, many 'talking heads' on the left, continued to disparage and mock his efforts, and much of the public listened to them. 
   So what is the result?  ..Our whole culture is being flooded with filthiness, we have very outspoken and militant
  LGBTQ practitioners, "drag queens" and immorality abounds...our culture is flooded with pornography and some folks can barely speak without putrid filth emerging from their pie holes !

   When the teachers' unions took advantage of the plan-demic to shirk their duties (apparently with pay), where some taught over the web, into student's homes for a couple hours a day...from the Bahamas and other vacation destinations, it was an eye-opener for most parents.

  Parents could see the political, cultural and pornographic nature of what was being foisted upon juvenile minds!
   Reflecting the widespread attitude of "educators"..(or is it indoctrinators), the failed gubernatorial candidate from Virginia, told parents they had no business telling school boards what they wanted their children to be taught.

   Conservatives should not be bringing up a convenient label such as CRT.  THe globalists are playing semantic games, so direct charges should be laid..teaching that some races are less valid than others, treating some children as inferior..because of their complexion..

  As Mr Meese found with the decadent left4 decades ago, theleft lies by playing a game of "sliding semantics".

  THey can claim they are not teaching CRT...if they no longer call it CRT !   Borrowing from Wm Shakespeare, I have to say......." A skunk by any other name, would stink just as much ! "

   When we see a 'police state' minded school board, have a father ejected by their 'Gestapo'..for complaining that his daughter was raped...we have entered a new low in civilization..

   With their arrogant attitudes, there seems to be no indication that the public schools are going to change their indoctrination tactics, and I hope the Republicans NOW can see the danger..
     Let the education funds follow the students!  That way the parents can choose what basic course they want their children to follow. 

    Our local central school district, draws down about $17,000 for each student.  Our local K-12 Christian school, of which i was at one time chairman of the board, is getting about $250 per month, from what I understand.

    Let's see, 12 X $250 = $3,000.....  Yes there are other costs..transportation, special ed etc., but those can likely be handled with the remaining $14,000 per student !

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Re: The lefts denial of CRT
« Reply #5 on: November 10, 2021, 02:15:08 AM »
Mule: if you will, please clarify:
Your questioning is considered as denial

Not sure what you meant by that. I am not denying that critical race theory exists nor am I denying that it is taught.
Just checking.

Online Mule 11

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Re: The lefts denial of CRT
« Reply #6 on: November 10, 2021, 03:16:59 AM »
Mule: if you will, please clarify:
Your questioning is considered as denial

Not sure what you meant by that. I am not denying that critical race theory exists nor am I denying that it is taught.
Just checking.
Not saying you are. Saying that is the way it appears...

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Re: The lefts denial of CRT
« Reply #7 on: November 10, 2021, 05:00:22 AM »
Denial of CRT indoctrination is understandable by someone that was a member of the very organizations (teachers unions)  that are supporting, and promoting the teaching of CRT.

This is a link to an article I posted in another thread 3 months ago regarding the teaching of CRT.  In that thread CRT was, in a round about way being denied also.

States have even created bills to ban the teaching of CRT. If CRT wasn't being taught, why the need for the creation of a bill to stop it?
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Re: The lefts denial of CRT
« Reply #8 on: November 10, 2021, 06:40:18 AM »
  Forget the CRT term... the leftist will deny...  We already KNOW they are accustomed to lying with regularity.

  Consider the recently passed "infrastructure bill"...when only about 10% of the funds we are going in debt for, is for actual infrastructure.
  How many times have we seen leftists introduce anti-2nd bills under the plea of "safety", "common sense' and other benevolent terms?
   So, let's be no attention to whaty they say, but rather what they actually do! Hereare just 25 schools that were already usiung the book, "Not My Idea",  which advocates such racial hatred.

  Now, that was in July, long before summer break was over..    How many joined in later?
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Re: The lefts denial of CRT
« Reply #9 on: November 10, 2021, 09:20:02 AM »
"Consider the recently passed "infrastructure bill"...when only about 10% of the funds we are going in debt for, is for actual infrastructure."

What is the other 90% going to,  Please be specific, because I need bridges and roads repaired.  I am speaking of the PASSED INFRASTRUCTURE BILL not the pending one.

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Re: The lefts denial of CRT
« Reply #10 on: November 10, 2021, 10:12:54 AM »
"Consider the recently passed "infrastructure bill"...when only about 10% of the funds we are going in debt for, is for actual infrastructure."

What is the other 90% going to,  Please be specific, because I need bridges and roads repaired.  I am speaking of the PASSED INFRASTRUCTURE BILL not the pending one.
Ask your governing body. I doubt you will find out once the money is allotted as to where it will go.
Butt. Not the spirit of this thread is it?

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Re: The lefts denial of CRT
« Reply #11 on: November 10, 2021, 12:46:18 PM »
"Consider the recently passed "infrastructure bill"...when only about 10% of the funds we are going in debt for, is for actual infrastructure."

What is the other 90% going to,  Please be specific, because I need bridges and roads repaired.  I am speaking of the PASSED INFRASTRUCTURE BILL not the pending one.

 I posted an article in the tread called "So Nancy rammed a big spending plan through."  that has some of the bills spending plans listed in it. 
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Re: The lefts denial of CRT
« Reply #12 on: November 10, 2021, 12:46:41 PM »
"Consider the recently passed "infrastructure bill"...when only about 10% of the funds we are going in debt for, is for actual infrastructure."

What is the other 90% going to,  Please be specific, because I need bridges and roads repaired.  I am speaking of the PASSED INFRASTRUCTURE BILL not the pending one.

  I avoided going to Fox News or the fake news sources, but instead, went to apolitical money and investment people.
  The found that about  $110 billion of the $1.2 Trillion (about 10%).. is marked for roads, bridges etc...and the word is rhat Joe will spend most of that $110 billion in blue states and cities, where Demonrats could not control their spending.  Not quite vfair to others..

  Th erest will go for the usual pork barrel and "studies" stuff.

   If they can get the other 3-4 trillion debt placed upon our grandchildren..almost all of that will go tostupid handouts
If you don't want the truth, don't ask me.  If you want something sugar coated...go eat a donut !  (anon)

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Re: The lefts denial of CRT
« Reply #13 on: November 11, 2021, 06:24:02 AM »
Thanks IG

The article lists public transit, railroads, Internet access, electrical grid, airports and water as parts to be invested.  That sounds good to me.  Where I live we have one bridge off the island (very old) the nearby water has been contaminated by the Navy, and I can't get cell service at my house.   Thankfully they up graded the power poles in the last year so maybe the annual power outages will not be so frequent.  These are good investments to me.  Without transportation we are doomed - talk about supply chain problems.

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Re: The lefts denial of CRT
« Reply #14 on: November 11, 2021, 11:24:10 AM »
There’s a catch with Broadband money. Areas with minority demographics given priority. Rural areas (white folks) get funded last. Unless of course, they run out of money.

Even trees can be racist.
Reconciliation bill has $500m allocated for “tree equity”. Presumably, urban dwellers are severely disadvantaged having fewer trees then other folks.

Harris asking NASA for help.
“Can you measure trees — part of that data that you are referring to, [and it’s an issue of] EJ, environmental justice — that you can also track by race their averages in terms of the number of trees in the neighborhoods where people live?”

So far, no mention of fines for those having too many trees.
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Re: The lefts denial of CRT
« Reply #15 on: November 11, 2021, 11:32:06 AM »
There’s a catch with Broadband money. Areas with minority demographics given priority. Rural areas (white folks) get funded last. Unless of course, they run out of money.

Even trees can be racist.
Reconciliation bill has $500m allocated for “tree equity”. Presumably, urban dwellers are severely disadvantaged having fewer trees then other folks.

Harris asking NASA for help.
“Can you measure trees — part of that data that you are referring to, [and it’s an issue of] EJ, environmental justice — that you can also track by race their averages in terms of the number of trees in the neighborhoods where people live?”

So far, no mention of fines for those having too many trees.
Seriously doubt  nwbear lives with minority’s. Won’t get crap... gee. Dats 2 bad...

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Re: The lefts denial of CRT
« Reply #16 on: November 11, 2021, 11:59:39 AM »
Sounds like the Typical Liberal Yuppie....Want's to Live in the "Country"   but wants all the Comforts of the City....And want's Sombody Else to Pay for It...

Online Mule 11

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Re: The lefts denial of CRT
« Reply #17 on: November 11, 2021, 12:43:59 PM »
Sounds like the Typical Liberal Yuppie....Want's to Live in the "Country"   but wants all the Comforts of the City....And want's Sombody Else to Pay for It...
Exactly my thoughts. Just trying to play nice...