you could run to bill and squeal AGAIN! The ignoring sure didnt last long fI think its pretty obvious to everyone who starts these things. you cant ignore me and you know it. This is about the 20th time you said you would. You only attempt it because you get shown for what you are every time you try. Sooner or later that temper gets the best of you. I sure wont ignore you. I will make it a point to call you out when your being dee. Which is about daily. Cant stand a phony or an arrogant sob and you are the king of both of those catagories on here. So what kind of trash did you dig up on catholics today sitting there in your underware hiding from the real problems you should be spending time on right in your back yard. Better double lock though cause the pope is coming for you
So Lloyd is down to threatening me, and calling me a son of a bitch.
I guess anything goes here now. Ok,
Don't need to call Bill. Bill can read.
I post "news items" from national and state TV channels on current events in the news. No motive towards anyone, or targets. Just the news.
If I have a bone to pick with anyone, I call them by name, there is nuthin subtle about me in that regard.
Neither you, nor I are in charge here, and only Bill or Matt can censor me.
While you obviously believe that you are of interest to me, I assure you, that I seldom even read your posts.
Only when you attack me, do you come into my view.
This thread, like so many others, was not about Catholicism, nor did I inject Catholicism in any of my posts.
You should really think about ignoring me, like I "attempt" to ignore you.
It would be a benefit to you in the long run, and I would not have to acknowledge your existence.
I will not be bullied.
Think about it.
But, until you come to your senses, here ya go.