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Offline Northwoods

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Liberals and church
« on: November 16, 2021, 02:10:53 PM »
We always hear about christian conservationism but any folks out there ever think about what religions whatsoever go with liberalism?
I want movement, not a calm course of existence. I want excitement and danger and the chance to sacrifice myself for my love. I feel in myself a superabundance of energy which finds no outlet in our quiet life.”

― Leo Tolstoy

Offline billy_56081

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Re: Liberals and church
« Reply #1 on: November 16, 2021, 02:14:01 PM »
Very true!
99% of all Lawyers give the other 1% a bad name. What I find hilarious about this is they are such an arrogant bunch, that they all think they are in the 1%.

Offline BUGEYE

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Re: Liberals and church
« Reply #2 on: November 17, 2021, 06:30:35 AM »
From what I know from the Bible, it’s impossible for a liberal to go to Heaven.
There’s such a thing as repentance and a change of ways but too many refuse to accept THE WAY as laid out by JESUS.
Give me liberty, or give me death
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Give me liberty, or give me death
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Offline ironglow

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Re: Liberals and church
« Reply #3 on: November 17, 2021, 12:32:48 PM »
  "Progressive" churches were formed,because they wanthed affirmation of their sins, rather than to be confronted by their a Bible believing church!  They can't seem to accept that we ALL must be confronted by our sins, and deal withwith  our sins!

  Watch this "progressive" preach that (John 3:16)..doesn't really say, what it says..

If you don't want the truth, don't ask me.  If you want something sugar coated...go eat a donut !  (anon)
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Offline ironglow

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Re: Liberals and church
« Reply #4 on: November 17, 2021, 12:40:45 PM »
    That "progressive" preacher, who was preaching against the teaching of (John 3:16), is as may be expected, a preacher in.. The United Church of Christ..., same denomination obama attended in Chicago !

     Remember Rev Wright, and his.."G _ _  D _ _ _ America"  rant?

   Here...Meet Rev Salvatore Spienza..  Who like apparently like all UCC preachers, likes to defy God's words.

   ..Makes one wonder why they even try to pretend to be actual preachers of God's word.


If you don't want the truth, don't ask me.  If you want something sugar coated...go eat a donut !  (anon)

Offline Ranger99

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Re: Liberals and church
« Reply #5 on: November 17, 2021, 12:54:52 PM »
I've known a few that were dissatisfied
with the laws set forth in the Bible
A neighbor has a couple of homosexual
children, and left her long time church
just up the street and now drives nearly
an hour away to where the church says
do whatever turns you on. You are
heaven bound regardless of what you do
18 MINUTES.  . . . . . .

Offline Northwoods

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Re: Liberals and church
« Reply #6 on: November 17, 2021, 04:53:59 PM »
As far as I can tell most liberals twist themselves into pretzels trying to conform their religions into their political leanings. I've always wondered for instance why the Catholic church doesn't hold these folks to account for NOT toeing the line on church guidelines and beliefs. Scientology as an example on the other side of the coin is where they can let it all hang out in their core beliefs and still consider themselves spiritual.. I can think of no legitimate doctrine or set of religions that meshes with a leftist ideology and mindset! Heck, they even booed God at their national convention a few years back and have always been in conflict with Christianity itself. Essentially for all intensive purposes they're a Godless cult!
I want movement, not a calm course of existence. I want excitement and danger and the chance to sacrifice myself for my love. I feel in myself a superabundance of energy which finds no outlet in our quiet life.”

― Leo Tolstoy
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Offline Dee

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Re: Liberals and church
« Reply #7 on: November 17, 2021, 05:17:20 PM »
I'm pretty busy trying to get myself straightened out, and continual repentance for repetitive sins.
The scriptures say judge the sin, but not the sinner.

I see all this going on around me, and see it for what it obviously is, but I don't get involved as to whether someone is Hell, or Heaven bound. I've got my opinions, but the issue is between God and the sinner I individually.
You may all go to hell, I will go to Texas. Davy Crockett

Offline ironglow

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Re: Liberals and church
« Reply #8 on: November 18, 2021, 12:45:28 AM »
   Various people are moved in various ways, and that is true of Christians as well as others.
    While I don't 'pursue' or 'corner' people, I remain alert to explain the
   plan of salvation to anyone who shows interest...knowing the father must draw them.
    Often, when I preach I offer it, and sometimes lead a prayer of salvation directly from the podium, for those
   so moved.
   I do feel  obliged by certain Bible verses, such as ( 1 Tim 4:1,2);

    " 1 I charge thee therefore before God, and the Lord Jesus Christ, who shall judge the quick and the dead at his appearing and his kingdom;

2 Preach the word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all long suffering and doctrine.


  At least 3 times now, I have led someone in the sinner's prayer, who has died within a 2 week period...  There is a bit of satisfaction to know that person was saved.

   Of course, each has his/her spiritual gifts to exercise.   If I tried to sing as my spiritual gift, I would probably be run off !    ;)  ;D
If you don't want the truth, don't ask me.  If you want something sugar coated...go eat a donut !  (anon)
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Offline BUGEYE

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Re: Liberals and church
« Reply #9 on: November 18, 2021, 06:10:43 AM »
   Various people are moved in various ways, and that is true of christians as well as others.
    While I don't 'pursue' or 'corner' people, I remain alert to explain the
   plan of salvation to anyone who shows interest...knowing the father must draw them.
    Often, when I preach I offer it, and sometimes lead a prayer of salvation directly from the podium, for those
   so moved.
   I do  obliged by certain Bible verses, such as ( 1 Tim 4:1,2);

    " 1 I charge thee therefore before God, and the Lord Jesus Christ, who shall judge the quick and the dead at his appearing and his kingdom;

2 Preach the word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all long suffering and doctrine.


  Atvleast 3 times now, I have led someone in the sinner's prayer, who has died within a 2 week period...  There is a bit of satisfaction to know that person was saved.

   Of course, each has his/her spiritual gifts to exercise.  IfI tried to sing as my spiritual gift, I would probably be run off !    ;)  ;D
I pray continually that ALL people will come to JESUS.
But it sure looks like they won’t.
Give me liberty, or give me death
                                     Patrick Henry

Give me liberty, or give me death

Offline ironglow

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Re: Liberals and church
« Reply #10 on: November 18, 2021, 08:09:17 AM »
   "I pray continually that ALL people will come to JESUS.
But it sure looks like they won’t."


  Keep praying, but remember, God deals in remnants !
If you don't want the truth, don't ask me.  If you want something sugar coated...go eat a donut !  (anon)
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Offline BUGEYE

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Re: Liberals and church
« Reply #11 on: November 18, 2021, 01:34:16 PM »
   "I pray continually that ALL people will come to JESUS.
But it sure looks like they won’t."


  Keep praying, but remember, God deals in remnants !
That’s true.
I like that avatar, you can be proud.
Give me liberty, or give me death
                                     Patrick Henry

Give me liberty, or give me death

Offline ironglow

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Re: Liberals and church
« Reply #12 on: November 18, 2021, 02:23:31 PM »
   "I pray continually that ALL people will come to JESUS.
But it sure looks like they won’t."


  Keep praying, but remember, God deals in remnants !
That’s true.
I like that avatar, you can be proud.

   Thanks Bug, the Lord has blessed me with my grandchildren.  Each of them are just as loving and helpful as they can possibly be..  Each is drug/alcohol free and being very productive in their lives...and passing those values on to their children.
If you don't want the truth, don't ask me.  If you want something sugar coated...go eat a donut !  (anon)

Offline Lloyd Smale

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Re: Liberals and church
« Reply #13 on: November 18, 2021, 09:51:25 PM »
I agree bugeye. God doesnt like hypocrites. Theres a couple on here that claim to be christian that are no better. Quote the bible all day long but dont feel it applys to them.
From what I know from the Bible, it’s impossible for a liberal to go to Heaven.
There’s such a thing as repentance and a change of ways but too many refuse to accept THE WAY as laid out by JESUS.
blue lives matter

Offline Lloyd Smale

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Re: Liberals and church
« Reply #14 on: November 18, 2021, 10:03:43 PM »
  Anyone can claim the TITLE of Christian. What church you go do doesnt effect that one bit. today theres as many talking the talk as walking the walk. Quote the bible all day long but dont feel it applies to them. Being a christian is acting  as best you possibly can in the way Jesus said we must. Its not something you get like a cub scout badge or something that you automatically get because your parents went to some church. I know people that dont even go to church that are probably better christians then myself. Some say liberals shouldnt be allowed in there church. I say those are the people that REALLY need to step through the door and find the truth.
From what I know from the Bible, it’s impossible for a liberal to go to Heaven.
There’s such a thing as repentance and a change of ways but too many refuse to accept THE WAY as laid out by JESUS.
blue lives matter

Offline Northwoods

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Re: Liberals and church
« Reply #15 on: November 19, 2021, 02:04:11 PM »
Some say liberals shouldnt be allowed in there church. I say those are the people that REALLY need to step through the door and find the truth.

I think the question asked here was leftist have a platform of abortions on demand right up to and even after birth, with rampant and unadulterated in your face homosexuality, along with drag queens reading story time to our kids in school.

Biological males now dominating woman's sports and invading our little girls bathrooms and locker rooms or how about paying for sex changes on prisoners and military service members and this is just the tip of the iceberg of the abominations from the party of the left.... Churches have a standard of scriptures doctrine beliefs so again exactly what church could except them in "their" congregations without giving an exemption for their amoral and repugnant behaviors when that ideology permeates their very souls?
I want movement, not a calm course of existence. I want excitement and danger and the chance to sacrifice myself for my love. I feel in myself a superabundance of energy which finds no outlet in our quiet life.”

― Leo Tolstoy

Offline Lloyd Smale

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Re: Liberals and church
« Reply #16 on: November 19, 2021, 09:21:44 PM »
theres a difference between letting them in the door and them actually being members of the church. If we didnt let them in and give them a chance to repent we wouldnt be christian and we would be just like the woke left we are fighting over these issues. Cant speak for other churches but the act of communion is the cornerstone of being a catholic and if your in sin you are not suppose to partake of it. Even if youve been a catholic for 30 years. A praciticing homosexual that hasnt admited its wrong and aske Jesus for forgiveness is not suppose to partake. Remember jesus was more conserned and spent more time with the sinners then he did good people. His goal and ours too should be bringing the lost back to God. I detest the sins you listed as much as you. Im also a hyopcrtie because i dont much bother with trying to repent them. But is that right? Nope. matter of fact me knowing what jesus said and how me must act and not doing it is probably as much of a sin as what they have done.
blue lives matter

Offline ironglow

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Re: Liberals and church
« Reply #17 on: November 20, 2021, 01:49:19 AM »
   From Lloyd;
  " theres a difference between letting them in the door and them actually being members of the church. If we didnt let them in and give them a chance to repent we wouldnt be christian and we would be just like the woke left we are fighting over these issues."

   Correct, we should welcome all, so long as they behave while there.  Evangelism is a charge of the church, and
   even the worst, can change.  How else would they stand a chance of learning about Jesus..and perhaps learning
  to live for Jesus?
        We were once all sinners..but after accepting Jesus, we are 'saved by grace'..should we deny that
      opportunity for others ?  Of course, no membership for one who is practicing immorality.
   That being said, we must beware of any worldly 'leaven' sneaking into the church !

   So far as communion, you and I have slightly differing views.  I view it as a memorial..but a very serious one.
    The people should be educated concerning the serious nature of partaking, because as scripture says, partaking "unworthily" can be an offence.  (1 Cor 11:27)

    Our pastor, and we elders agree, gives a short explanation before each communion service, of what this entails, then allows a few minutes for individual prayer and confession, directly with God..before serving.

   I've seen some churches where adults allow children to partake, even though the child has no clue beyond a snack..   It makes me shudder..
If you don't want the truth, don't ask me.  If you want something sugar coated...go eat a donut !  (anon)

Online Mule 11

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Re: Liberals and church
« Reply #18 on: November 20, 2021, 01:58:13 AM »
At a funeral only Catholics were allowed communion. As I understood what it meant I told my kids not to take it before I was informed of that rule.

Offline Dee

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Re: Liberals and church
« Reply #19 on: November 20, 2021, 02:07:46 AM »
What is referred to as "churches" is a building. Nuthin more.
The church, is the people, and "ceremonial communion" is just that. Ceremonial.

Communion can be had at a table in the kitchen of your home, or a table in a McDonalds.

Church officials deciding who gets "communion" and who doesn't is legalistic nonsense.

Communion is still that personal relationship with God, "one on one".

Wherever Communion is taken, and whatever is used, Christ is sitting at the right hand of God, and is not gonna appear in the form of a cracker, or a french fry.

"Do this in remembrence of Me" does not have to be on any given Sunday, or in any specific building, or any dreamed up ceremonial proceedings.

It could, and probably should,  be done "daily". One with God wherever one is, to remember why we are thankful.

And I seriously doubt, given Christs' love of innocent children that he is offended if a child sips a little grape juice, and eats a  cracker while the adults are busy feeling holy.
You may all go to hell, I will go to Texas. Davy Crockett
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Offline ironglow

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Re: Liberals and church
« Reply #20 on: November 20, 2021, 02:17:13 AM »
At a funeral only Catholics were allowed communion. As I understood what it meant I told my kids not to take it before I was informed of that rule.

  If it was a funeral run by a Catholic priest, that is understandable, since they have a different view on the process.

  Of course, communion is open to any Christian, at our church or even among a small circle..but not to be taken lightly, or with misunderstanding.
If you don't want the truth, don't ask me.  If you want something sugar coated...go eat a donut !  (anon)

Online Mule 11

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Re: Liberals and church
« Reply #21 on: November 20, 2021, 03:11:07 AM »
At a funeral only Catholics were allowed communion. As I understood what it meant I told my kids not to take it before I was informed of that rule.

  If it was a funeral run by a Catholic priest, that is understandable, since they have a different view on the process.

  Of course, communion is open to any Christian, at our church or even among a small circle..but not to be taken lightly, or with misunderstanding.
Well. Those wafers must have been good as one of the guys handing them out gobbled up all the leftovers even one that landed on the floor.

Offline Lloyd Smale

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Re: Liberals and church
« Reply #22 on: November 20, 2021, 03:34:40 AM »
it can be done any day by a catholic as a catholic priest says mass every day. it can not only be done any day but a priest or decon will come to your home every day and give it to you if you ask.   
Church officials deciding who gets "communion" and who doesn't is legalistic nonsense
so then you feel that the catholic church SHOULD let biden or anyone that claims to be catholic take HOLY communion? Thats an opinion (and all it is) that MILLIONS of catholics and other christians sure dont agree with you. Does your church allow the baptism of homosexuals or abortionists that havent asked for forgiveness?  To a catholic HOLY communion is taking Jesus into your life just like baptism is  and IS backed up by the bible with exact words from Jesus Christ. He started it. he did not start baptism. Now if you want to claim what HE said was incorrect then you must call everything said in the bible into question. He said "Take this bread IT IS MY FLESH, take this wine IT IS MY BLOOD.. Now if you want to dismiss what Jesus said in his LAST MINUTES ON EARTH to mean crackers and kool-aid for a snack then you are questioning the validity of everything he said. I doubt in his last minutes on earth he had the munchies. That right there is the problem with chirstianity today. Its been watered down and scriptures have been twisted so many different ways that organized religion has about become a business and the bible has become just a book that is weaponized to divide it into different sects by people that think they know more then there neighbor. Theres a few of them right here on this forum that are arrogant enough to think that they have God figured out and others dont.   
What is referred to as "churches" is a building. Nuthin more.
The church, is the people, and "ceremonial communion" is just that. Ceremonial.

Communion can be had at a table in the kitchen of your home, or a table in a McDonalds.

Church officials deciding who gets "communion" and who doesn't is legalistic nonsense.

Communion is still that personal relationship with God, "one on one".

Wherever Communion is taken, and whatever is used, Christ is sitting at the right hand of God, and is not gonna appear in the form of a cracker, or a french fry.

"Do this in remembrence of Me" does not have to be on any given Sunday, or in any specific building, or any dreamed up ceremonial proceedings.

It could, and probably should,  be done "daily". One with God wherever one is, to remember why we are thankful.

And I seriously doubt, given Christs' love of innocent children that he is offended if a child sips a little grape juice, and eats a  cracker while the adults are busy feeling holy.
blue lives matter
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Offline Northwoods

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Re: Liberals and church
« Reply #23 on: November 20, 2021, 03:39:27 AM »
theres a difference between letting them in the door and them actually being members of the church. If we didnt let them in and give them a chance to repent we wouldnt be christian and we would be just like the woke left we are fighting over these issues. Cant speak for other churches but the act of communion is the cornerstone of being a catholic and if your in sin you are not suppose to partake of it. Even if youve been a catholic for 30 years. A praciticing homosexual that hasnt admited its wrong and aske Jesus for forgiveness is not suppose to partake. Remember jesus was more conserned and spent more time with the sinners then he did good people. His goal and ours too should be bringing the lost back to God. I detest the sins you listed as much as you. Im also a hyopcrtie because i dont much bother with trying to repent them. But is that right? Nope. matter of fact me knowing what jesus said and how me must act and not doing it is probably as much of a sin as what they have done.

Ah, then I'd stand corrected except your original statement said nothing of redemption or repentance. I agree with most of the above but what was left out originally could of have other connotations.
I want movement, not a calm course of existence. I want excitement and danger and the chance to sacrifice myself for my love. I feel in myself a superabundance of energy which finds no outlet in our quiet life.”

― Leo Tolstoy

Offline Lloyd Smale

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Re: Liberals and church
« Reply #24 on: November 20, 2021, 03:39:30 AM »
actually they dont taste good. If you dont believe in it you shouldnt take it because that would make you a hypocrite as would someone like biden or an unrepentant sinner would be taking it. Differnce i see is i dont feel the need to pick apart someone elses christian faith. Some here make a sport of it. Silly thing is they spend so much time digging bs up to post that youd think they were trying to attack there familys. Go to any catholic church and you will be welcome with open arms no matter what church you claim as yours. Nobody is out to get you. Nobody is trying to force there beliefs on you.
At a funeral only Catholics were allowed communion. As I understood what it meant I told my kids not to take it before I was informed of that rule.

  If it was a funeral run by a Catholic priest, that is understandable, since they have a different view on the process.

  Of course, communion is open to any Christian, at our church or even among a small circle..but not to be taken lightly, or with misunderstanding.
Well. Those wafers must have been good as one of the guys handing them out gobbled up all the leftovers even one that landed on the floor.
blue lives matter

Offline Lloyd Smale

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Re: Liberals and church
« Reply #25 on: November 20, 2021, 03:43:26 AM »
fair enough. Im sure no expert on the catholic church or the bible. Im just a man that believes in Jesus christ and attends a church that is the largest group of chirstains in the world that apparently agree with me. Ill leave the technical and the biblical to my priest and spend my time worshiping Jesus Christ and trying to live my life like he said we must. No doubt im a failure but i keep trying. Ill let him judge the people who dont share my beliefs because he basicaly said that that is a sin.
theres a difference between letting them in the door and them actually being members of the church. If we didnt let them in and give them a chance to repent we wouldnt be christian and we would be just like the woke left we are fighting over these issues. Cant speak for other churches but the act of communion is the cornerstone of being a catholic and if your in sin you are not suppose to partake of it. Even if youve been a catholic for 30 years. A praciticing homosexual that hasnt admited its wrong and aske Jesus for forgiveness is not suppose to partake. Remember jesus was more conserned and spent more time with the sinners then he did good people. His goal and ours too should be bringing the lost back to God. I detest the sins you listed as much as you. Im also a hyopcrtie because i dont much bother with trying to repent them. But is that right? Nope. matter of fact me knowing what jesus said and how me must act and not doing it is probably as much of a sin as what they have done.

Ah, then I'd stand corrected except your original statement said nothing of redemption or repentance. I agree with most of the above but what was left out originally could of have other connotations.
blue lives matter

Offline Dee

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Re: Liberals and church
« Reply #26 on: November 20, 2021, 03:53:11 AM »
it can be done any day by a catholic as a catholic priest says mass every day. it can not only be done any day but a priest or decon will come to your home every day and give it to you if you ask.   
Church officials deciding who gets "communion" and who doesn't is legalistic nonsense
so then you feel that the catholic church SHOULD let biden or anyone that claims to be catholic take HOLY communion? Thats an opinion (and all it is) that MILLIONS of catholics and other christians sure dont agree with you. Does your church allow the baptism of homosexuals or abortionists that havent asked for forgiveness?  To a catholic HOLY communion is taking Jesus into your life just like baptism is  and IS backed up by the bible with exact words from Jesus Christ. He started it. he did not start baptism. Now if you want to claim what HE said was incorrect then you must call everything said in the bible into question. He said "Take this bread IT IS MY FLESH, take this wine IT IS MY BLOOD.. Now if you want to dismiss what Jesus said in his LAST MINUTES ON EARTH to mean crackers and kool-aid for a snack then you are questioning the validity of everything he said. I doubt in his last minutes on earth he had the munchies. That right there is the problem with chirstianity today. Its been watered down and scriptures have been twisted so many different ways that organized religion has about become a business and the bible has become just a book that is weaponized to divide it into different sects by people that think they know more then there neighbor. Theres a few of them right here on this forum that are arrogant enough to think that they have God figured out and others dont.   
What is referred to as "churches" is a building. Nuthin more.
The church, is the people, and "ceremonial communion" is just that. Ceremonial.

Communion can be had at a table in the kitchen of your home, or a table in a McDonalds.

Church officials deciding who gets "communion" and who doesn't is legalistic nonsense.

Communion is still that personal relationship with God, "one on one".

Wherever Communion is taken, and whatever is used, Christ is sitting at the right hand of God, and is not gonna appear in the form of a cracker, or a french fry.

"Do this in remembrence of Me" does not have to be on any given Sunday, or in any specific building, or any dreamed up ceremonial proceedings.

It could, and probably should,  be done "daily". One with God wherever one is, to remember why we are thankful.

And I seriously doubt, given Christs' love of innocent children that he is offended if a child sips a little grape juice, and eats a  cracker while the adults are busy feeling holy.
The little "catholic sheriff" is mind reading again.
He doesn't like my opinion on communion, so he ass-u-mes I'm talking about catholics. Cause everybody knows that catholics are the only ones that have communion.

Little sister reactions, are so dramatic.
You may all go to hell, I will go to Texas. Davy Crockett

Offline Lloyd Smale

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Re: Liberals and church
« Reply #27 on: November 20, 2021, 05:41:55 AM »
nope just unlike you can read plainly spoken words without putting my own ego in the mix. Ill take the plainly spoken word of Jesus Christ over the hate and prejudice tainted word of Dee who thinks its his way or the highway.
blue lives matter

Offline Dee

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Re: Liberals and church
« Reply #28 on: November 20, 2021, 05:56:08 AM »
nope just unlike you can read plainly spoken words without putting my own ego in the mix. Ill take the plainly spoken word of Jesus Christ over the hate and prejudice tainted word of Dee who thinks its his way or the highway.

I gave my opinion on church communion that didn't have a damn thing to do with that catholic cult your in, and you jump on it to give your usual distorted bullsh!t rendition of what I didn't say.
Your dumbass follows me around like a little girl, and if you don't like what I post off the news media you start this crap.
Why don't you grow up and realize you're not in charge of this website?

I don't care what you like, I don't care about what you dislike, and I don't care about you.

I agree with some of your neighbors. Your a loudmouthed little sniveler, that complains about everything.

Why don't you ignore me, like I try to ignore you? Goodgrief!::)
You may all go to hell, I will go to Texas. Davy Crockett

Offline BUGEYE

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Re: Liberals and church
« Reply #29 on: November 20, 2021, 08:13:57 AM »
I believe that communion is a very serious thing, and unless your heart is right (no democrats) you should not take it.
For instance, if you’re sitting in Church fuming about something your neighbor did to you or the guy who cut you off in traffic, you don’t need to take communion.
Before I take it, I try to go in my minds eye back to the scourging and back to his suffering on the cross which he did for me.   And I pray for him to make me worthy.
Give me liberty, or give me death
                                     Patrick Henry

Give me liberty, or give me death