I personally prefer stainless over blued when it comes to revolvers. If you're basically just carrying it around, and shooting it occasionaly, then one is as good as the other. I carry mine in the truck always here in Pulaski county VA, and shoot every day if possible. Under my circumstances, stainless is really hard to beat.
Although I try to baby all my guns, my revolvers(I guess because they're so compact compared to a rifle) seem to get shuffled, and bumped around quite a bit. Also, because I carry one of them constantly, they tend to get carried in while it's raining every time it rains. Add the daily dusting from the rides on dirt roads, and just the ever present dust that seems to accumulate in a pick-up when you live in the country, and it'll start to age a blued revolver fairly quick no matter how well you maintain it. Like Redhawk, I clean mine very regularly, but the stainless definately takes less care than a blued version.
The scratches that you'll inevitably end up putting on a revolver(if you use it), will look awful on a blued gun, but are hardly noticable on stainless. Those same scratches will end up trying to rust on bluing, but on stainless it's not a problem.