JMHO- it'll eventually come to confining
those who don't have the mark.
Won't be allowed to move about or even
grocery shop
The logical thing would have been to
bar entry for anyone trying to enter the
country without having an extensive
medical examination and an incubation
quarantine, just like they did in the late
1800's and early 1900's
It worked back then, and it'll work now.
Oh , but God forbid that somebody get
offended by insinuating that they might
have an infectious disease
It is not about stopping the spread of this or any other illness or cold or disease or infection.
Still, the way to keep other country's diseases
from entering and spreading is to close entry
and not allow anyone coming from an outside
region with known diseases to enter until they
either rode it out or didn't
Of course, it's too late now.
They already let someone traveling from
africa to enter california and brought the
newest variant with them ( of course)