That blown muffler bit brings back memories. When I was stationed in Germany (62-65) we used to have "Alerts"
When the siren went off (usually about 2AM), we were expected to take full gear, hitthe motor pool and be on the road to a disclosed form up station..ready to move & fighhjt.
That was because we were not sure but what Old Khruschev may decide to test our mettle across the Rhine.
Well, we had made it to our rendezvous area and were on the way back to post. I was riding with my buddy Ken, from Vermont, in th e 5-ton wrecker.
Now, here's whythe natives sometimes resent those young, crazy GIs.. We were coming down off a mountain with that old gas engined truck (602 cu in continental)..
Villages are always at the foot of the mountain, and Ken flicks off the switch about half way down..then flips it on again in th elittle village at the foot of the mountain. ..Don't know if we broke any windows...
Well, the company eight-ball was behind us in a 5 ton tractor. He thought it was pretty cool, so next down mountain he did the same..
Poor guy didn't check..but the company commander had his driver racing ahead to check the convoy in his M151 Jeep, and was right beside that tractor when the boom took place
..Article 15 w/restrictions..