A small sidelight..
I believe what Locust was driving at, was the fact that the 'wise men', did not visit Jesus at the on that
very holy night.
They arrived some time after the birth was accomplished, and visited him at the house where He, Mary and
Joseph were lodged. See (Mathew 2:11)
Similar trite questions come up when one wants too crush another's small, albeit misapplied, joy...
Back in the 19th century, Lew Wallace.. Former Civil War general, was appointed governor of New Mexico
territory. Lew Wallace was a very talented man, he also wrote a book called... "BEN HUR"..
In his book, Wallace highlighted the 3 wise men (Magi), he even provided them each with names...
As people will often do, they read or see a fictional book, film or video, and accept the full story as factual.
It is often thought that this is where the wise men at the stable idea was birthed, and some folks just love the coziness of the nativity scene.
Nobody is trying to say it represents the Lord's birth with absolute accuracy, since that is what we have the Bible for.
BTW: I an pleased to see that Team Nelson is posting...somehow I missed his recent posts... Just more "senior oversight" on my part, I guess...