I normally preach atthe local nursing home on the 2nd Sunday of each month.. so today was the day..
preached a message I called "The Road to Christmas"..
I explained the necessity of Jesus being incarnated.. Starting with the garden, how God placed them in the garden, and left one tree with "forbidden fruit"..because He almost always allows free will. So right off, Adam & Eve blew it !
I brought them down through Isaiah and into the New Testament..explaining the OT blood sacrifice, and hoiw God wanted to have one blood sacrifice that will erase all sin for all time.
Only sin free blood could wash away such sin, and there was not a person on earth without sin.. So God sacrificed His own son for that reason. Then I took them to (John 1:1-3 & 14), showing them how it was actually
God's blood being shed..
I could see the spirit was moving..so I carefully explained my aim and invited those who wished, to repeat 'the sinner's prayer'.. aloud.. I invited those already saved to "renew their vows' if they wished.
After the prayer, I asked how many had prayed.. Seven or eight raised their hands..when asked if this was the first time they had prayed it.. 4 were newly saved right then..
As I said..a great day !