It is six degrees here with no wind; a low of -18 is forecast for tonight and a little lower tomorrow, with double digit sub-zero again next week but this is normal winter for Minnesota.
Odd thing is, last winter, which was not that bad, my water softener at home in the basement froze and split open; I had an electric heater down there to stop the copper line from freezing, which it did on occasion for the past sixty years.
For the body of the softener to freeze and split open makes no sense as when I down and saw that it was FAR from being freezing cold air temp down there, go figure?
The asinine talking head weather people that act like Hell is freezing over make me sick to my stomach; plus the shite for brains windchill crap ( which now has the equally asinine heat index in summer) makes me want to throw a rock at the TV screen.
If they think that a normal winter is SOOO bad, get the hell out and live some where else.
Good thing is this puts the derelict welfare trash in a world of hurt; nothing reduces the influx of such trash like a hard Minnesota winter.