This is abouit the third one I have received over the several years..this one for CHRISTmas... The last one I received 3-4 days after my wife's death.
Like the last one, this one came in a long 'business' type envelope. It was addressed in what looks like hand done block letters, but by the print and ink and closer examination, it was obviously printed by some bulk mailing group. Return address is simply a PO Box #..
The letter however, is printed in regular type, and starts out.. "Hello, my name is Don, and i live in C _ _ _ e, (a nearby town). Then it goes on tio discuss the troublesome times...and ends up offering a "Bible study".
Included also, a brochure from a well known cult. The signature may have been "Don's"..but it was only a series of mostly vertical, and unreadable scratches.
It seems obvious that the cult has bought mass mailing privileges, and is shelling out good bucks to do so.
They are quite shrewd though, knowing that there are a certain number of people who are for one reason or another, hurting during this season...so here is an opportunity..
Whether they celebrate CHRISTmas or not, it is somewhat of an affront, to interrupt other's holidays.
The similar letter I received shortly after my wifes passing, made it obvious that they had combed the obituaries, looking for opportunities... now THAT WAS an insult !
Have you ever received a similar letter from the cults?