Rasmussen runs a poll, checking attitudes of voters, to the vaccination program. They found that a large percentage of self-confessed democrats have some very radical views.
https://www.rasmussenreports.com/public_content/politics/partner_surveys/jan_2022/covid_19_democratic_voters_support_harsh_measures_against_unvaccinated Here's a condensation of what is found, starting in paragraph #3;
Democrats by a margin of 59% think unvaxxed should be confined to home.
" " " " 48% think govt should fine or imprison unvxxed
" " " " 45% thik govt should force unvaxxed to live in "designated areas".
" " " " 47% favor a tracking device program be iinstituted.
" " " " 29% say take their kids away
A couple other findings 63% of black democrats would support vs 45% of white democrats would support Biden's vax mandate.
Of those who have a very favorable view of the Biden administration, 51% would favor putting the
unvaxed in "designated facilities"..
Now, do we still wonder how Hitler accomplished the establishment of the concentration camps?
...Or how Stalin established the gulags virtually unopposed ?