Parents are paranoid due political both Rep. and Dem. doom and gloom sound-bytes.
Children are not allowed to be children, they are kept penned up like pets, BUT, the fact the governments, Fed. , State, and especially Local now hold penalty of law over parents who raise adn discipline their children as had been done since this country was founded, it is not going to get better.
Problem is. If parents don’t keep an eye on their children. Someone else will... Sorry. Errr Not sorry. I choose your definition of paranoia over any form of trust from your aforementioned groups.
[/quote]That is the level of paranoia, when they are very young paranoid fear of germs, that has turned children into leash trained pets, until they go to public school.
Are parents keeping an eye out for their children while ultra-left teachers are indoctrinating them day, after day, after day, after day....