This is what happens when enough numbskulls elect tyrants to governorship.
As a reminder, I have had my pistol permit since 1973..with no problems or incidents of any kind.
Then crooked Cuomo, brought out his "safe act" , which requires renewal every 5 years...and obvious slap in the face for those who have had permits for decades...with no incidents of any kind
Today I picked up a newspaper that is published in a nearby town, located in Wyoming county.
The sheriff of Wyoming county felt obliged to warn HONEST handgun owners of the sorry details...from the article...
1) You will not receive a letter in or an Email from the state police or any other state entity, when you are up for recertification.
2) The state has no reminder mechanism in place.. (but they manage one for your auto license, insurance, etc..)
3) Additionally, your license card does not have an expiration date, it is up to each individual license holder to know when recertification is due..
The article goes on to say neither the county clerk, nor the sheriff's office can help you, since the "safe act" put that in the hands of the state police...you have to get in touch with them to find out if you are overdue..
I suppose that is so that if you are overdue, the state police can seize you guns, then and there.