Author Topic: Henny Penny sounds new alarms on Ukraine and lays out Russian invasion plan  (Read 1517 times)

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Offline Bob Riebe

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Anew Russian invasion of Ukraine appears imminent, possibly within “several days,” with signs pointing toward Moscow using a false pretext to send in troops amid alleged shelling in a contested region, President Joe Biden and some of his top aides said Thursday.

In a surprise appearance at the United Nations, Secretary of State Antony Blinken laid out the potential, “theatrical” steps American officials expect the Kremlin to take.

The U.S. officials’ warnings were the most dire to date in a conflict that has reached a fever pitch since Russian leader Vladimir Putin began amassing troops along the border with Ukraine last fall. Reports earlier this week from Russia indicated Putin may be pulling some troops back, but U.S. officials said Wednesday and Thursday that they believe Moscow has increased its troop presence to some 150,000 along the Ukrainian border with 7,000 new troops arriving in recent days.

Speaking of potential incursion, Biden on Thursday said his “sense is that it will happen within the next several days.” Other U.S. officials’ comments suggested a Russian attack could take place even sooner. Russia’s own announcements hinted that Putin was not happy with the direction of diplomatic efforts to solve the crisis, even as Moscow blamed Ukraine and the West for provocations and ignoring its security concerns.

The situation was so tense that American national security officials held multiple meetings overnight and U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Linda Thomas-Greenfield asked Blinken to speak at a U.N. Security Council meeting on Thursday on his way to the Munich Security Conference.

“The evidence on the ground is that Russia is moving toward an imminent invasion. This is a crucial moment,” Thomas-Greenfield told reporters Thursday morning.

Blinken went step-by-step to predict how Moscow would approach the situation, all part of an ongoing effort by the Biden administration to counter Russia’s disinformation and propaganda in as close to real time as possible.

First, Blinken said, Russia would come up with a pretext, possibly a “violent event” or an “outrageous accusation.”

“Second, in response to this manufactured provocation, the highest levels of the Russian government may theatrically convene emergency meetings to address the so-called crisis the government will introduce proclamations declaring that Russia must respond to defend citizens or ethnic Russians in Ukraine,” he said.

Once the attack starts, he added, “Russian missiles and bombs drop across Ukraine. Communications will be jammed. Cyberattacks will shut down key Ukrainian institutions. After that, Russian tanks and soldiers advance on key targets that have been mapped out in detailed plans. We believe these targets include Ukraine’s capital, Kyiv.”

Russia is the president of the Security Council this month, and it requested the meeting to discuss the implementation of the Minsk accords — agreements reached in the wake of Russia’s earlier invasion of Ukraine in 2014. Russia and Ukraine have not seen eye-to-eye on the details of the accords and have not fully implemented them.

A senior Biden administration official said Russia’s decision to call the U.N. meeting appeared “part of an attempt to establish a pretext for a potential invasion, building upon the disinformation and incendiary statements we’ve seen over recent weeks.”

“They have not moved any of their troops out. They have moved more troops in,” Biden said as he departed the White House on Thursday for an unrelated trip to Cleveland. “Every indication we have is they’re prepared to go into Ukraine, attack Ukraine.”

Adding to tensions were accusations by both Russia and Ukraine against the other of intensive shelling across the line that separates Ukrainian forces from Russia-backed separatists in Ukraine’s east. That separatist conflict was stoked by Russia beginning in 2014, when it invaded and annexed the Ukrainian region of Crimea.

Ukraine accused Russia of shelling a kindergarten, which Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy labeled a “big provocation.”

Senior Biden administration officials earlier this week laid out other potential pretexts the Kremlin may use to justify a new invasion.

“We have already seen an increase in false claims by the Russians in the past few days, including reports of an unmarked grave of civilians allegedly killed by the Ukrainian armed forces, statements that the U.S. and Ukraine are developing biological or chemical weapons, and that the West is funneling in guerrillas to kill locals,” one official said during a Wednesday briefing. “Each of these allegations is categorically false, and we should expect more false reports from Russian state media over the coming days.”

There also have been cyberattacks in recent days on Ukrainian government bodies, but American officials have not yet been willing to attribute those to Russia.

Russia, meanwhile, announced that it had given written responses to the United States as part of ongoing diplomacy aimed at dealing with what Moscow says are its security concerns. Putin has for weeks sought guarantees that Ukraine will never join NATO, and that the military alliance will limit its presence near Russia. The Kremlin even drafted treaty language it has pushed the United States and its allies to endorse.

U.S. and NATO officials have been unwilling to entertain Moscow’s key demands, saying Russia cannot dictate what Ukraine or NATO do. But U.S. officials have said they are willing to discuss with Russia issues like military exercises, where missiles are based and other security matters.

According to Russian media, much of which is state-controlled, the written response from Moscow notes that “the American side did not give a constructive response to the basic elements of the draft treaty prepared by the Russian side.”

According to the Kommersant news outlet, Russia further declared that “in the absence of the readiness of the American side to agree on firm, legally binding guarantees to ensure our security from the United States and its allies, Russia will be forced to respond, including by implementing measures of a military-technical nature.”

A senior State Department official confirmed that the Russian government delivered the document to U.S. Ambassador to Russia John Sullivan on Thursday, but the official did not go into further details.

A spokesperson for the U.S. Embassy in Moscow also confirmed that Russia had expelled the No. 2 official at the embassy, Bart Gorman, who departed a few days ago.

“Gorman was the second-most senior official at U.S. Embassy Moscow after the ambassador and a key member of the embassy’s senior leadership team,” the spokesperson said. “Russia’s [deputy chief of mission] recently departed in a regular diplomatic rotation at the end of his tour in January.”

Both Russia and the U.S. have used various maneuvers to limit one another's diplomatic presence on their respective home soil over the past several months. The U.S. embassy spokesperson suggested that will continue.

“Russia’s action against our [deputy chief of mission] was unprovoked and we consider this an escalatory step and are considering our response,” the spokesperson said. “[Deputy Chief of Mission] Gorman’s tour had not ended; he had a valid visa, and he had been in Russia less than three years.”

Joseph Gedeon contributed to this report.

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  While I would as soon see Biden pay less attention to the Ukraine border, and far more attention to our southern border, a couple thing perhaps should be made clear.
   I believe a lot of "smoke and mirrors' are being deployed, in an effort to paint a notion that Russia should "own" the Ukraine.
  First off, Hunter Biden business connections with Burisma and the Ukraine, had nothing to do with the current president, nor his administration..The Ukrainian people got rid of hunter's pals by electing the new president.

   Putin got "butt hurt" because the Ukraine people kicked his butt out back in 2014, but sadly the crooks they brought in were no better.  Yanukovych was no better than the Russian puppets he succeeded.

  While the above article is filled with propaganda, it at least furnishes a timeline.

   TM. you are a thinking man...  so I am still trying to figure why you seem to favor the Russian claims so stridently..

  It should be obvious to anyone who ever saw the Iron Curtain fall and whoever in 1989, watched the people fleeing west after that collapse..that the people those captive states WANTED THEIR FREEDOM

   Below, see photo of the people of Lithuania..lining the highways, demanding freedom from their Russian domination, back in 1989..
If you don't want the truth, don't ask me.  If you want something sugar coated...go eat a donut !  (anon)

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I think we are closer than we seem at first glance.  I have no, zilch, nada..respect for anything Biden, Clinton, Kamelhead or any other Demonrat's evil schemes....which I personally believe includes most world leaders..politically and economically.
   ..But of course, there are many Repugnicans who fit into the same mold.

  What I truly would like, is to see this personal freedoms effort started courageously by Canadian truckers.. a genuine movement by  "the people'"....spread around the world, which it appears to be doing.  With only the most despotic resisting it with Draconian measures.

   Still, I believe if Russia wants to lay claim to Ukraine...there will be much bloodshed..
If you don't want the truth, don't ask me.  If you want something sugar coated...go eat a donut !  (anon)

Offline scattershot

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The Ukrainian president doesn’t seem to worried, so either he’s complicit in the Russian takeover, or Biden is lying to us. Maybe a little of both. Let’s go, Brandon.

Offline Bob Smith

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Putin’s poodle at it again….

Offline ironglow

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  surely, there are complexities we cannot fully understand.  Just as murky and multifaceted as the Demonrats attack on freedom has been, consider a world filled with just such a mess, where TRUTH is so seldom dealt with.

   When we see what "Bull" Durham alone, has uncovered... I cannot fathom a Durham operating in all the leading governments unfettered.
   With the stink uncovered involving our Demonrats alone...imagine the stench that would be rising all over the globe !

  This appears to be a spiritual war of Biblical proportions....and involving Biblical judgements !
If you don't want the truth, don't ask me.  If you want something sugar coated...go eat a donut !  (anon)

Online Mule 11

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Putin’s poodle at it again….
Says the bot...

Offline Dixie-Dude

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Eastern Ukraine also is where rocket engines are manufactured, also, the Zenith rocket, which started out as an ICBM, but became a cheap satellite launcher, until SpaceX came along.  They also manufactured several Soviet jets.  Eastern Ukraine is now predominately Russian people who were moved there to work after the Communists took over the Russian Empire.  These are the break-a-way provinces who actually want to join Russia.  Ukraine has no control in them right now.  Russia could take them now without firing a shot.  Same as they did in Crimea, which is also Russian people.  Back in the Stalin purges of the 1920's and 30's about 20 million were killed (purged) and replaced with Russians. 
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Offline Bob Riebe

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This is the area that is Biden is have a shite-fit about.
NO ONE thinks Russia is going to try to take all of Ukraine, as much President Henny-Penny and his lying flunkies want you to believe; as I said in another post, Ukraine is just slightly smaller than Texas.

Offline mcbammer

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  IMO ,  Biden wants this war more than Putin . A war  with an election in 9 months  would surely be a  requisite for  mail-in ballots .
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Offline scattershot

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Re: Henny Penny sounds new alarms on Ukraine and lays out Russian invasion plan
« Reply #10 on: February 18, 2022, 12:23:33 PM »
I think you’re on to something.

Offline ironglow

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Re: Henny Penny sounds new alarms on Ukraine and lays out Russian invasion plan
« Reply #11 on: February 19, 2022, 07:31:34 AM »
I don't think Biden either wants or doesn't want a war in the Ukraine...I doubt he has a clue as to what is going on.
  The simple answer...  Putin, KGB trained..wants to reconstitute the old Soviet Union.  In order to do this, he must re-absorb the old soviet client states.  If Ukraine or any other of the former republics were to join would be a serious crimp in his plans.

  Once Ukraine goes back under domination, which of the old states are next..Poland, Bulgaria, Latvia, Estonia, Romania, ..Moldova or perhaps Lithuania?
If you don't want the truth, don't ask me.  If you want something sugar coated...go eat a donut !  (anon)

Offline ironglow

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Re: Henny Penny sounds new alarms on Ukraine and lays out Russian invasion plan
« Reply #12 on: February 19, 2022, 05:10:11 PM »
I do not dispute for ne moment that Putin has been good for mother Russia..taht is likely why the Russians chose him, and that is his primary task.

   I am only concerned with his expansionist policy..

  We watched stalinism in all it's glory..swallow up, the Balkans, then all the "stans" he could swallow..then gobble up the Baltic countries ..and when the opportunity arose..he took over Poland, Hungary, Czechoslovakia, Romania.and a host of other smaller nations.

  Putin, who was schooled in the communist schools of the KGB, seems to be doing the same thing.
  We watched the expansionist Nazis cooperate with the USSR to subjugate east Europe..Stalin took half of Poland and gave Hitler the other half.  Then Hitler moved on to take western Europe....France, Belgium, Netherlands, Luxemburg, Austria, etc, etc.

  England tried diplomacy..Chamberlain and his paper..  Finally, the two expansionism driven dictators..(Stalin& Hitler) came to blows on their own.

     Meanwhile, we faced the "Greater East Asia Co-prosperity Sphere"..designed by Tojo, okayed by Hirohito and imposed upon the rest of east Asia.

   What would world history have looked like, if the US, UK and the rest of the world simply continued to sit upon their hands?  They had already sat far too long.

  It is an old pattern of history... Eat or be eaten..

   When Pres Trump left office, the US was undisputed "top dog" in the world, and he did it with less war, strife and provocation.  He even had the Sunni Muslim countries dealing with Israel...
   if we keep on the prescribed Demonrat trail we are traveling, we will end up being the dog that hides under the porch..and every stray mutt that comes along, takes a bite..just for the fun of it !.
If you don't want the truth, don't ask me.  If you want something sugar coated...go eat a donut !  (anon)

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Re: Henny Penny sounds new alarms on Ukraine and lays out Russian invasion plan
« Reply #13 on: February 20, 2022, 01:39:37 AM »
  IMO ,  Biden wants this war more than Putin . A war  with an election in 9 months  would surely be a  requisite for  mail-in ballots .

In my 72 years, I've never seen a sitting  United States president narrate a foreign invasion of another country like a sports caster pregame show host.
Its bizarre.
You may all go to hell, I will go to Texas. Davy Crockett

Offline ironglow

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Re: Henny Penny sounds new alarms on Ukraine and lays out Russian invasion plan
« Reply #14 on: February 20, 2022, 05:08:54 PM »
  IMO ,  Biden wants this war more than Putin . A war  with an election in 9 months  would surely be a  requisite for  mail-in ballots .

In my 72 years, I've never seen a sitting  United States president narrate a foreign invasion of another country like a sports caster pregame show host.
Its bizarre.

... And that is about ALL he will do...and the world knows it !  I cannot feature how a war in eastern Europe would help stupid's chances in any way.

   To most of the world, he is already a non-entity..
If you don't want the truth, don't ask me.  If you want something sugar coated...go eat a donut !  (anon)

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Re: Henny Penny sounds new alarms on Ukraine and lays out Russian invasion plan
« Reply #15 on: February 20, 2022, 05:41:00 PM »
Putin can take the eastern provinces without firing a shot and without a guerrilla war, since the eastern provinces are 90% Russian anyway. 
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Re: Henny Penny sounds new alarms on Ukraine and lays out Russian invasion plan
« Reply #16 on: February 21, 2022, 02:11:08 AM »
The 3500+ 82nd Airborne troops need to be brought home, and let Europe take care of Europe.
You may all go to hell, I will go to Texas. Davy Crockett
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Offline ironglow

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Re: Henny Penny sounds new alarms on Ukraine and lays out Russian invasion plan
« Reply #17 on: February 21, 2022, 06:23:17 AM »
  Isolationism perhaps had a place perhaps 400 years ago..when oceans were at least 2 months away, travel wise, and wars were a comparatively slow moving event.
   Today however, a nuclear warhead only takes minutes to cross that distance..and win or lose can be  decided in just that many minutes.
   The last time the US dabbled in isolationism, was just prior to WW2, and we all know how that worked out!

   One should never history is the story of one empire trying to overcome the other in their grasp for land, influence and power....until somebody stops them.!
  The earliest recorded, the Sumerian empire was always on the quest to enlarge.  Followed by Babylonian empire, the Persian empire, the Assyrian empire, the Greek empire. Roman empire, Holy Roman empire and the Ottoman empire just to name a  few..

  Most of these ventures were not driven by sensible persons, but by dictators or oligharchs who lost all reason in their desire for power and recognition.

If you don't want the truth, don't ask me.  If you want something sugar coated...go eat a donut !  (anon)

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Re: Henny Penny sounds new alarms on Ukraine and lays out Russian invasion plan
« Reply #18 on: February 21, 2022, 07:25:18 AM »
  Isolationism perhaps had a place perhaps 400 years ago..when oceans were at least 2 months away, travel wise, and wars were a comparatively slow moving event.
   Today however, a nuclear warhead only takes minutes to cross that distance..and win lose can be  decided in just that many minutes.
   The last time the US dabbled in isolationism, was just prior to WW2, and we all know how that worked out!

   One should never history is the story of one empire trying to overcome the other in their grasp for land, influence and power....until somebody stops them.!
  The earliest recorded, the Sumerian empire was always on the quest to enlarge.  Followed by Babylonian empire, the Persian empire, the Assyrian empire, the Greek empire. Roman empire, Holy Roman empire and the Ottoman empire just to name a  few..

  Most of these ventures were not driven by sensible persons, but by dictators or oligharchs who lost all reason in their desire for power and recognition.

Isolationism? Did I say we should isolate ourselves?

I guess I should have expected a few ironglow-isms, and a lecture, by suggesting we stay out of a worthless conflict that has no tactical, or financial advantage to the United States whatsoever.
You may all go to hell, I will go to Texas. Davy Crockett

Offline Bob Riebe

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Re: Henny Penny sounds new alarms on Ukraine and lays out Russian invasion plan
« Reply #19 on: February 21, 2022, 08:25:52 AM »
The Donbas , which I said is smaller than Delaware has a mostly Russian population , who wants to be a part of Russian.
Putin can take that with a small loss.
Is he going to take all of the Ukraine?
That means tens of thousands of dead soldiers, not to mention civilians; He cannot afford that.
The Soviet Dictators gave the Ukraine the separate state level they have to placate the civilization after WWII, it is coming back to bit them in the ass.   
It was always part of Russia, when the Leninist butchers took over they slaughtered the  farmers who did not want to give up their land, THAT is why the Ukraine has little love for the Russian government.                       

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Re: Henny Penny sounds new alarms on Ukraine and lays out Russian invasion plan
« Reply #20 on: February 21, 2022, 08:51:09 AM »
The Donbas , which I said is smaller than Delaware has a mostly Russian population , who wants to be a part of Russian.
Putin can take that with a small loss.
Is he going to take all of the Ukraine?
That means tens of thousands of dead soldiers, not to mention civilians; He cannot afford that.
The Soviet Dictators gave the Ukraine the separate state level they have to placate the civilization after WWII, it is coming back to bit them in the ass.   
It was always part of Russia, when the Leninist butchers took over they slaughtered the  farmers who did not want to give up their land, THAT is why the Ukraine has little love for the Russian government.                     

Yeah, but some here think its worth a few thousand dead American soldiers. Never mind how worthless an endeavor.
You may all go to hell, I will go to Texas. Davy Crockett

Offline ironglow

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Re: Henny Penny sounds new alarms on Ukraine and lays out Russian invasion plan
« Reply #21 on: February 21, 2022, 09:40:37 AM »
  Isolationism perhaps had a place perhaps 400 years ago..when oceans were at least 2 months away, travel wise, and wars were a comparatively slow moving event.
   Today however, a nuclear warhead only takes minutes to cross that distance..and win lose can be  decided in just that many minutes.
   The last time the US dabbled in isolationism, was just prior to WW2, and we all know how that worked out!

   One should never history is the story of one empire trying to overcome the other in their grasp for land, influence and power....until somebody stops them.!
  The earliest recorded, the Sumerian empire was always on the quest to enlarge.  Followed by Babylonian empire, the Persian empire, the Assyrian empire, the Greek empire. Roman empire, Holy Roman empire and the Ottoman empire just to name a  few..

  Most of these ventures were not driven by sensible persons, but by dictators or oligharchs who lost all reason in their desire for power and recognition.

Isolationism? Did I say we should isolate ourselves?

I guess I should have expected a few ironglow-isms, and a lecture, by suggesting we stay out of a worthless conflict that has no tactical, or financial advantage to the United States whatsoever.

   Did I mention you in my post #23 ?  Perhaps you should look names mentioned..
  Perhaps you didn't notice, but I also have been against US military interventionism.  One need only be concerned if the shoe fits. ..But it still seems clear that many do not recognize the full extent of the age old conflict between good and evil.

   Are Biden $ Putin cooperating? Well, Biden could change the entire picture by lifting his blessing from Russia's Nord Stream pipeline, and reopening our entire petroleum industry!
  Without this super-gift given him by Biden, he could not afford to prosecute expansionist adventures.
Biden could not be cooperating more with Putin, if he hauled his troops and tanks for him

  The Biden team, Putin's team, Trudeau's team. Antifa, BLM, worldwide atheists and Satanists, Those who have a soul-deep hatred for Christians and Jews..all peas in the same pod !

   We have our Father, they have theirs !  This is all trending toward a rescue and a cataclysm ..choose wisely...
If you don't want the truth, don't ask me.  If you want something sugar coated...go eat a donut !  (anon)

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Re: Henny Penny sounds new alarms on Ukraine and lays out Russian invasion plan
« Reply #22 on: February 21, 2022, 11:54:05 AM »
So, Diaper Joe sends 5,000 more troops to Europe, in anticipation of a war that isn’t any of our business, and that no one seems to care about but him. Has anyone considered that this is 5,000 more Republican votes he won’t have to worry about in the mid term elections?

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Re: Henny Penny sounds new alarms on Ukraine and lays out Russian invasion plan
« Reply #23 on: February 21, 2022, 01:04:47 PM »
So, Diaper Joe sends 5,000 more troops to Europe, in anticipation of a war that isn’t any of our business, and that no one seems to care about but him. Has anyone considered that this is 5,000 more Republican votes he won’t have to worry about in the mid term elections?

The Midterms are gonna be so Rigged, It won't matter How many People Vote Republican....

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Re: Henny Penny sounds new alarms on Ukraine and lays out Russian invasion plan
« Reply #24 on: February 21, 2022, 02:56:03 PM »
  Isolationism perhaps had a place perhaps 400 years ago..when oceans were at least 2 months away, travel wise, and wars were a comparatively slow moving event.
   Today however, a nuclear warhead only takes minutes to cross that distance..and win lose can be  decided in just that many minutes.
   The last time the US dabbled in isolationism, was just prior to WW2, and we all know how that worked out!

   One should never history is the story of one empire trying to overcome the other in their grasp for land, influence and power....until somebody stops them.!
  The earliest recorded, the Sumerian empire was always on the quest to enlarge.  Followed by Babylonian empire, the Persian empire, the Assyrian empire, the Greek empire. Roman empire, Holy Roman empire and the Ottoman empire just to name a  few..

  Most of these ventures were not driven by sensible persons, but by dictators or oligharchs who lost all reason in their desire for power and recognition.

Isolationism? Did I say we should isolate ourselves?

I guess I should have expected a few ironglow-isms, and a lecture, by suggesting we stay out of a worthless conflict that has no tactical, or financial advantage to the United States whatsoever.

   Did I mention you in my post #23 ?  Perhaps you should look names mentioned..
  Perhaps you didn't notice, but I also have been against US military interventionism.  One need only be concerned if the shoe fits. ..But it still seems clear that many do not recognize the full extent of the age old conflict between good and evil.

   Are Biden $ Putin cooperating? Well, Biden could change the entire picture by lifting his blessing from Russia's Nord Stream pipeline, and reopening our entire petroleum industry!
  Without this super-gift given him by Biden, he could not afford to prosecute expansionist adventures.
Biden could not be cooperating more with Putin, if he hauled his troops and tanks for him

  The Biden team, Putin's team, Trudeau's team. Antifa, BLM, worldwide atheists and Satanists, Those who have a soul-deep hatred for Christians and Jews..all peas in the same pod !

   We have our Father, they have theirs !  This is all trending toward a rescue and a cataclysm ..choose wisely...

I say let Europe take care of Europe, and you follow up with your historical lecture on isolationism.

Now your just aghast that I would think it was directed at my remarks.

Your disingenuous hypocrisy knows no bounds.
You may all go to hell, I will go to Texas. Davy Crockett

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Re: Henny Penny sounds new alarms on Ukraine and lays out Russian invasion plan
« Reply #25 on: February 21, 2022, 03:07:05 PM »
  It seems like getting very difficult to post anything, without Dee coming into argue and snarl.

   He seems to have a burr, permanently under his saddle ..full time.  In 20 odd years, i have never put anyone on the "ignore list"..but I am coming close..
If you don't want the truth, don't ask me.  If you want something sugar coated...go eat a donut !  (anon)

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Re: Henny Penny sounds new alarms on Ukraine and lays out Russian invasion plan
« Reply #26 on: February 21, 2022, 03:12:48 PM »
  It seems like getting very difficult to post anything, without Dee coming into argue and snarl.

   He seems to have a burr, permanently under his saddle ..full time.  In 20 odd years, i have never put anyone on the "ignore list"..but I am coming close..

Do I have to sign anything to get you to put me on your ignore list, because it's a stellar idea. To have you NOT COMMENT on everything I post would truly be amazing.

I would gladly return the favor.  8)
You may all go to hell, I will go to Texas. Davy Crockett

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Re: Henny Penny sounds new alarms on Ukraine and lays out Russian invasion plan
« Reply #27 on: February 21, 2022, 03:52:07 PM »
Look to your priming, it’s gonna get ugly.

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Re: Henny Penny sounds new alarms on Ukraine and lays out Russian invasion plan
« Reply #28 on: February 21, 2022, 05:32:49 PM »
Moldova already has Russian troops it it's country.  It is allied with Putin.  Same with Belarus.  It too is already has Russian troops stations there also.  Both are allied with Russia.  All the other countries around, except Ukraine, are in NATO. 
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Re: Henny Penny sounds new alarms on Ukraine and lays out Russian invasion plan
« Reply #29 on: February 22, 2022, 01:18:14 AM »
Moldova already has Russian troops it it's country.  It is allied with Putin.  Same with Belarus.  It too is already has Russian troops stations there also.  Both are allied with Russia.  All the other countries around, except Ukraine, are in NATO.

  Ukraine received their independence from the USSR in August 1991.
  Moldova gained their independence in August, 1991.

   Belarus got their independence in December 1991.

   ..And for some reason, the Supreme Soviet granted Crimea its autonomy back in 1954..

   Now we see that Moldova, Belarus and after an invasion Crimea, are again under Russian domination again, whether they like it or not..

  The independent state of Georgia was retaken by a "shock and awe" invasion by Russia in 2008.

  ..A possible invasion of the Ukraine is  imminent !

  When the USSR collapsed..the republic of Chechnya declared it's independence from that moribund entity. 
Then like the mythical Phoenix,  Russia arises from the ashes...and th efirst breakaway republic they attack, was Chechnya, which after much blood-letting,they forced back into the fold of the "evil empire"..

 Does all those conquests and bloodshed speak to expansionism?
If you don't want the truth, don't ask me.  If you want something sugar coated...go eat a donut !  (anon)