Good sorghum molasses is the best syrup for cornbread, but it is hard to find the good stuff anymore. Most has too many leaves left on the stalk when squeezed, which makes the syrup dark and a little bitter, and then they thin it with corn syrup to make it look like a better grade. Then they price it like it is the good stuff.
That brought back a old memory I had'nt thought of in years , My GP grew sugarcane an would take it to a fellow that had a mule drawn syrup mill to squeeze and cook the juice . It always turned out more than we could ever eat .
Mother's side of the family had a syrup mill.
Everybody in that part of the country had a
patch of ribbon cane and made syrup or
would trade cane for finished syrup.
That's pretty much all the sweetening a
lot of folks had in those days.
I'd use more ribbon cane syrup myself
if it was easier to find in this area.
You can still find it easy about an hour
east or southeast of here.
Good rich flavor. Makes the best
puh-khan pie you can put in
your mouth