I've got a decent pile of ingots from
when I used to make big sinkers for
offshore fishing when we used to go
often, but not thousands, more like
hundreds of lbs.
I never started casting bullets because
I used to be able to buy way cheaper from
a local store way cheaper than investing
in the pots and lubrisizer, etc.
The people that owned the store also
have a commercial cast bullet operation,
so buying a few thousand from them
was more expedient for me. I've got
I don't know how many boxes here and
there stashed away. More than I have
cases to poke them into.
If I stay out of any neighborhood
firefights for a few years, I should have
enough to hold me until my number
is called
I have whittled my food down considerably
since the shortages started, but then, that's
what it's for.