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Offline VA Rifleman

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Re: putin is ramping it up
« Reply #30 on: March 01, 2022, 03:55:18 AM »
If Putin’s plan involves reinvigorating NATO, destroying the Russian economy, becoming a worldwide pariah, his military a laughingstock and making Zelensky one of the greatest leaders of the century, yah. It’s working great.
Ah yah! Here's 'one of the greatest leaders of the century'. In typical NWO gender bender confused alter ego display. Bob will really like this. Hey Bob, go 'curate' this >>>


So what. Zelensky was a comedian. Great leaders come from all walks of life.

President Zelensky’s reply when Team Biden asked if he wanted to evacuate. “I don’t need a ride, I need ammo”.

In contrast.
Russian puppet Yanukovych fled back to Moscow in 2014 when faced with adversity.

VERY impressed with the Ukrainian people and their President.

Baring major mistakes on our part such as no fly zones, Putin will be hoisted on his on petard. Not to plan.
Ammunition is like firewood. The more you have, the warmer you feel.

Offline VA Rifleman

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Re: putin is ramping it up
« Reply #31 on: March 01, 2022, 06:31:21 AM »
Didn’t watch it. No need. Left ridiculed Reagan for being a actor and Trump for being a “failed” developer. This no different. Ukrainian’s choose well as facts on the ground have shown.

Could mention stories about Putin and the WEF but don’t see the need.

We agree on multiple things. This not one. Pro Russia is pro war. Only one side threatening Nukes when their invasion doesn’t go well.

Said it before. Vlad needs a diplomatic off ramp. This could go sideways in a hurry.
Ammunition is like firewood. The more you have, the warmer you feel.
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Offline VA Rifleman

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Re: putin is ramping it up
« Reply #32 on: March 01, 2022, 11:39:29 AM »
Ukrainian video collection. Farmers nicking Russian armor with tractors. Russian tanks discover ground not frozen. Ukrainian Gypsies steal another. Ukrainian soldier finds operational Russian T72 and drives it off. Ukrainian tow company’s relocate Russian armor to UA base.

Abandoned Russian armor and vehicles everywhere.
Ammunition is like firewood. The more you have, the warmer you feel.

Offline VA Rifleman

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Re: putin is ramping it up
« Reply #33 on: March 01, 2022, 12:57:39 PM »

You might want to note while you're keeping  score Russian  an Ukrainian  mobile wsr equipment  is the same.

Umm...not really. Though perhaps the Ukrainians have cleverly acquired the latest and most modern Russian hardware and left it on the side of the road for civilians to use.

Either way a Russian Pantsir SAM system may come in handy.

 BTW. Some have Z marks. Some don’t. Don’t think the Z is totally definitive. The compound full of BTR’s has a Z close up. Ukrainian misdirection probably.
Ammunition is like firewood. The more you have, the warmer you feel.

Offline VA Rifleman

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Re: putin is ramping it up
« Reply #34 on: March 01, 2022, 01:27:41 PM »
Your wrong as to several systems and operational types but that’s okay.
Ammunition is like firewood. The more you have, the warmer you feel.

Offline Lloyd Smale

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Re: putin is ramping it up
« Reply #35 on: March 01, 2022, 10:59:22 PM »
John Wayne, Clint Eastwood and Ronald Reagan were entertainers and all wore makeup which you wouldnt catch me alive wearing. They all hung around other rich actors and actresses that were hard core liberals too which I wouldnt do. SO WHAT. I know your a bit off the wall but do you really consider Zelenskyy the bad guy here and think putin is some kind of ambassador from God trying to stop sin?? Zelensky isnt perfect but hes not killing women and babbies!!!! Some days you sure make me shake my head. I truely believe satan is playing a part in this but hes sitting at a BIG table in russia turning brighter red each minute this goes on. I wonder what you would have thought of Jesus. After all he never got married and hung around 12 guys all day and night and loved some wine. 

You might want to note while you're keeping  score Russian  an Ukrainian  mobile wsr equipment  is the same. But Russians have marked all, ALL. their equipment with a Z...with a Z. I'll leave you to figure out why on your own. I didn’t see Z's on your snippet, nor on mainstream media pix..

Incidentally, I  can not blame you for not viewing that Zelenskyy video.....afterall nobody wants to think of their modern day Churchill as a perv, despite the fact Euro leaders and media  have come out to say the Ukrainian  war is about making the world safe for the LGBT life.

Warning For those who do watch it, be informed that you will be watching Sodom and Gomorrah dead in the eye, and pure demoniac behavior . Get children and grand children out of the room...they don't need to see this.
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Re: putin is ramping it up
« Reply #36 on: March 02, 2022, 03:18:11 AM »
nope but ive seen a man stand up and risk his life for his country. Willing to die for it when he easily could have ran and lived his life as a rich man in another country. . What have you done so brave for your country that you can judge him.
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Offline billy_56081

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Re: putin is ramping it up
« Reply #37 on: March 02, 2022, 03:25:25 AM »
This "war" doesn't seem all they say it is. Where is all the air defense fire? Where are all the artillery barrages?  I am seeing a few burning buildings but no combat footage except videos that were proven to be hoaxes.
99% of all Lawyers give the other 1% a bad name. What I find hilarious about this is they are such an arrogant bunch, that they all think they are in the 1%.

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Re: putin is ramping it up
« Reply #38 on: March 02, 2022, 03:32:11 AM »
This "war" doesn't seem all they say it is. Where is all the air defense fire? Where are all the artillery barrages?  I am seeing a few burning buildings but no combat footage except videos that were proven to be hoaxes.

With the media reporting you never know the truth, because they just show and tell what they want you to know. 
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Re: putin is ramping it up
« Reply #39 on: March 02, 2022, 03:37:34 AM »
Here is a bit of a different view other than what the propagandists have been spewing.
Those people who will not be governed by God will be ruled by tyrants.    Wm. Penn

Offline mcbammer

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Re: putin is ramping it up
« Reply #40 on: March 02, 2022, 04:28:46 AM »
Here is a bit of a different view other than what the propagandists have been spewing.
Alot of truth in that article .   Ukraine became the the cash register for money laundering & corruption .  Globalist vs Putin to sum it up .

Offline scattershot

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Re: putin is ramping it up
« Reply #41 on: March 02, 2022, 05:12:43 AM »
Everyone seems in awe and/or terrified of that 40 mile long convoy of Russians that doesn’t seem to be going anywhere. Don’t the Ukrainians have artillery? A couple of rounds at the head of that convoy would stop it in its tracks.

Offline Bob Riebe

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Re: putin is ramping it up
« Reply #42 on: March 02, 2022, 06:31:54 AM »
It was reported on the news last night that the Russian convoy is putzing along because the soldier in it do not want to go to war against the Ukraine.
There are reports of some sabotaging their own vehicles to slow it down.
The Ukraine leaders are corrupt scum similar to the cancer that infests Hollywood and the Swamp.

I have not read all of  them yet but  are new reports are wondering why Russian has not used itz Airforce to attack the Ukraine.
There could be good things coming out of this,  (just as the election in the U.S. was what was need to wake up ignorant U.S. populace)  as Putin cannot run again without a Russian law change and from reports in non-USA based news sorts he and some of his cronies are under inside -- what the hell are you doing -- resistance.
Also the Oligarchs are hurting in multiple ways from the war.

Offline Bob Riebe

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Re: putin is ramping it up
« Reply #43 on: March 02, 2022, 07:12:30 AM »
News|Russia-Ukraine war
Why hasn’t Russia mobilised its vast air power against Ukraine?

The first six days of invasion have confounded expectations that Russia would try to immediately destroy Ukraine’s air force.

Published On 2 Mar 20222 Mar 2022

Before Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, United States intelligence had predicted a blistering assault by Moscow that would quickly mobilise the vast Russian air power that its military assembled in order to dominate Ukraine’s skies.

But the first six days have confounded those expectations and instead seen Moscow act far more delicately with its air power, so much so that US officials cannot exactly explain what is driving Russia’s apparent risk-averse behaviour.

“They’re not necessarily willing to take high risks with their own aircraft and their own pilots,” a senior US defence official told Reuters news agency, speaking on condition of anonymity.

Vastly outmatched by Russia’s military, in terms of raw numbers and firepower, Ukraine’s own air force is still flying and its air defences are still deemed to be viable – a fact that is baffling military experts.

After the opening salvos of the war on February 24, analysts expected the Russian military to try to immediately destroy Ukraine’s air force and air defences.

That would have been “the logical and widely anticipated next step, as seen in almost every military conflict since 1938,” wrote the Royal United Services Institute (RUSI) think-tank in London, in an article called The Mysterious Case of the Missing Russian Air Force.

Instead, Ukrainian air force fighter jets are still carrying out low-level, defensive counter-air and ground-attack sorties. Russia is still flying through contested airspace.

Ukrainian troops with surface-to-air rockets are able to threaten Russian aircraft and create risks for Russian pilots trying to support ground forces.
“There’s a lot of stuff they’re doing that’s perplexing,” said Rob Lee, a Russian military specialist at the Foreign Policy Research Institute.

He thought the beginning of the war would be “maximum use of force”.

“Because every day it goes on, there’s a cost and the risk goes up. And they’re not doing that and it just is really hard to explain for any realistic reason.”
The confusion over how Russia has used its air force comes as US President Joe Biden’s administration rejected calls by Kyiv for a no-fly zone that could draw the US directly into a conflict with Russia, whose plans for its air force are unclear.

Military experts have seen evidence of a lack of Russian air force coordination with ground troop formations, with multiple Russian columns of troops sent forward beyond the reach of their own air defence cover.
That leaves Russian soldiers vulnerable to attack from Ukrainian forces, including those newly equipped with Turkish drones and US and British anti-tank missiles.

David Deptula, a retired US Air Force three-star general who once commanded the no-fly zone over northern Iraq, said he was surprised that Russia did not work harder to establish air dominance from the start.

“The Russians are discovering that coordinating multi-domain operations is not easy,” Deptula told Reuters. “And that they are not as good as they presumed they were.”
While the Russians have been under performing, Ukraine’s military has been exceeding expectations so far.

Ukraine’s experience from the last eight years of fighting with Russian-backed separatist forces in the east was dominated by static World War I-style trench warfare.
By contrast, Russia’s forces received combat experience in Syria, where they intervened on the side of President Bashar al-Assad, and demonstrated some ability to synchronise ground manoeuvres with air and drone attacks.

Ukraine’s ability to keep flying air force jets is a visible demonstration of the country’s resilience in the face of attack and has been a morale booster, both to its own military and Ukraine’s people, experts say.

It has also led to mythologising of the Ukrainian air force, including a tale about a Ukrainian jet fighter that purportedly single-handedly downed six Russian aircraft, dubbed online “The Ghost of Kyiv”.
A Reuters Fact Check showed how a clip from the videogame Digital Combat Simulator was miscaptioned online to claim it was an actual Ukrainian fighter jet shooting down a Russian plane.

Biden led a standing ovation in support of Ukrainians in his State of the Union speech on Tuesday, praising their determination and mocking Putin for thinking he could just “roll into Ukraine” unopposed.
“Instead he met a wall of strength he never imagined. He met the Ukrainian people,” Biden said.

The US estimates that Russia is using just over 75 aircraft in its Ukraine invasion, the senior US official said.

Ahead of the invasion, officials had estimated that Russia had potentially readied hundreds of the thousands of aircraft in its air force for a Ukraine mission. However, the senior US official on Tuesday declined to estimate how many Russian combat aircraft, including attack helicopters, might still be available and outside Ukraine.

Both sides are taking losses.
“We do have indications that they’ve lost some (aircraft), but so have the Ukrainians,” the official said. “The airspace is actively contested every day.”

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Re: putin is ramping it up
« Reply #44 on: March 02, 2022, 07:40:22 AM »
It's a good strategy if you're not the one being bombed and shot at.
You may all go to hell, I will go to Texas. Davy Crockett
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Offline Bob Riebe

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Re: putin is ramping it up
« Reply #45 on: March 02, 2022, 07:58:07 AM »

Most Russians Didn’t Expect This War — And Could Soon Turn Against It

...For three months, Russian leaders had been talking about peace, alluding to common sense and the interests of the people. Dmitry Peskov, the president’s press secretary, had called all mentions of the war in the Western press “maniacal informational madness.” Yet then, suddenly, the population was informed that Russian tanks were headed toward Kiev, Odessa, and Kharkiv. As an explanation for this incredible move, the state media repeated Putin and Sergey Viktorovich Lavrov’s abstract claims about the “denazification” of Ukraine and the need to protect Russia from existential threats.

Such propaganda cliches remain completely obscure to the public. How did Kiev threaten Russia’s existence? Why was it necessary to carry out “denazification” with the help of tanks and aircraft after eight years of negotiations and trading with this supposedly unacceptable “regime”? The strongest argument of the pro-Kremlin media was “the need to protect the people of Donbas” from endless shelling. But is this a goal worth pursuing through the shelling of Odessa, Kharkiv, Kherson, and Kiev?

This blatant contradiction made some politicians from the Communist Party walk back. “I believe that the war should be stopped immediately. When voting for the recognition of DLPR [i.e. the self-styled Donetsk and Luhansk People’s Republics], I voted for peace, not for war. I voted for Russia to become a shield, for Donbass  to not be bombed, and not for Kyiv to be bombed,” CPRF Duma deputy Mikhail Matveyev tweeted on February 26. The Russian policy-makers must be happy with their artful conspiracy, which allowed for a military, political, and psychological surprise. But it will also have unpleasant consequences for Putin.

Millions of Russians feel cheated and despondent. The unfolding events don’t fit into the basic human understanding of peace, moral norms, national security, and justice. The country is nowhere near any sort of patriotic mobilization.

The lack of popular support for the war became evident. “The hostilities in Ukraine that began today came as a surprise to Russian society and created a situation of mass shock,” warned the pro-Kremlin Nezygar telegram channel, supervised by RT editor in chief Margarita Simonyan, “Analysts draw attention to the fact that people were not ready for a military confrontation.”

The reaction to this was the introduction of strict censorship. Roskomnadzor (the agency that controls the work of the media and social networks) officially announced that journalists writing about the war are required to refer only to “official Russian sources of information.” On the third day of the war, the department forbade calling what was happening a “war” altogether. Instead, everyone was ordered to use the euphemism “Russia’s operation in Ukraine.”

A register of “information traitors” was also published, which included not only all opposition media, but even the “patriotic” site Free Press, which is close to the Communist Party. Then, “a slowdown of Facebook in the Russian Federation” was announced. But even the introduction of wartime censorship is not capable of erasing people’s growing disappointment.
The War Is a War

Despite the shock, liberal media, too, instantly recognized their mistake. “Please forgive us, we were wrong,” said Konstantin Gaaze before announcing that new episodes of the podcast would not come out until the war was over. Despite the direct government ban on using the word, the liberal media call this war a war. Even faced with the prospect of being silenced, they publish reports about the bombing and shelling of Ukrainian cities and news about civilian casualties daily.

Their prognoses about the future of the Russian economy under sanctions are very pessimistic. But the main emphasis in the liberal media is on the moral condemnation of the reckless invasion. Left-wing antiwar activists go further: they claim that Putin’s bloody war became the logical denouement of the evolution of all post-Soviet statehood, with its inherent soaring inequality, authoritarianism, and ethnic nationalism.

Even if the outcome most beneficial to the Putin government did occur, the war remains unpopular as well as unfair. In the eyes of millions of Russians, behind the features of the aging “Rikki-Tikki-Tavi,” one can clearly see the poisonous snake attacking an innocent victim.

An important factor preventing antiwar mobilization are the Russians’ fears that the only thing worse than a “victorious war” will be a “war lost” — that Russia’s defeat will turn into its occupation and dismemberment. Such attitudes are already being actively speculated upon by propaganda that shows how ordinary Russian citizens are bullied and discriminated against abroad. To stand against the war started by our own government, our people must know that residents of this country will ot bear collective blame for the crimes of Putin’s government. That’s why we desperately need international solidarity against the war.[/b]

Offline Mule 11

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Re: putin is ramping it up
« Reply #46 on: March 02, 2022, 08:00:12 AM »
Here is a bit of a different view other than what the propagandists have been spewing.
Interesting article. Most wont read it as it differs with preconceptions.

Offline Bob Riebe

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Re: putin is ramping it up
« Reply #47 on: March 02, 2022, 08:03:49 AM »
A few members of the Russian Parliament speak out against the war.

Three members of Russia’s rubber-stamp Parliament have criticized their country’s war in Ukraine, a rare episode of dissent from within the Russian establishment.

All three members belong to Russia’s Communist Party, which is nominally part of the opposition to the governing United Russia party but typically remains loyal to President Vladimir V. Putin on key issues.
The latest member to speak out, Vyacheslav Markhaev, wrote on his Facebook account on Sunday that, under the pretext of recognizing two separatist enclaves as republics, “we hid plans to unleash a full-scale war with our closest neighbor.” Markhaev is a senator from Siberia.

He and the other two Communist members had been among the majority of Duma deputies who voted in favor of a recent resolution recognizing the so-called Donetsk People’s Republic and the Luhansk People’s Republic. But in his Facebook statement, Mr. Markhaev said that Duma members were not informed of plans for a full-scale invasion, and that he believed a government decree saying troops would be sent in as peacekeepers.

Earlier that week, Oleg Smolin, another Communist member from Siberia, wrote on his Vkontakte social media profile that he was “shocked” when the invasion began. “As a Russian intellectual, I am convinced that military force should be used in politics only as a last resort,” he said, adding: “I could not vote for the recognition of the Donetsk and Lugansk People’s Republics without betraying myself.”

The third Communist deputy, Mikhail Matveyev from the Samara region, said on social media that the war must be immediately stopped.
“I voted for peace, not for war,” he allegedly wrote on Twitter and Telegram, “For Russia to become a shield, so that Donbas is not bombed, and not for Kyiv to be bombed.”

He later deleted the posts, explaining in a Twitter thread that he was not doing it because he had changed his mind, but because his words had been reproduced “across the world, most often anonymously, to incite mutual hatred.”

“I just don’t have the time to delete hate comments created as part of the information war,” he added.
did not want to be seen as someone who “shoots our soldiers in the back while they are fighting where the politicians have sent them.”
“Ukraine is my Motherland,” he concluded, adding that he is hurt by everything that happens there.

Over the past years, such critical statements have become increasingly rare among members of the Duma, the lower house of the Federal Assembly of Russia. But after Russia invaded Ukraine, dozens of public figures and celebrities, including billionaires, TV anchors and sports stars, some of whom were even considered to be pro-Kremlin, have made their anti-war sentiments clear.

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Re: putin is ramping it up
« Reply #48 on: March 02, 2022, 08:29:23 AM »
I understand that no one wants war. I also understand that no one wants enemy nukes close to their border. I am much more concerned with the U.S.A. Invasions.

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Re: putin is ramping it up
« Reply #49 on: March 02, 2022, 08:33:31 AM »
It was reported on the news last night that the Russian convoy is putzing along because the soldier in it do not want to go to war against the Ukraine.

The Ukraine leaders are corrupt scum similar to the cancer that infests Hollywood and the Swamp.

We are told that the 40 mile line of armor is waiting for resupply. Can we believe that? I doubt it. 

Im sure there is corruption within the Ukraine government just like all governments, although I do know I'd much rather listen to the Ukraine president than Biden, and his pathetic bunch. 
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Re: putin is ramping it up
« Reply #50 on: March 02, 2022, 09:05:05 AM »
We absolutely have to be cautious in believing anything that comes from the media. especially news that is coming from overseas. Here is again something different than what we hear.
Those people who will not be governed by God will be ruled by tyrants.    Wm. Penn

Offline Mule 11

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Re: putin is ramping it up
« Reply #51 on: March 02, 2022, 09:47:24 AM »
So. Now we are to believe msn and the biden regime?
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Re: putin is ramping it up
« Reply #52 on: March 02, 2022, 11:09:55 AM »
Putin’s Pedo Poodle working overtime. What will you do when Putin decides time to bring Alaska home?

Offline Bob Riebe

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Re: putin is ramping it up
« Reply #53 on: March 02, 2022, 11:17:12 AM »
Kherson mayor says Russian troops in the streets

The mayor of the southern Ukrainian port city of Kherson, Igor Kolykhayev, has said Russian troops were in the streets and had forced their way into the city council building, the Reuters news agency reported.

Ukraine’s government had earlier played down reports that Kherson had fallen into Russian hands.

Kolykhayev urged Russian soldiers not to shoot at civilians and publicly called on residents to walk through the streets only in daylight and in ones and twos. “We do not have the Armed Forces in the city, only civilians and people who want to LIVE here!” he said in a statement.

The city is under Russian soldiers’ “complete control”, Russia’s Defence Ministry spokesman Igor Konashenkov said separately.

He said that the city’s civilian infrastructure, essential facilities and transport are operating as usual and that there are no shortages of food or essential goods.

I agree with Mule but this war is affecting daily expenses for us especially gasoline.

52 mins ago (21:19 GMT)
Pentagon says Russian advance on Kyiv ‘remains stalled’

Pentagon spokesman John Kirby has said the Russian military’s push towards Kyiv from the north “remains stalled”.

“From our best estimates, [Russian forces] have not made any appreciable progress geographically speaking, in the last 24 to 36 hours,” Kirby told reporters.

He said the Pentagon believes the advance has slowed down because Russian forces are deliberately regrouping while also facing unanticipated logistical challenges and resistance from Ukrainians.

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Re: putin is ramping it up
« Reply #54 on: March 02, 2022, 11:26:15 AM »
Moscow says 498 Russians killed in Ukraine since invasion started

Russia rejects reports of ‘incalculable losses’ and about the involvement of cadets or conscripts in the fighting.

Russia’s Ministry of Defence has said that 498 Russian troops have been killed in Ukraine and 1,597 more sustained wounds, in the first report of casualties by Moscow since it launched an invasion on February 24.

Defence ministry spokesman Igor Konashenkov on Wednesday also rejected reports about “incalculable losses” among Russian forces as “disinformation.” He assured that families of those killed are receiving all necessary assistance.
Ukraine has said that the number of Russian troops killed is far higher. Moscow had previously admitted to losses but without giving any numbers.

Konashenkov said that neither conscripts nor cadets have been involved in the operation in Ukraine, dismissing media reports alleging otherwise. Russian independent organisations that help parents find their sons have told the AFP news agency that conscripts were taking part in the conflict, having been made to sign documents before crossing the border.

The spokesperson also said more than 2,870 Ukrainian troops have been killed and some 3,700 more sustained injuries, while 572 others have been captured by the Russians. Ukrainian officials have not yet commented on the claim and it could not be immediately verified.

On the other side, Ukraine’s State Emergency Service said that more than 2,000 civilians have died, though it was impossible to verify that claim. The United Nations’ human rights office said on Thursday it had recorded the deaths of 136 civilians, including 13 children, in Ukraine since the start of Russia’s invasion.


Ah, now the war of disinformation, which makes true stats worthless as no one knows and people believe what they choose to believe.
It started with the U.S., particularly Biden equating Putin with the devil, long before this happened, although playing patty-cakes , for years ,with the corrupt leader of the Ukraine and Belarus has been just as bad.

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Re: putin is ramping it up
« Reply #55 on: March 02, 2022, 11:54:03 AM »
Putin’s Pedo Poodle working overtime. What will you do when Putin decides time to bring Alaska home?

I have said that also. With Canada becoming a dictatorship, Alaska is up there all alone.
In this time i Command ,That you take the Secular to Jerusalem .
There you rid the Holy City of the Scourge of Islam , Make the streets run red with the Blood of those who wish to wash Israel and Christianity from the face of the Earth.
Constantine III

Offline Mule 11

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Re: putin is ramping it up
« Reply #56 on: March 02, 2022, 12:11:09 PM »
Putin’s Pedo Poodle working overtime. What will you do when Putin decides time to bring Alaska home?
wth are you balking about?

Offline Mule 11

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Re: putin is ramping it up
« Reply #57 on: March 02, 2022, 12:15:55 PM »
Putin’s Pedo Poodle working overtime. What will you do when Putin decides time to bring Alaska home?

I have said that also.
Et tu?
Good luck with trying to claim Alaska. Dumb asses...

Offline Bob Riebe

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Re: putin is ramping it up
« Reply #58 on: March 02, 2022, 12:40:47 PM »
The Russia of Moscow and the Russia of Siberia are as separate in state of mind as Washington D.C. is from the Dakotas, Wyoming and Alaska.
They are more concerned with China than anything in Europe.

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Re: putin is ramping it up
« Reply #59 on: March 02, 2022, 12:50:10 PM »
WEF / NWO plot falls apart with Putin the aggressor. To believe, one has to think Putin a dupe and not the clever tactician.

He’s not a dupe and no longer the clever tactician. He crazy and dangerous. Like the last guy that wanted a bunch of Europe. His henchman says Moldavia next. More Nazi’s?

Rooting for the subjugation and deaths of Ukrainians is somewhat unseemly.
Ammunition is like firewood. The more you have, the warmer you feel.