Yes, sometimes it looks like much of the world is against Russia..especially since he has set out on his plan to subjugate the Ukraine once more.
The people of Ukraine have only been out from under the heel of the USSR communist colossus for 30 the remember the purges, pogroms and the Gulag Archipelago very well.
They don't want anything more to do with Russia..
Back 30 years ago, Russia had a golden opportunity to move away from tyrannical rule.. The wall was down,* free nations of the world were ready and willing to welcome Russia and her former satellite states into the family of *free nations.
However, the citizens of Russia were accustomed to accept governmental domination and accept whatever the "bosses' told them ..and keep their mouthes shut so as to not be victimized.
So a graduate and apperatchik of Stalin's KGB..moved in and took over.. There went their chances !!
Meanwhile, the former satellite states who gained their freedom , went on to join the *free nations and grew accordingly..
How many here have some of those excellent CZ guns? They come to us from the Czechs, who are doing well..and also want zip to do with Russia.
The former satellite states are rightly concerned that if Putin takes Ukraine..he won't stop there.
He didn't stop at the Crimea !!
Now, before anyone whines about"no totally free nation... *Free is a relative term..what is meant is a nation where the government operates less restraints that tyrannical regimes.
Any TOTALLY free nation would be nothing more than Nihilism. In fact any land under Nihilism, cannot even BE a nation.