Author Topic: War as part of the plan for a Marxist takeover.  (Read 1425 times)

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War as part of the plan for a Marxist takeover.
« on: May 06, 2022, 01:50:37 AM »
May 6, 2022
Is the left agitating for war with Russia so it can cement domestic tyranny?
By Selwyn Duke

It has been odd and alarming watching the powers-that-be relentlessly escalate the proxy war our government is waging against Russia. It’s not just that we’re sending billions of dollars of weapons into Ukraine, are calling Vladimir Putin a war criminal and issuing other fightin’ words, are training Ukrainian troops and are trying to effect Moscow’s economic destruction. It’s also that, senior American officials have now revealed, via intelligence aid the U.S. has helped to:

    kill Moscow’s generals,
    down a plane carrying Russian soldiers, and
    sink one of Putin’s warships. The kicker:

By revealing this publicly — perhaps as strikingly inappropriate as leaking a Supreme Court draft opinion — Biden administration officials appear to be bragging about these “exploits” and rubbing the Russians’ noses in them. If you wanted to provoke a hot war, this is exactly how you’d do it.

But why would our officials seek conflict with the nation boasting the world’s largest stockpile of nukes (6,000) in the name of thwarting aggression that, as I explained here and here, globalist policy invited and is none of our affair? It all has a very Dr. Strangelove-esque quality about it.

But there may be method to this madness. And, no, a mere desire to enrich weapons-manufacturer political donors doesn’t explain it. There is one motivation that would, however:

A serious conflict would provide the Left an opportunity to seize complete domestic control, to cement its power — perhaps permanently.

For certain is that locking horns with Russia would be used to further curtail civil liberties.

We know this because major conflicts always are thus used. Abraham Lincoln arrested opposition journalists and publishers during the War Between the States. WWI saw the passage of the Espionage Act of 1917 and the Sedition Act of 1918, the latter of which absolutely infringed upon freedom of speech. And Franklin Roosevelt is notorious for having interned U.S. citizens of Japanese and also of German descent and for persecuting some Italian-heritage Americans.

Civil rights’ trampling would surely be worse under a major-war scenario today. Not only are we much farther down the rabbit hole of moral nihilism and wanton constitutional trespass, but Americans who even question our Ukraine policy are already labeled “stooges of Putin.” Moreover, Democrats have already made crystal clear what they want: Complete power — by any means necessary.

This desire has manifested itself in politicians such as Rep. Maxine Waters (D-Calif.) calling for violence against political opponents and Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) threatening SCOTUS justices who dare vote contrary to the Left’s agenda.

Heeding such calls, the Democrats’ de facto storm troopers have effected hundreds of violent riots, more than 600 in 2020 alone. One Democrat operative, Scott Foval, was caught on hidden video in 2016 talking about inciting violence at Trump rallies and unabashedly said, “We’re starting anarchy here.”

This violence is again now being ratcheted up, just in time for the midterms, with news that the unconstitutional Roe v. Wade opinion could be overturned. This is attended by threats made against the “conservative” SCOTUS justices and the doxxing of them, with activists encouraging protests at their homes.

All the while that this violence is tacitly approved by Democrat leaders — and it is — conservatives are hung out to dry if they step even one inch out of line, as the January 6 martyrs’ plight proves. In contrast, 2020’s CHAZ, or Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone, takeover of part of Seattle was by definition an insurrection but was sloughed off. Why, its “warlord” leader, Raz Simone, was apparently never even charged with a crime.

This, not mention that Nancy Pelosi called the longest ever occupation of an American government building — leftists’ 2011 takeover of the Wisconsin Capitol — an “impressive show of democracy in action.” This statement was, of course, as true as claiming that the stolen (and it was) 2020 presidential contest was “the most secure election in U.S. history.”

Get the picture?

It’s not pretty, and it adds up to this: A major war under Biden’s handlers’ watch would become a pretext for the greatest Big Brother seizure of control in U.S. history. The question is, however, would the radicals in charge be crazy enough, or desperate enough, to risk nuclear war for power’s sake?

Note two matters when assessing this. First, being completely un-American and unpalatable, the Democrats have nothing to run on in the midterms aside from the just ginned up Roe v. Wade abortion controversy. Second and as I often warn, these demagogues aren’t normal. They’re power mongers.

Just as people can lust after food, sex or money — motivations everyone can understand — so can they exhibit that rarer phenomenon: lust for power. And just as a man may endanger his marriage and career to indulge his prurient desires, megalomaniacs may assume great risk to satisfy their dark cravings.

For certain is that cementing total power requires something Marxist revolutionaries would call “crisis,” the third stage of communist subversion. The first, “demoralization,” is the undermining of the nation’s moral foundation; Soviet defector Yuri Bezmenov said this was “more than complete” in the mid-’80s already. The second, “destabilization,” is what we’ve seen with the violence, the toppling of statues and the intensified attacks on our institutions the last many years. Now all we need is a crisis and what it facilitates: revolution — a final seizure of power.

A major war (along with food shortages) could certainly fit the bill. And while this may appear a crazy theory, the people in charge may just be crazy enough for it to be true.
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Offline Dee

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Re: War as part of the plan for a Marxist takeover.
« Reply #1 on: May 06, 2022, 02:34:28 AM »
War is good for the economy. WWII pulled the United States out of a depression that liberal interference had kept us in.
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Offline BUGEYE

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Re: War as part of the plan for a Marxist takeover.
« Reply #2 on: May 06, 2022, 04:45:39 AM »
VERY good article.
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Offline Mule 11

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Re: War as part of the plan for a Marxist takeover.
« Reply #3 on: May 06, 2022, 05:34:52 AM »
Maybe if this were a cnn article those holding there ankles would read it...

Offline ironglow

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Re: War as part of the plan for a Marxist takeover.
« Reply #4 on: May 08, 2022, 03:04:50 AM »
  The Biden "intelligence" service should heve known enough to keep their mouths shut!

      Allies helping each other, whether openly or clandestinely, is nothing new..  Perhaps Vlad should be
  thinking..."payback is a b-itch".

   During the Korean war...who furnished T-34 tanks to North Korea...and who furnished WW2 experienced "Honcho" pilots to fly the North Korean Migs, that the Russians gave them? 

    During the Vietnam conflict, who was it that furnished the AK-47s and trucks for the Ho Chi Minh
    trail, thereby aiding the NVA?

   Who furnished the AKs, RPGs and many other supplies for the Afghan use against our troops?

    Vlad has no legitimate complaint !
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Re: War as part of the plan for a Marxist takeover.
« Reply #5 on: May 08, 2022, 04:26:26 AM »
There were ChiCom advisors on the ground in Nam, Russian pilots in Mig 21’s and the Russian military complained the North Vietnamese were firing million Ruble missiles (Sa-2’s) like fire crackers.
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Offline Mule 11

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Re: War as part of the plan for a Marxist takeover.
« Reply #6 on: May 08, 2022, 07:30:04 AM »
There were ChiCom advisors on the ground in Nam, Russian pilots in Mig 21’s and the Russian military complained the North Vietnamese were firing million Ruble missiles (Sa-2’s) like fire crackers.
Soviet to be more exact.

Soviet Russia was liquidated, chicom stronger than ever.
Interesting to note Biden's Burisma foreign policy has brought China and Russia closer again, both countries thinking the days of unipolar American hegemony is doomed. And they probably hope Biden and his marxist regime stay in power to finish us off.

That is the only thing obiden’s marxist  regime is doing well. Dividing and destroying our fine country.

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Re: War as part of the plan for a Marxist takeover.
« Reply #7 on: May 09, 2022, 12:57:41 AM »
Since we have committed acts of war against Russia, I'd like to know why congress hasn't voted on going to war with Russia?
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Offline ironglow

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Re: War as part of the plan for a Marxist takeover.
« Reply #8 on: May 09, 2022, 01:12:08 AM »
May 6, 2022
Is the left agitating for war with Russia so it can cement domestic tyranny?
By Selwyn Duke

It has been odd and alarming watching the powers-that-be relentlessly escalate the proxy war our government is waging against Russia. It’s not just that we’re sending billions of dollars of weapons into Ukraine, are calling Vladimir Putin a war criminal and issuing other fightin’ words, are training Ukrainian troops and are trying to effect Moscow’s economic destruction. It’s also that, senior American officials have now revealed, via intelligence aid the U.S. has helped to:

    kill Moscow’s generals,
    down a plane carrying Russian soldiers, and
    sink one of Putin’s warships. The kicker:

By revealing this publicly — perhaps as strikingly inappropriate as leaking a Supreme Court draft opinion — Biden administration officials appear to be bragging about these “exploits” and rubbing the Russians’ noses in them. If you wanted to provoke a hot war, this is exactly how you’d do it.

But why would our officials seek conflict with the nation boasting the world’s largest stockpile of nukes (6,000) in the name of thwarting aggression that, as I explained here and here, globalist policy invited and is none of our affair? It all has a very Dr. Strangelove-esque quality about it.

But there may be method to this madness. And, no, a mere desire to enrich weapons-manufacturer political donors doesn’t explain it. There is one motivation that would, however:

A serious conflict would provide the Left an opportunity to seize complete domestic control, to cement its power — perhaps permanently.

For certain is that locking horns with Russia would be used to further curtail civil liberties.

We know this because major conflicts always are thus used. Abraham Lincoln arrested opposition journalists and publishers during the War Between the States. WWI saw the passage of the Espionage Act of 1917 and the Sedition Act of 1918, the latter of which absolutely infringed upon freedom of speech. And Franklin Roosevelt is notorious for having interned U.S. citizens of Japanese and also of German descent and for persecuting some Italian-heritage Americans.

Civil rights’ trampling would surely be worse under a major-war scenario today. Not only are we much farther down the rabbit hole of moral nihilism and wanton constitutional trespass, but Americans who even question our Ukraine policy are already labeled “stooges of Putin.” Moreover, Democrats have already made crystal clear what they want: Complete power — by any means necessary.

This desire has manifested itself in politicians such as Rep. Maxine Waters (D-Calif.) calling for violence against political opponents and Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) threatening SCOTUS justices who dare vote contrary to the Left’s agenda.

Heeding such calls, the Democrats’ de facto storm troopers have effected hundreds of violent riots, more than 600 in 2020 alone. One Democrat operative, Scott Foval, was caught on hidden video in 2016 talking about inciting violence at Trump rallies and unabashedly said, “We’re starting anarchy here.”

This violence is again now being ratcheted up, just in time for the midterms, with news that the unconstitutional Roe v. Wade opinion could be overturned. This is attended by threats made against the “conservative” SCOTUS justices and the doxxing of them, with activists encouraging protests at their homes.

All the while that this violence is tacitly approved by Democrat leaders — and it is — conservatives are hung out to dry if they step even one inch out of line, as the January 6 martyrs’ plight proves. In contrast, 2020’s CHAZ, or Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone, takeover of part of Seattle was by definition an insurrection but was sloughed off. Why, its “warlord” leader, Raz Simone, was apparently never even charged with a crime.

This, not mention that Nancy Pelosi called the longest ever occupation of an American government building — leftists’ 2011 takeover of the Wisconsin Capitol — an “impressive show of democracy in action.” This statement was, of course, as true as claiming that the stolen (and it was) 2020 presidential contest was “the most secure election in U.S. history.”

Get the picture?

It’s not pretty, and it adds up to this: A major war under Biden’s handlers’ watch would become a pretext for the greatest Big Brother seizure of control in U.S. history. The question is, however, would the radicals in charge be crazy enough, or desperate enough, to risk nuclear war for power’s sake?

Note two matters when assessing this. First, being completely un-American and unpalatable, the Democrats have nothing to run on in the midterms aside from the just ginned up Roe v. Wade abortion controversy. Second and as I often warn, these demagogues aren’t normal. They’re power mongers.

Just as people can lust after food, sex or money — motivations everyone can understand — so can they exhibit that rarer phenomenon: lust for power. And just as a man may endanger his marriage and career to indulge his prurient desires, megalomaniacs may assume great risk to satisfy their dark cravings.

For certain is that cementing total power requires something Marxist revolutionaries would call “crisis,” the third stage of communist subversion. The first, “demoralization,” is the undermining of the nation’s moral foundation; Soviet defector Yuri Bezmenov said this was “more than complete” in the mid-’80s already. The second, “destabilization,” is what we’ve seen with the violence, the toppling of statues and the intensified attacks on our institutions the last many years. Now all we need is a crisis and what it facilitates: revolution — a final seizure of power.

A major war (along with food shortages) could certainly fit the bill. And while this may appear a crazy theory, the people in charge may just be crazy enough for it to be true.

    While I agree with most of the above, especially where it is mentioned that the Biden bunch are stupid enough to announce intended strikes and then "rub the Russians' noses in it", there is one statement that I must disagree with, which is;

 " But why would our officials seek conflict with the nation boasting the world’s largest stockpile of nukes (6,000) in the name of thwarting aggression that, as I explained here and here, globalist policy invited and is none of our affair? It all has a very Dr. Strangelove-esque quality about it.".

   Aiding the Ukraine is not necessarily "seeking conflict"..since 3rd party "cat's paws" are part of modern conflict..such as Communst aid in Korea, Vietnam and Afghanistan.
   So what is the alternative?  Are we to just let Russia expand into other nations at will?

  Yes we could keep backing up, until they have swallowed Europe..and the Chinese have engulfed the Asia/Pacific area.   Then think about doing something, when we are being invaded on both Atlantic and Pacific shores..

  Should we play the part of the weakling?  How would that benefit us?

  Let's reach back a bit in memory...  While Jimmy Carter was president, Communism spread into 7 additional countries...Communism was on the march.

    The Commies then planned another small nation takeover, testing the newly elected President Ronald Reagan..

   They tried Grenada, and very shortly, those communist insurgents had their heads handed to them !

  It is easy to see the historical Communist pattern of conquest... Plant insurgents in the target country, with instructions to provoke trouble and riot..

   Once there are effective riots going on, blame it on Nazis or some other entity...   Then use that as an excuse to enter that nation with Communist military forces....just to save them from the Nazis, you understand...

  Very much like the "Antifa" here in the states...  They claim to see Facists behind every bush...when actually, they are the real Fascists !

  We would have to be blessed? with a short memory, if wehave missed those historical events.

    It seems R Reagan said something like.. "No nation was ever attacked because it was TOO strong."
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Re: War as part of the plan for a Marxist takeover.
« Reply #9 on: May 09, 2022, 01:50:47 AM »
   Communism..Putin's birth father, ks like a blazing fire.  It never finds satisfaction with "just this much"..but goes on until it is stopped.

   The situation in the Ukraine..and ultimately, and one the rest of the world has to face;

     " “You probe with bayonets: if you find mush, you push. If you find steel, you withdraw”.

― Vladimir Ilich Lenin
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Re: War as part of the plan for a Marxist takeover.
« Reply #10 on: May 09, 2022, 12:43:52 PM »
Since we have committed acts of war against Russia, I'd like to know why congress hasn't voted on going to war with Russia?

Yes, that's likely coming next.
When you hear Biden the Blowhard threatening Russia like he's going to bomb Moscow tomorrow..,.he means it. When you hear Pelosi, Schiff, Milely, Austin and others talking tough like their in it untill the end.......they mean it.
These people running the country are hardcore Great Reset revolutionaries, they are not stopping part way through their revolution _ _ THEY ARE GOING ALL THE WAY. Especially since nobody has arisen to stop them. These people are obsessed with changing the planet to Agenda 2030 specifications under one world government.
That is their intention and war is one of their tools. Nothing more they would like then to see the world population reduced to 500 million.

 Yes they will do anything to hold onto their power.  Im not so sure there will even be an election in November, let alone a fair one.
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Re: War as part of the plan for a Marxist takeover.
« Reply #11 on: May 10, 2022, 04:58:07 AM »
Ummmm IG,

During the Korean War Putin wasn't even born or was a toddler. During the Viet nam war, started by the French he was a student; and prolonged by the Americans he was a law student then a junior intel officer. Putin is actually a Russian liberal who actually steered the liquidation of the Soviet, the Soviet has now transitioned to America.

Your beef would more accurately be targeted on Kruchev (a Ukrainian) and Brezhnev who ran the Soviet. And of course, the Boleshevik 1918 Revolution was funded, planned, and run by NY bankers and from Brooklyn, NY.....the same cabal running the Great Reset Revolution in America today.

   He was born into Communism, brought uo and educated under Communism, and when he became an adult..chose to be educated under the Communist pedagogue masters..the KGB..

  He is still a Communist...and that is why the hammer & sickle has been resusitated to fly proudly in his parades.
   Communism's primary symbol, the hammer & sickle is obviously buried deep in his psyche.

   A skunk by any other name..would still stink !
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Re: War as part of the plan for a Marxist takeover.
« Reply #12 on: May 10, 2022, 05:16:18 AM »
 Some follks here claim Biden wants war with Russia...  If so, why hasn't he ordered our share of NATO troops to cross the border?  Why hasn't he declared a "no fly" zone over Ukraine, so our F22s could dump a few SU fighter planes?
   We don't need formal declarations anymore, since the last time we have officially declared war, was during WW2.  ..But for sure, we have seem much military action since then !

     You seem irritated that the Biden admin is aiding the Ukraine, after the attack upon their sovereignty by Russia. Why are you surprised?

   Do you truly think Pres Trump in this case, would sit idly by, twiddling his thumbs?   I think not !
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Re: War as part of the plan for a Marxist takeover.
« Reply #13 on: May 10, 2022, 07:06:52 AM »
im usually standing in line to bash biden and his administration but the fact is the republicans like us are if anything screaming we should be doing more not less in ukraine. It was the republican senetors that were pushing to get those migs to them. Biden if anying has been a paper tiger.
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Re: War as part of the plan for a Marxist takeover.
« Reply #14 on: May 11, 2022, 01:34:12 AM »
im usually standing in line to bash biden and his administration but the fact is the republicans like us are if anything screaming we should be doing more not less in ukraine. It was the republican senetors that were pushing to get those migs to them. Biden if anying has been a paper tiger.

Really? Screaming we need to do more in Ukraine. What like send our men and women to war for Ukraine? Yes the same corrupt republicans that let the presidential election be stolen. The same corrupt republicans that wanted rid of Trump. Now the same corrupt republicans that want war with Russia. When our military provided real time intel so the Ukraine's could sink a ship. That is an act of war against another country. I believe that a large majority of Americans don't want us involved in military matters in Ukraine.   Yes Biden is not making decisions, but someone is, and that someone hates America, and wants to see its destruction.  What better way to ensure their power and further weaken America, than to send us to war with Russia.  All Russia has to do is retaliate for our aggression towards them, and they, and everyone that thinks we need to do more in Ukraine will have their war.   
Those people who will not be governed by God will be ruled by tyrants.    Wm. Penn

Offline Mule 11

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Re: War as part of the plan for a Marxist takeover.
« Reply #15 on: May 11, 2022, 03:35:41 AM »
im usually standing in line to bash biden and his administration but the fact is the republicans like us are if anything screaming we should be doing more not less in ukraine. It was the republican senetors that were pushing to get those migs to them. Biden if anying has been a paper tiger.

Really? Screaming we need to do more in Ukraine. What like send our men and women to war for Ukraine? Yes the same corrupt republicans that let the presidential election be stolen. The same corrupt republicans that wanted rid of Trump. Now the same corrupt republicans that want war with Russia. When our military provided real time intel so the Ukraine's could sink a ship. That is an act of war against another country. I believe that a large majority of Americans don't want us involved in military matters in Ukraine.   Yes Biden is not making decisions, but someone is, and that someone hates America, and wants to see its destruction.  What better way to ensure their power and further weaken America, than to send us to war with Russia.  All Russia has to do is retaliate for our aggression towards them, and they, and everyone that thinks we need to do more in Ukraine will have their war.

That’s the truth. Many of us are not falling for this propaganda and looking at OUR problems instead of wanting to create more. We should not be involved militarily, financially or verbally... except to help end this war not throw gas on it as some wish... We need to clean our own house first and foremost.

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Re: War as part of the plan for a Marxist takeover.
« Reply #16 on: May 11, 2022, 12:40:32 PM »

Ok, the Biden leftist revolution is not going to's going to continue if we let it.
Victor Davis Hanson in good interview sums up where we're going.
I think worth the listen time.

The best I've ever seen. He nails it.
In this time i Command ,That you take the Secular to Jerusalem .
There you rid the Holy City of the Scourge of Islam , Make the streets run red with the Blood of those who wish to wash Israel and Christianity from the face of the Earth.
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Re: War as part of the plan for a Marxist takeover.
« Reply #17 on: May 11, 2022, 03:23:39 PM »
Some of you guys who think we should be doing more in Ukraine, should watch this Tucker Carlson segment.
Those people who will not be governed by God will be ruled by tyrants.    Wm. Penn

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Re: War as part of the plan for a Marxist takeover.
« Reply #18 on: May 18, 2022, 02:01:27 AM »
and run by NY bankers and from Brooklyn, NY....
Please document that.

About Marxist takeovers…..anyone who espouses Marxism is a fool. Right now, in 2022, there are four countries with Marxist governments…three of them are third world entities.

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Re: War as part of the plan for a Marxist takeover.
« Reply #19 on: May 18, 2022, 02:30:02 AM »
Some of you guys who think we should be doing more in Ukraine, should watch this Tucker Carlson segment.

I think EUROPE should be doing more in the Ukraine, and "WE" should be doing more in Texas, New Mexico, and Arizona.
You may all go to hell, I will go to Texas. Davy Crockett

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Re: War as part of the plan for a Marxist takeover.
« Reply #20 on: May 19, 2022, 07:57:16 AM »
TM is correct in most of what he says above.  ...And I fully concur that IMO the international Maexists are a far more dangerous to th eworld, than is Putin.
     My only disagreement with TM about the war in the Ukraine, is that Putin had no business invading his neighbor..which was no longer part of the deunct USSR.  Nor wants part of being part of Russian domination.

  Now, just because he and Biden are  opposed to each other, that doesn't mean they have opposing aims.  IMO...both Putin and the radical left want Communism to spread around the globe.  Where the problem comes in, is that they arte rivals within an identity .

  Do you think the Demonrats running us into terrible debt..and now engineering a inflation/recession combo, is an accident? 
   Don't be silly !  Part of the plan is to gain "Cultural Hegemony" over any culture..and they are gaining those ends even now,  with the world's #1 super power.

     In any culture, Marxism thrives during hard times..recession..depression or "stagflation"..

   So, everyone is asking.."Why has the world gone so crazy"?  It's all part of their plan...
  Remember, many leftist gurus have said.."tear down the whole system, an ddestroy th eculture, and replace it with our own ideal"!

   Other's have said "fundamentally transform" the US ...or marxist students say they want to be a "force for change"..

  Just what do they want to transform or change  ?

  Putin could, through perhaps 2 decades, an difvthinh=gs go right, force Marxism in to America..

  ..But given the chance..with one more crooked election..and a mass of STUIPID voters, the rad left xould plunge us into that murky maelstrom overnight !
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Re: War as part of the plan for a Marxist takeover.
« Reply #21 on: May 19, 2022, 11:27:09 AM »
Some of you guys who think we should be doing more in Ukraine, should watch this Tucker Carlson segment.

I think EUROPE should be doing more in the Ukraine, and "WE" should be doing more in Texas, New Mexico, and Arizona.

It’s bigger than the small minds/southern border.

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Re: War as part of the plan for a Marxist takeover.
« Reply #22 on: May 19, 2022, 11:35:45 AM »
In any culture, Marxism thrives during hard times..recession..depression or "stagflation
Got some examples of that, do ya?

TM7: Thanks for the links.