Why, why, why?
People have wondered, speculated, and argued about why somebody does something like this man that everyone references a kid, did what he did.
A fake trade called "psychology" was invented on these pondering.
Common sense used to prevail and a dog that bit for no reason was put down. Well, common sense is as rare as the answer to the question these days.
All these "studies", all these "psychologists", have not stopped the killing, because there have always been people like this, and there always will be.
When these knuckleheads do these things, they become the center of attention, for the rest of their lives. There will e millions of dollars spent studying, and asking dumbass questions to a killer that contributes nuthin positive to society.
Put'em down, bury'em, and forget'em, and move on to the next piece of trash.
You'd be surprised how many would rethink what they had decided to do.
I've had several of these kinda guys on the business end of a gun, and given them the choice. They get real sweet when they know you mean it.
So is there sumthin wrong with the guy? Isn't there sumthin wrong with any dog that bites for no reason?