just this morning, while watching a documentary on the NXIVM cult, I was provoked to ponder the state of our world today.
https://nypost.com/article/how-keith-raniere-lured-women-sex-cult-nxivm/ Cults are of course, a very pernicious force..usually captivating the more gullible among the population.
There have been unnumbered cults, many but certainly not all.. based on a tortured translation of Christianity.
We have had cults throughout history, and most all seem to follow the same pattern...
Recruitment by deceit, indoctrination classes, convince members of exclusivity and further studies, led by minor indoctrination leaders, all leading to various Gurus, usually but not always, topped by a charismatic "kingpin"..
People's Temple had Jim Jones, The Church Universal and Triumphant, had Elizabeth Clare Prophet, the Moonies had Sun Mung Moon and the Hale-Bopp cult had their pop-eyed leader..
Then I thought..how similar these rioting leftists are.... They are recruited by deceit invading their young, inexperienced minds, receiveing indoctrination (by Marxist professors?) are led down the primrose path of servitude to "something greater" than themselves.
THey have their Gurus...certain political leaders who claim it takes a whole village to raise a child (parents are helpless), climate change leaders, select multi billionaires, and some who promote almost anything which can lead to the destruction of the USA..
OK..so we have the indoctrinators, the Gurus..but where is the 'charismatic leader' ?
My suggestion...You cannot see him...since starting back in the Garden of Eden, he has always disguised himself as somebody or something else ..in the case of Eden, a serpent.
We are primed for his grand entrance..
“Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition;” (2 Thess 2:3)color]