Author Topic: Extremely troubling news  (Read 673 times)

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Offline Graybeard

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Extremely troubling news
« on: June 11, 2022, 12:35:27 PM »
Now that gun control has recently passed the House, I need to give you an urgent update coming out of the Senate.

RINO Republicans are on the brink of surrendering our Second Amendment rights.
Sources reveal that Senator John Cornyn – the chief GOP gun control negotiator – thinks a deal can reach the 60-vote threshold in the Senate.

Cornyn believes Republicans can shred the Second Amendment without facing backlash from voters in November.

I need YOUR help showing him that he’s dead wrong. Gun owners will stay home on Election Day if the Senate passes a bipartisan “compromise” on our God-given rights.

Please add your name to our pre-written letter to STOP the Senate from passing a bipartisan compromise on gun control.

GOA has asked you to alert your Senators several times over the past week, but I want you to see why it’s so critical.

This is a battle that we can still win. And your activism is helping to keep many Republicans from compromising!

The other day, Rep. Sylvia Garcia, a Democrat from Texas, was asked by MSNBC why Republicans usually end up failing to get enough votes on gun control compromises.

She attributed a lack of gun control compromises to “Gun Owners of America” because GOA has instilled a “fear of retaliation” (her own words) in Senators who even consider shredding the Second Amendment.

In fact, she cited Republican congressman Chris Jacobs who just dropped his re-election bid following the immense backlash he received for calling for an “assault weapons” ban.

Democrat Rep. Jim McGovern of Massachusetts also SLAMMED GOA on the House floor, citing our members’ work to pressure legislators to vote against gun control.
Your letters are getting recognized on the House floor. You help remind politicians that they’re not in Washington to serve themselves, but to serve We The People.
Thanks to you, hope is not all lost.

While GOA continues to pressure Senators to protect our God-given rights, there are also some real pro-gun Senators like Steve Daines who are pushing back against Cornyn’s proposal.

But with a whole bunch of RINOs in the Senate – like Mitt Romney, Susan Collins, Lisa Murkowski, Pat Toomey, and Lindsey Graham – it’s not difficult to see how the Senate could get just 10 Republicans to vote for a gun control compromise.
That’s why we cannot take a day off from alerting the Senate.

We need to keep instilling that “fear of retaliation” in every single Senator to once again stop a gun control compromise in the Senate.

This is a battle that we can still win. But it will take ‘all hands on deck.’ Everyone needs to take action to contact their Senators right away!

So please, add your name to our pre-written letter to STOP the Senate from passing a bipartisan compromise on gun control.

In Liberty,
Erich Pratt
Senior Vice President
Gun Owners of America

Bill aka the Graybeard
President, Graybeard Outdoor Enterprises

I am not a lawyer and do not give legal advice.

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Offline BUGEYE

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Re: Extremely troubling news
« Reply #1 on: June 11, 2022, 12:54:11 PM »
All done.
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Offline gene_225

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Re: Extremely troubling news
« Reply #2 on: June 11, 2022, 01:30:58 PM »
Did send mine off yesterday. Although staying home would benefit the anti 2A crowd. It always benefits those you are against if you stay home. Vote for someone opposed to them. There is always someone opposed or write "none of the above" or do a write in so the county election clerk can't fill in your ballot as happended in our county a few years ago (and she was a conservative clerk). BUT she screwed things up so much this time I don't think she will get elected next time. It's been all over the national news, so everyone knows how bad she handled it. Clackamas County Oregon hasn't reported the results yet for any races.

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Re: Extremely troubling news
« Reply #3 on: June 11, 2022, 09:54:05 PM »
I believe it to be both good and bad that Congressmen observe the VOLUME of mail, email, and phone calls received regarding pending and proposed RKBA legislation.  The bad is why it had to be written, spoken, or shouted at them in the first place.  The good is that these Call to Arms are hoped to rally support For or Against legislation in numbers that are too difficult to overlook. 

The editable, digital, GAO "letter" is a decent first step in getting RKBA supporters to act.  Fast, easy, very little effort involved, and EFFECTIVE.  Say what you want it to say or use their words if you please, press a button and it is delivered!  I remember the NRA used to be as aggressive.  I should not have to ask where the NRA stands on these or similar pieces of legislation, but their SILENCE is deafening.

It remains for us to be vigilant following any vote in Congress to recognize those that voted in the manner in which we requested, thanking them, and castigating, not threatening, those that voted AGAINST us, and further remembering them when casting ballots ourselves - unless the Democrats stuff the ballot boxes again, and again, and again...

Offline Lloyd Smale

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Re: Extremely troubling news
« Reply #4 on: June 12, 2022, 09:54:15 PM »
I contribute to both of them. Sent them both a small check last week. Is the NRA active? Id have to think so because the nra is the organization they fear and talk about all the time. You dont here much of them bashing the goa or any other organization. Bottom line and its sad to say is our senators and congressman are just out of touch with us. There only concern is votes and keeping there jobs. They will sell us gun owners out in a second if they look at the scale and see that compromise will get them more votes. No matter how many letters they get thats a cold hard fact. Theres many gun owning republicans that are not apposed to raising the age to 21 or background checks. Some are even vocally for it. Remember where you are. This is a forum for gun owners and hunters. Here there are people like me that are far right and dont want to compromise but are we the voice of the republican party? I dont know. Even trump sold out the bump stock thing. He did it because he knew that more then 50 percent of republicans didnt want them because they didnt have one and he probably knew that if he did it it would bring him more votes then he would loose. Or at least with all the other crap going on people would forget. I sometimes wonder if they really are that stupid. Do they not realize that a compromise just on one issue just gives them a head of steam and they just go after the next thing on there check list. In a way its not there fault. They have to weight that scale not only to keep there jobs but to represent what they think the voters want. So its the conservatives that cave and some even here that will throw things like bump stocks, high capacity mags and ars to the wolves because they dont have one. To stupid to realize they wont end this till they have all of our guns. Its no different for the NRA or GOA. If they read posts everywhere that you and I that pay there bills dont care about ars, bump stocks, 30 round mags ect they arent going to fight for them. Dont fool yourself. They are businesses and there leadership live good lives on those dollars we send. They will do whatever it takes.  fight like hell if EVERYONE is behind them or weight that scale and save that money for another day if they think it will keep them those cushy jobs. I saw a statistic the other day that made me red in the face. It said 62 percent of Americans want stricter background checks and the age go to 21. The senators, congressmen, Nra and the goa all see that too. 62 percent in politics is a landslide. That includes A LOT of gun owners. So in fact we are being sold out by selfish gun owners that are only willing to fight when its what they like thats attacked. I even jumped down the throat of one of my buddys two days ago. He made the comment that it wont effect him. He said he has enough ars and magazines and doesnt need more and all this will do is make his crap worth more. Thats the kind of bs attitude thats out there on our side. Those types are the real enemy in this fight. The democrats? Well at least we know where they stand and honestly there much more likely to put it on the line for this then some of us. They see this as a war.
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Offline nw_hunter

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Re: Extremely troubling news
« Reply #5 on: June 13, 2022, 06:14:39 AM »
All done.

I did it, but in my case it is strictly a waste of time. Ron Wyden and Jeff Merkley are gun grabbing leftists.
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Offline nw_hunter

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Re: Extremely troubling news
« Reply #6 on: June 13, 2022, 06:33:26 AM »
I contribute to both of them. Sent them both a small check last week. Is the NRA active? Id have to think so because the nra is the organization they fear and talk about all the time. You don't here much of them bashing the goa or any other organization.

The reason you don't hear them bashing the GOA as much is......They fear them.! They don't fear the NRA. It's all for show about the NRA. Because the NRA chips away at out gun rights with them. The NRA is not a friend to the Second Amendment. Plenty of facts to prove this if one will only look for them. Here are a few to save time'

The National Firearms Act of 1934 and 1938 placed heavy taxes and regulations on machine guns, sawed-off shotguns, and silencers; prohibited felons from owning weapons; required gun owners to register with the federal government; and imposed harsh penalties upon . It may surprise you to learn that the NRA worked with Congress and the White House on both acts and enthusiastically supported their enforcement. The NRA’s leader at the time, Karl T. Frederick, not only endorsed the legislation, but went so far as to state that "I have never believed in the general practice of carrying weapons. I think it should be sharply restricted and only under licenses."

In the 1920s and 1930s, NRA leaders lobbied states to enact stronger gun legislation, ushering in a number of influential laws: the Uniform Firearms Act of 1934, which banned anyone without a proper permit from carrying a concealed gun in public; the Federal Firearms Act of 1938; and the Gun Control Act of 1968.

Decades later, the NRA also supported a number of restrictive federal gun laws. In 1963, Lee Harvey Oswald bought the rifle used to assassinate President John F. Kennedy from a mail order ad in an NRA magazine. The NRA's executive vice president at the time, Franklin Orth, testified to Congress in favor of banning mail-order rifle sales, and gave measured support to the Gun Control Act of 1968.

n the 1960s, the NRA endorsed a proposed federal law that would have required a seven-day waiting period to enable background checks on handgun purchases. An NRA pamphlet from the 1970s noted that “a waiting period could help in reducing crimes of passion [by] preventing people with criminal records or dangerous mental illness from acquiring guns.”

When they denigrate the NRA, and pretend they are the enemy of the left, it is BS. The GOA fights tirelessly to oppose these demons on the left to take our precious freedoms. The left is well aware of this, and by not mentioning them , they take away their platform from MSM.
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Offline gene_225

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Re: Extremely troubling news
« Reply #7 on: July 05, 2022, 02:15:34 AM »
Did send mine off yesterday. Although staying home would benefit the anti 2A crowd. It always benefits those you are against if you stay home. Vote for someone opposed to them. There is always someone opposed or write "none of the above" or do a write in so the county election clerk can't fill in your ballot as happended in our county a few years ago (and she was a conservative clerk). BUT she screwed things up so much this time I don't think she will get elected next time. It's been all over the national news, so everyone knows how bad she handled it. Clackamas County Oregon hasn't reported the results yet for any races.

Well she finally got the results posted. I only cared about the attempt to start a park district. Went down 2 to 1, which is what I wanted to happen.