Author Topic: Poll: Nearly 3 in 10 Americans May Take Up Arms Against Government Someday  (Read 1682 times)

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Offline Graybeard

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By Jay Clemons    |   Friday, 01 July 2022 06:22 PM EDT

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Poll: Nearly 3 in 10 Americans May Take Up Arms Against Government Someday
Poll: Nearly 3 in 10 Americans May Take Up Arms Against Government Someday
(Andrii Shevchuk/
By Jay Clemons    |   Friday, 01 July 2022 06:22 PM EDT


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A recent online poll conducted by Republican pollsters Neil Newhouse and Joel Benenson via the University of Chicago Institute of Politics reveals an ever-expanding divisiveness among voters who identify as Republicans, Democrats and independents.

The survey also illustrates American citizens' growing dissatisfaction with the federal government, regardless of party affiliation.

Among the highlights of the poll findings:

56% of Americans believe the government is "corrupt and rigged" against them.
49% agreed they "more and more feel like a stranger in [their] own country."
The majority of Americans (56%) agreed they "generally trust elections to be conducted fairly and counted accurately." However, the breakdown is 78% Democrats, 51% independents, and 33% Republicans. And for those who voted for former President Donald Trump in 2020, the trust factor with elections is 31%.
In one question, voters were asked if it will be "necessary, at some point soon, for citizens to take up arms against the government." Overall, 28% of voters agreed, 59% disagreed, and 12% weren't sure. For that question, however, 36% of Republicans agreed, 35% of independents agreed, and 20% of Democrats agreed. Also, among the American respondents who have guns in their homes, 37% agreed about someday taking up arms against the government, if necessary.
Newhouse and Benenson, who discussed their findings on CNN, found the percentage of Americans pondering a physical fight against government tyranny as "alarming."

"These are stunning results," said Newhouse. "We knew the mood of the country was not positive, but it is so much worse than we thought it was."

Taking up arms against the government didn't generate a Republican-dominated response. Newhouse said that 45% of Republicans agreed with that question, but so did 33% of NPR listeners and 26% of liberal gun owners.

"It really demonstrates the extraordinary polarization in the country right now, and there’s a pandemic of mistrust between Americans and their government and their media," says Newhouse, while adding that things in America "may have to get worse before it gets better."

Newhouse explained, "Democrats don't trust Republicans. Republicans don't trust Democrats. Democrats think Republicans are getting disinformation. Republicans think the same thing about Democrats. There is no middle ground here whatsoever."

Benenson lamented how some Americans are getting their news on platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok, with social media feeds that were "not filtered or fact checked."

"We're in a treacherous area for democracy," said Benenson. "And with a cherished First Amendment which we have to be mindful and respectful of, I think we have to also think, from the media side, how can we do a better job to not partisanize the news as much as we have been."

The Newhouse/Benenson poll tracked the responses of 1,000 registered voters across the United States from May 19-23. The margin of error was +/- 3.5%.

Bill aka the Graybeard
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Offline magooch

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I personally wouldn't think about taking up arms against our military, but I wouldn't think that would be necessary anyway.  On the other hand, I could imagine a time when certain politcians might be tempting.  The thought occurs that there are two top leaders in the world right now and maybe a third that if someone were to take them out a worldwide cheer would erupt that would be heard around the planet.  A worldwide holiday would be declared and it would become annually the greatest day of celebration ever.  If things worked out right, it could be a day on which the world could renew and purge all the SOBs that come to power just to wreak havoc.  Freedom and Justice Day--get er done!!!


Offline BUGEYE

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I personally wouldn't think about taking up arms against our military, but I wouldn't think that would be necessary anyway.  On the other hand, I could imagine a time when certain politcians might be tempting.  The thought occurs that there are two top leaders in the world right now and maybe a third that if someone were to take them out a worldwide cheer would erupt that would be heard around the planet.  A worldwide holiday would be declared and it would become annually the greatest day of celebration ever.  If things worked out right, it could be a day on which the world could renew and purge all the SOBs that come to power just to wreak havoc.  Freedom and Justice Day--get er done!!!
Very few folks here agree with me, but I don’t believe the rank and file military will fire on civilians.
I say that our volunteer forces are for freedom.
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Offline nw_hunter

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In 1957 I personally witnessed the 101st Airborne Division soldiers poking people with fixed bayonets to move them at Little Rock Central High during the first forced integrated school. I'm not getting into the politics of the event, but I have seen the US Military use force against citizens. As a veteran, I know soldiers follow orders. It doesn't work otherwise. There will be some who would refuse an order to do so, but more will not.

I believe if we ever have to take up arms, it will eventually be against the government. (Military) I also see the possibility of a coup, with military leaders being against each other. If it happens it will be ugly. Much better to do it at the polls if possible.
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Offline BUGEYE

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In 1957 I personally witnessed the 101st Airborne Division soldiers poking people with fixed bayonets to move them at Little Rock Central High during the first forced integrated school. I'm not getting into the politics of the event, but I have seen the US Military use force against citizens. As a veteran, I know soldiers follow orders. It doesn't work otherwise. There will be some who would refuse an order to do so, but more will not.

I believe if we ever have to take up arms, it will eventually be against the government. (Military) I also see the possibility of a coup, with military leaders being against each other. If it happens it will be ugly. Much better to do it at the polls if possible.
That was 65 years ago when most whites were racist, I believe it would be different now.
I have faith in the troops.
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Offline magooch

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Sixty five years ago most whites were racists--really?  Not where I live. Not then, not now.

Offline BUGEYE

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Sixty five years ago most whites were racists--really?  Not where I live. Not then, not now.
I don't know where you are at, but I would say that southerners 65 years ago wouldn't think twice about poking a black person with a bayonet.
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Offline Graybeard

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Bug your true yankee self is leaking out. You don't know spit about the south of 65 years ago, you don't even suspect anything about us.

Bill aka the Graybeard
President, Graybeard Outdoor Enterprises

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Offline BUGEYE

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Bug your true yankee self is leaking out. You don't know spit about the south of 65 years ago, you don't even suspect anything about us.
I know that Ike had to send troops so that  the southerners couldn’t stop black kids from entering school.
The whole world knew spit about the south 65 years ago.
They were racist, Eisenhower had to threaten to kick butt.

I’ve been in the south 53 years and that’s plenty of time to get an idea about y’all.
Give me liberty, or give me death
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Give me liberty, or give me death

Offline Mule 11

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Very few folks here agree with me, but I don’t believe the rank and file military will fire on civilians.
I say that our volunteer forces are for freedom.
I’d say your head is on the dark side of the moon...

Offline Dixie-Dude

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Troops are trained to obey.  Obama started changing out the generals and admirals by mandating early retirement for them.  He replaced them with "woke" people.  The woman general over Fort Benning, Georgia is gay.  So you have that.  So yeah, troops may fire on civilians just to keep from being kicked out of the military.  Gays and trans are in the military now.  I've read the navy is the worst, followed by the air force.  Marines are the last hold outs, and maybe guard units. 
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Offline BUGEYE

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I still have faith in the rank and file troops, not the officers.
Give me liberty, or give me death
                                     Patrick Henry

Give me liberty, or give me death

Offline nw_hunter

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Bug your true yankee self is leaking out. You don't know spit about the south of 65 years ago, you don't even suspect anything about us.
I know that Ike had to send troops so that  the southerners couldn’t stop black kids from entering school.
The whole world knew spit about the south 65 years ago.
They were racist, Eisenhower had to threaten to kick butt.

I’ve been in the south 53 years and that’s plenty of time to get an idea about y’all.

Why in the world would someone who has such disdain for us Southern folk want to live with us for so long? Especially in a deep Southern state like Ga,? BTW, If you could live in the South another 53 years, you still wouldn't know squat about the (dreaded racists) you yammer about.
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Offline orerancher

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I still have faith in the rank and file troops, not the officers.

Them 'Rank and File' Troops....Mostly, Early 20 Sumthins....Were Raised and Indoctrinated in the Public Schools.....They Will do What Their Told to Do...

Offline BUGEYE

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Bug your true yankee self is leaking out. You don't know spit about the south of 65 years ago, you don't even suspect anything about us.
I know that Ike had to send troops so that  the southerners couldn’t stop black kids from entering school.
The whole world knew spit about the south 65 years ago.
They were racist, Eisenhower had to threaten to kick butt.

I’ve been in the south 53 years and that’s plenty of time to get an idea about y’all.

Why in the world would someone who has such disdain for us Southern folk want to live with us for so long? Especially in a deep Southern state like Ga,? BTW, If you could live in the South another 53 years, you still wouldn't know squat about the (dreaded racists) you yammer about.
I only have disdain for people who lie.
They were racist then and mostly racist now.
It was southern democrats who fought to keep another people enslaved.

From a speech by the confederate veep.

In particular, he stated that "our new government['s] foundations are laid, its cornerstone rests, upon the great truth that the negro is not equal to the white man; that slavery—subordination to the superior race—is his natural and normal condition. This, our new government, is the first, in the history of the world, based upon this great physical, philosophical, and moral truth.

Ain't nothing changed. :)

Give me liberty, or give me death
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Give me liberty, or give me death

Offline phalanx

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Sixty five years ago most whites were racists--really?  Not where I live. Not then, not now.

Mexicans can damn sure be racist, mostly towards white folks.
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There you rid the Holy City of the Scourge of Islam , Make the streets run red with the Blood of those who wish to wash Israel and Christianity from the face of the Earth.
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Offline BUGEYE

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Sixty five years ago most whites were racists--really?  Not where I live. Not then, not now.

Mexicans can damn sure be racist, mostly towards white folks.
I have to fight the urge to profile people based on their ethnicity.
It's wrong and I know it's wrong, thankfully if I fight it I can be forgiven.
Give me liberty, or give me death
                                     Patrick Henry

Give me liberty, or give me death

Offline nw_hunter

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If you go by the modern definition of Racism, then we all are Racist. I just came from my chicken pen. I never saw so many racists. The White Leghorns were all together, the Red chickens were hanging around other reds, and the Black Bantams were crowded together. The only one in the pen completely color blind was the Rooster. He was visiting them all.

Forced integration of anything never works. After all these years, the schools are still segregated.
Check out a school near you or one in NYC. When the bell rings and school lets out, you will see more blacks with blacks and whites with whites, and so on. Just the nature of things. Given the choice, we mostly choose to hang out with our own kind. Doesn't have to be that way, but it usually is. Nothing wrong with it either. Doesn't make one a Racist just because they do.

Freedom Of Speech.....Once we lose it, every other freedom will follow.

Offline BUGEYE

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If you go by the modern definition of Racism, then we all are Racist. I just came from my chicken pen. I never saw so many racists. The White Leghorns were all together, the Red chickens were hanging around other reds, and the Black Bantams were crowded together. The only one in the pen completely color blind was the Rooster. He was visiting them all.

Forced integration of anything never works. After all these years, the schools are still segregated.
Check out a school near you or one in NYC. When the bell rings and school lets out, you will see more blacks with blacks and whites with whites, and so on. Just the nature of things. Given the choice, we mostly choose to hang out with our own kind. Doesn't have to be that way, but it usually is. Nothing wrong with it either. Doesn't make one a Racist just because they do.
There is nothing wrong with spending your time with people of your own race.
Blacks and Latinos are too noisy for my taste.
But telling black children or any children that they can’t go to school with whites is WRONG.
The Arkansas guard were keeping those kids out of school until Eisenhower took command and turned the situation around.
Then, George Wallace vowed segregation forever when he became governor of Alabama.
He stood in the door of U.A. To keep black kids from enrolling.
The people who elected him knew his position on blacks.
I’d say so.
Give me liberty, or give me death
                                     Patrick Henry

Give me liberty, or give me death

Offline Mule 11

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I’m fine with segregation. Racist or not... Since my opinion does not change a damn thing why should anyone care? I own it.

Offline mcbammer

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There is nothing wrong with spending your time with people of your own race.
Blacks and Latinos are too noisy for my taste.
But telling black children or any children that they can’t go to school with whites is WRONG.
The Arkansas guard were keeping those kids out of school until Eisenhower took command and turned the situation around.
Then, George Wallace vowed segregation forever when he became governor of Alabama.
He stood in the door of U.A. To keep black kids from enrolling.
The people who elected him knew his position on blacks.
I’d say so.
  Wallace would have been anything he needed to be to get elected he  just went the direction  the political wind was blowing at the time .
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Offline BUGEYE

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There is nothing wrong with spending your time with people of your own race.
Blacks and Latinos are too noisy for my taste.
But telling black children or any children that they can’t go to school with whites is WRONG.
The Arkansas guard were keeping those kids out of school until Eisenhower took command and turned the situation around.
Then, George Wallace vowed segregation forever when he became governor of Alabama.
He stood in the door of U.A. To keep black kids from enrolling.
The people who elected him knew his position on blacks.
I’d say so.
[/quote]  Wallace would have been anything he needed to be to get elected he  just went the direction  the political wind was blowing at the time .
The political wind was blowing in the direction of racism.
I fight it continuously because IMO I'll be judged for it.
Give me liberty, or give me death
                                     Patrick Henry

Give me liberty, or give me death

Offline Mule 11

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There is nothing wrong with spending your time with people of your own race.
Blacks and Latinos are too noisy for my taste.
But telling black children or any children that they can’t go to school with whites is WRONG.
The Arkansas guard were keeping those kids out of school until Eisenhower took command and turned the situation around.
Then, George Wallace vowed segregation forever when he became governor of Alabama.
He stood in the door of U.A. To keep black kids from enrolling.
The people who elected him knew his position on blacks.
I’d say so.
  Wallace would have been anything he needed to be to get elected he  just went the direction  the political wind was blowing at the time .
The political wind was blowing in the direction of racism.
I fight it continuously because IMO I'll be judged for it.

Mebbe you should start shining their shoes and washing their feet for em and have your wife dry their feet with her hair to make up for your whiteness...

Offline neckisred

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If you go by the modern definition of Racism, then we all are Racist. I just came from my chicken pen. I never saw so many racists. The White Leghorns were all together, the Red chickens were hanging around other reds, and the Black Bantams were crowded together. The only one in the pen completely color blind was the Rooster. He was visiting them all.

Forced integration of anything never works. After all these years, the schools are still segregated.
Check out a school near you or one in NYC. When the bell rings and school lets out, you will see more blacks with blacks and whites with whites, and so on. Just the nature of things. Given the choice, we mostly choose to hang out with our own kind. Doesn't have to be that way, but it usually is. Nothing wrong with it either. Doesn't make one a Racist just because they do.

This!!!! Best post I've seen in quite some time. I prefer hanging out with my tribe, on our land. If that makes me racist. I'm ok with it.

Offline BUGEYE

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There is nothing wrong with spending your time with people of your own race.
Blacks and Latinos are too noisy for my taste.
But telling black children or any children that they can’t go to school with whites is WRONG.
The Arkansas guard were keeping those kids out of school until Eisenhower took command and turned the situation around.
Then, George Wallace vowed segregation forever when he became governor of Alabama.
He stood in the door of U.A. To keep black kids from enrolling.
The people who elected him knew his position on blacks.
I’d say so.
  Wallace would have been anything he needed to be to get elected he  just went the direction  the political wind was blowing at the time .
The political wind was blowing in the direction of racism.
I fight it continuously because IMO I'll be judged for it.
for em and have your wife dry their feet with her hair to
Mebbe you should start shining their shoes and washing their feet make up for your whiteness...
Give me liberty, or give me death
                                     Patrick Henry

Give me liberty, or give me death

Offline BUGEYE

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This is not the religion forum, but,
 For God does not show favoritism.  Romans 2:11  NIV

So, I'm betting that GOD considers racism a sin.
Give me liberty, or give me death
                                     Patrick Henry

Give me liberty, or give me death

Offline Mule 11

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Mebbe you should start shining their shoes and washing their feet for em and have your wife dry their feet with her hair to make up for your whiteness...

Ifin ya are gonna quote me at least do so...

Offline Mule 11

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This is not the religion forum, but,
 For God does not show favoritism.  Romans 2:11  NIV

So, I'm betting that GOD considers racism a sin.
Well then, why did god punish them by turning them black? Also “segregating” us by land, oceans, mountains and language? Musta been a mistake aye?

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I am of the opinion that there are more GOOD PEOPLE than bad.  That a "few", and I use that liberally, make it bad for everyone.

I believe there are white, brown, black, yellow, red, etc., skinned people willing to sit on their butts all day, every day, do no work, remain uneducated on purpose, and EXPECT the Government to pay their way.  These people are USELESS.  You WORK, or you DON'T EAT.  Welfare GONE.

There are people who cannot work, by health or injury, and the community should identify them, care for them, and support their individual effort, it starts WITH THEM, to seek assistance from the government.

There is a LOT of money going to corrupt leaders in countries that HATE US.  NO MORE.  Let them eat the dry sand and drink the black oil beneath their feet.  They will miss us...we are not their police, their bank, or their grocery store.

There are HEAPS of corrupt politicians (not leaders), in THIS country, that hate US.  Round them up.  Incarcerate them - Escape from California style.  Solitary confinement for 180-days for most though, like the current Jan. 6 political prisoners.

If you are caught looting, rioting, and "peacefully" assembling (the MSN, ABC, CBS, CNN definition), the Green Light will be ON to shoot AT you, some even hit, then incarcerate what remains of your corrupt carcass with the corrupt politicians.  After which, you WORK, or you DON'T EAT.

If you cross our border illegally, the Green Light will be ON to shoot AT you, some even hit, to turn you around, or incarcerate what remains of your corrupt carcass with the corrupt politicians.  After which, you WORK, or you DON'T EAT. 

If you crossed our border illegally you have 48-hours to GET THE HELL OUT and the Green Light will be ON to incarcerate what remains of your corrupt carcass with the corrupt politicians.  After which, you WORK, or you DON'T EAT.

This country is bleeding and it needs to stop.

Offline Ranger99

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I am of the opinion that there are more GOOD PEOPLE than bad.  That a "few", and I use that liberally, make it bad for everyone.

I believe there are white, brown, black, yellow, red, etc., skinned people willing to sit on their butts all day, every day, do no work, remain uneducated on purpose, and EXPECT the Government to pay their way.  These people are USELESS.  You WORK, or you DON'T EAT.  Welfare GONE.

There are people who cannot work, by health or injury, and the community should identify them, care for them, and support their individual effort, it starts WITH THEM, to seek assistance from the government.

There is a LOT of money going to corrupt leaders in countries that HATE US.  NO MORE.  Let them eat the dry sand and drink the black oil beneath their feet.  They will miss us...we are not their police, their bank, or their grocery store.

There are HEAPS of corrupt politicians (not leaders), in THIS country, that hate US.  Round them up.  Incarcerate them - Escape from California style.  Solitary confinement for 180-days for most though, like the current Jan. 6 political prisoners.

If you are caught looting, rioting, and "peacefully" assembling (the MSN, ABC, CBS, CNN definition), the Green Light will be ON to shoot AT you, some even hit, then incarcerate what remains of your corrupt carcass with the corrupt politicians.  After which, you WORK, or you DON'T EAT.

If you cross our border illegally, the Green Light will be ON to shoot AT you, some even hit, then incarcerate your corrupt carcass with the corrupt politicians.  If you crossed our border illegally, you have 48-hours to cross back after which the Green Light will be ON to incarcerate your corrupt carcass with the corrupt politicians.

This country is bleeding and it needs to stop.

^ ^ ^
Not much to add right there,  except
that if a morally corrupt district attorney
like Dallas county has refuses to prosecute
the perpetrators,  he/she will be removed
and tried as a collaborator
18 MINUTES.  . . . . . .