Author Topic: Poll: Nearly 3 in 10 Americans May Take Up Arms Against Government Someday  (Read 1686 times)

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Offline Mule 11

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I am of the opinion that there are more GOOD PEOPLE than bad.  That a "few", and I use that liberally, make it bad for everyone.

I believe there are white, brown, black, yellow, red, etc., skinned people willing to sit on their butts all day, every day, do no work, remain uneducated on purpose, and EXPECT the Government to pay their way.  These people are USELESS.  You WORK, or you DON'T EAT.  Welfare GONE.

There are people who cannot work, by health or injury, and the community should identify them, care for them, and support their individual effort, it starts WITH THEM, to seek assistance from the government.

There is a LOT of money going to corrupt leaders in countries that HATE US.  NO MORE.  Let them eat the dry sand and drink the black oil beneath their feet.  They will miss us...we are not their police, their bank, or their grocery store.

There are HEAPS of corrupt politicians (not leaders), in THIS country, that hate US.  Round them up.  Incarcerate them - Escape from California style.  Solitary confinement for 180-days for most though, like the current Jan. 6 political prisoners.

If you are caught looting, rioting, and "peacefully" assembling (the MSN, ABC, CBS, CNN definition), the Green Light will be ON to shoot AT you, some even hit, then incarcerate what remains of your corrupt carcass with the corrupt politicians.  After which, you WORK, or you DON'T EAT.

If you cross our border illegally, the Green Light will be ON to shoot AT you, some even hit, to turn you around, or incarcerate what remains of your corrupt carcass with the corrupt politicians.  After which, you WORK, or you DON'T EAT. 

If you crossed our border illegally you have 48-hours to GET THE HELL OUT and the Green Light will be ON to incarcerate what remains of your corrupt carcass with the corrupt politicians.  After which, you WORK, or you DON'T EAT.

This country is bleeding and it needs to stop.

Well said.

Offline phalanx

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This is not the religion forum, but,
 For God does not show favoritism.  Romans 2:11  NIV

So, I'm betting that GOD considers racism a sin.
Well then, why did god punish them by turning them black? Also “segregating” us by land, oceans, mountains and language? Musta been a mistake aye?

God doesn't make mistakes.
In this time i Command ,That you take the Secular to Jerusalem .
There you rid the Holy City of the Scourge of Islam , Make the streets run red with the Blood of those who wish to wash Israel and Christianity from the face of the Earth.
Constantine III

Offline nw_hunter

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Blacks in the 50's had only been freed less than a hundred years. There were still people living in the South who were still remembering the Northern War of Aggression. AKA Civil War. Things were changing concerning integration and other negative feelings toward Blacks' but he Federal Government wanted to show it's power and  forced Teens of all people to accept change. With the use of Federal Forces against our children. Forget the National Guard. These troops I saw using force were the Screaming Eagles. 101st Airborne Div. An Elite force. You do know they could have started with First grader to integrate. But they wanted to make a point.

And since the folks from the northern states want to blast the south as being so horrible to Blacks
Remember this
Although Northern states had abolished slavery, segregation still thrived among the Northern people. Most abolitionists were from the North, but most Northerners were not abolitionists. Similar to Southerners, they did not even think of blacks as equal beings. Not all Northern states had fair rights for blacks. In fact, by the end of the Civil War, 19 of 24 Northern states still did not allow blacks to vote. For example, Ohio became a free state in 1803, but it passed the Black Codes in 1804, prohibiting blacks from voting or testifying in court. In addition, blacks could not receive a free public education, or many of the other privileges whites had, in an effort to discourage their migration into the state. This set of rules later inspired similar other states, like Indiana and Illinois, to adopt laws limiting blacks' rights. When blacks did have state rights to vote or file lawsuits, whites often oppressed them, and prevented them from exercising those abilities. They were denied many job opportunities, and many could only afford poor living conditions in ghettos. That also meant that they could not afford medical care, and as a result, blacks had one of the highest death rates in urban areas. The truth is, while the North did not view blacks as slaves, it did not view them as humans either.
Freedom Of Speech.....Once we lose it, every other freedom will follow.

Offline Dee

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Blacks in the 50's had only been freed less than a hundred years. There were still people living in the South who were still remembering the Northern War of Aggression. AKA Civil War. Things were changing concerning integration and other negative feelings toward Blacks' but he Federal Government wanted to show it's power and  forced Teens of all people to accept change. With the use of Federal Forces against our children. Forget the National Guard. These troops I saw using force were the Screaming Eagles. 101st Airborne Div. An Elite force. You do know they could have started with First grader to integrate. But they wanted to make a point.

And since the folks from the northern states want to blast the south as being so horrible to Blacks
Remember this
Although Northern states had abolished slavery, segregation still thrived among the Northern people. Most abolitionists were from the North, but most Northerners were not abolitionists. Similar to Southerners, they did not even think of blacks as equal beings. Not all Northern states had fair rights for blacks. In fact, by the end of the Civil War, 19 of 24 Northern states still did not allow blacks to vote. For example, Ohio became a free state in 1803, but it passed the Black Codes in 1804, prohibiting blacks from voting or testifying in court. In addition, blacks could not receive a free public education, or many of the other privileges whites had, in an effort to discourage their migration into the state. This set of rules later inspired similar other states, like Indiana and Illinois, to adopt laws limiting blacks' rights. When blacks did have state rights to vote or file lawsuits, whites often oppressed them, and prevented them from exercising those abilities. They were denied many job opportunities, and many could only afford poor living conditions in ghettos. That also meant that they could not afford medical care, and as a result, blacks had one of the highest death rates in urban areas. The truth is, while the North did not view blacks as slaves, it did not view them as humans either.

Stop tellin the truth.  ;)
You may all go to hell, I will go to Texas. Davy Crockett

Offline BUGEYE

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Mebbe you should start shining their shoes and washing their feet for em and have your wife dry their feet with her hair to make up for your whiteness...

Ifin ya are gonna quote me at least do so...
A problem arose somewhere back a few posts.
If you look back, you'll see it.
Oh and leave my wife out of this.

And, I looked back and found where you made a mistake on post #9.
Give me liberty, or give me death
                                     Patrick Henry

Give me liberty, or give me death

Offline nw_hunter

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Blacks in the 50's had only been freed less than a hundred years. There were still people living in the South who were still remembering the Northern War of Aggression. AKA Civil War. Things were changing concerning integration and other negative feelings toward Blacks' but he Federal Government wanted to show it's power and  forced Teens of all people to accept change. With the use of Federal Forces against our children. Forget the National Guard. These troops I saw using force were the Screaming Eagles. 101st Airborne Div. An Elite force. You do know they could have started with First grader to integrate. But they wanted to make a point.

And since the folks from the northern states want to blast the south as being so horrible to Blacks
Remember this
Although Northern states had abolished slavery, segregation still thrived among the Northern people. Most abolitionists were from the North, but most Northerners were not abolitionists. Similar to Southerners, they did not even think of blacks as equal beings. Not all Northern states had fair rights for blacks. In fact, by the end of the Civil War, 19 of 24 Northern states still did not allow blacks to vote. For example, Ohio became a free state in 1803, but it passed the Black Codes in 1804, prohibiting blacks from voting or testifying in court. In addition, blacks could not receive a free public education, or many of the other privileges whites had, in an effort to discourage their migration into the state. This set of rules later inspired similar other states, like Indiana and Illinois, to adopt laws limiting blacks' rights. When blacks did have state rights to vote or file lawsuits, whites often oppressed them, and prevented them from exercising those abilities. They were denied many job opportunities, and many could only afford poor living conditions in ghettos. That also meant that they could not afford medical care, and as a result, blacks had one of the highest death rates in urban areas. The truth is, while the North did not view blacks as slaves, it did not view them as humans either.

Stop tellin the truth.  ;)

LOL! That old truth can hurt! I should know! ;D
Freedom Of Speech.....Once we lose it, every other freedom will follow.

Offline Dee

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Blacks in the 50's had only been freed less than a hundred years. There were still people living in the South who were still remembering the Northern War of Aggression. AKA Civil War. Things were changing concerning integration and other negative feelings toward Blacks' but he Federal Government wanted to show it's power and  forced Teens of all people to accept change. With the use of Federal Forces against our children. Forget the National Guard. These troops I saw using force were the Screaming Eagles. 101st Airborne Div. An Elite force. You do know they could have started with First grader to integrate. But they wanted to make a point.

And since the folks from the northern states want to blast the south as being so horrible to Blacks
Remember this
Although Northern states had abolished slavery, segregation still thrived among the Northern people. Most abolitionists were from the North, but most Northerners were not abolitionists. Similar to Southerners, they did not even think of blacks as equal beings. Not all Northern states had fair rights for blacks. In fact, by the end of the Civil War, 19 of 24 Northern states still did not allow blacks to vote. For example, Ohio became a free state in 1803, but it passed the Black Codes in 1804, prohibiting blacks from voting or testifying in court. In addition, blacks could not receive a free public education, or many of the other privileges whites had, in an effort to discourage their migration into the state. This set of rules later inspired similar other states, like Indiana and Illinois, to adopt laws limiting blacks' rights. When blacks did have state rights to vote or file lawsuits, whites often oppressed them, and prevented them from exercising those abilities. They were denied many job opportunities, and many could only afford poor living conditions in ghettos. That also meant that they could not afford medical care, and as a result, blacks had one of the highest death rates in urban areas. The truth is, while the North did not view blacks as slaves, it did not view them as humans either.

Stop tellin the truth.  ;)

LOL! That old truth can hurt! I should know! ;D

LOL, I was born and raised in the south, and what Bill, and you've said is exactly right.
You may all go to hell, I will go to Texas. Davy Crockett

Offline BUGEYE

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Racism is alive and well both north and south.

The war was fought to continue the slavery of human beings.

Romans 2:11

Continuing to argue in favor of slavery could have dire consequences one day.
Give me liberty, or give me death
                                     Patrick Henry

Give me liberty, or give me death

Offline Lloyd Smale

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troops will fire on civilians if given orders too or even if the think they might get fired on themselves. Just look at the training our national guard gets if you doubt it. But what  i dont believe is 3 in 10 americans would take up arms against the government. First factor in that half the country are liberals. If you think those candy asses will risk there lives ive got a bridge. Then look at the other half. Our half. How many people do you know that have actually been in combat. That joined the military and were willing to put there lives on the line for anything. When bullets start flying probably 80 percent of them are going running. Most of them used to there comfortable life and have never even been in a fist fight let alone a firefight. Now what you have  here is mostly lip service. talking the talk but surely not walking the walk. In reality id bet that true number isnt even one percent. Now this would change obviously if the government was trying to kill them or there familys. Even if they did they be routed in days. Untrained deer hunters (and even the ones that have killed an animal are a very small percentage) against the most formidable military in the world. Good luck with that. Honestly if shtf like that and there was a civil war I wouldnt even be in those numbers. What i would do is stay home and protect my home and family. Them i would die for. Even as f   up as this country is today i still love it. I believe in our system and can see today that it works. Every day the liberals are losing more ground and in a matter of months we should be starting to go the other way. But that 3 out of 10? Bunch of young rednecks puffing there chests out. Most of who would piss there pants if they had to actually fight. Probably not 1 percent of them actually had the balls to even join the space force. My guess is youd have more running to canada and mexico then you would see actually fighting.
blue lives matter

Offline Dee

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"Nearly 3 in 10 May Take Up Arms Against Government Someday"

How did this thread become about "slavery", and WHO here is arguing in favor  of "slavery"? I don't believe it is, nor do i see anyone arguing in favor of "slavery". It's about the reality of man. I'm gonna say Lloyd is giving most men more credit than they're due.
While some comprehend reality, some do not.

Proverbs Chapter 10 verse 23, since we're now quoting scripture here.  ;D
You may all go to hell, I will go to Texas. Davy Crockett

Offline Graybeard

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I am of the opinion that there are more GOOD PEOPLE than bad.  That a "few", and I use that liberally, make it bad for everyone.

Call me a pessimist if you wish, I prefer to think of myself as a realist.

But I think most people are bad people and basically evil. It takes great effort on the part of most of us to overcome that and do good when we should. I don't think it is the natural state of man to be good however

Bill aka the Graybeard
President, Graybeard Outdoor Enterprises

I am not a lawyer and do not give legal advice.

Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life anyone who believes in Him will have everlasting life!

Offline Dee

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Agreed Bill. Not to turn this into a Bible study, but the Bible clearly states that we are born "into sin", and "of sin". And as you say, we are a "natural man", until we surrender to Christ.

Its our nature to be bad, and we fight the urge, at least we're supposed to.
You may all go to hell, I will go to Texas. Davy Crockett

Offline BUGEYE

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I am of the opinion that there are more GOOD PEOPLE than bad.  That a "few", and I use that liberally, make it bad for everyone.

Call me a pessimist if you wish, I prefer to think of myself as a realist.

But I think most people are bad people and basically evil. It takes great effort on the part of most of us to overcome that and do good when we should. I don't think it is the natural state of man to be good however
What you say is true, and I stated that I have to fight being racist and try to remember that GOD loves everyone equally.
And I believe that if we give into it, we'll pay dearly.
Give me liberty, or give me death
                                     Patrick Henry

Give me liberty, or give me death

Offline Land_Owner

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But I think most people are bad people and basically evil. It takes great effort on the part of most of us to overcome that and do good when we should. I don't think it is the natural state of man to be good however

Philosophically, we disagree.
Leave-me-alone-and-I'll-leave-you-alone people are everywhere.  Rural types a lot of the time.  Don't-push-an-agenda-in-my-direction folks too.  Some even invite you to be their friend.

If-I-see-something-wrong-I-get-involved people (not the "woke" type) give me hope.

Everybody has a bad side.  Warning-I-am-not-the-one-you-want-to-mess-with-today type folks.  They don't have a "tell", so the chip on their shoulder is not apparent.

There is more to say, but I have run out of time...

Offline Mule 11

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Mebbe you should start shining their shoes and washing their feet for em and have your wife dry their feet with her hair to make up for your whiteness...

Ifin ya are gonna quote me at least do so...
A problem arose somewhere back a few posts.
If you look back, you'll see it.
Oh and leave my wife out of this.

And, I looked back and found where you made a mistake on post #9.
I have seen this “Christian” practice first hand. Where the women would wash the feet of the men and dry their feet with their hair. Where is the humility from the men in said ritual?
Oh, and the problem?