Author Topic: My friend Brenda, teacher and author writes..  (Read 1667 times)

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Offline BUGEYE

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Re: My friend Brenda, teacher and author writes..
« Reply #30 on: July 12, 2022, 02:24:02 PM »
Good article, and it mentioned that the cells were harvested 30 years ago.
Nowadays they use umbilical cord blood when they need fresh cells.
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Offline ironglow

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Re: My friend Brenda, teacher and author writes..
« Reply #31 on: July 13, 2022, 01:48:49 AM »
  My goodness, the OP here was concerning Brenda's hard  work, defending our constitutional rights and the lives of little boys and girls.  Then as suddenly as it was posted, some climbed upon their favorite "hobby horse" concerning vaccinations.

  They even use the Bible as a source of attack, but I see nothing in the Bible concerning fetal cells, DNA, or
    Now, according to the link provided by TrumpWon;     fetal cells are used in some vaccines.  The link didn't list exactly which ones, so we still don't know.
  ..But it does say that these cells were used in the development of Ibuprofen, Acetaminophen (Tylenol) and aspirin, but I don't suppose any of you guys ever have used any of those.  They are also used in treatments of various diseases, including Alzheimer's and high blood pressure.

    From the article.." “So many people don’t realize how important fetal cell lines are to develop life-saving medicines and vaccines that they rely on every day,” says Amesh Adalja, an infectious disease expert at Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security. “Their use in developing COVID-19 vaccines isn’t anything different or special.”

  Shucks, you guys may be on your way to the Lake of Fire without even knowing it, if you are using any prescriptions..  ..And don't forget, the Chinese are making many of our prescription drugs.. ;)  ;D

  But there is still hope for you, and the rest of us!  God "looks upon the heart" (1 Sam 16:7), and not upon vaccinations, French fries, masks or whether you licensed your dog!
    Salvation is so simple, many just can't grasp it.

  Here are ten verses concerning salvation;

  Note:  None mention DNA, Vaccinations or the high price of gasoline..
If you don't want the truth, don't ask me.  If you want something sugar coated...go eat a donut !  (anon)

Offline ironglow

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Re: My friend Brenda, teacher and author writes..
« Reply #32 on: July 13, 2022, 02:20:38 AM »
Concerning the blood...

  TM makes an emotional plea that some blood may be involved in the making of vaccines. Of course, IF there is
   any involved, it would have to be microscopic.
  ..But in any case, Biblical concern for blood, is all blood, animal and man alike.  Here, speaking of the OT blood sacrifices.
       " For the life of the flesh is in the blood, and I have given it to you upon the altar to make atonement for your souls; for it is the blood that makes atonement for the soul."  (Lev 17:11)

    Hebrews 10 gives us further instructions, concerning blood, both man and animal. Any meat product contains blood..  So, if you guys are vitally concerned with blood..can we then assume you are totally Vegan?  Even if you are, how about the blood involved in any meat products your parents may have fed you?
If you don't want the truth, don't ask me.  If you want something sugar coated...go eat a donut !  (anon)

Offline BUGEYE

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Re: My friend Brenda, teacher and author writes..
« Reply #33 on: July 13, 2022, 03:19:40 AM »
Very good posts IG, hopefully this thread will come to a close.

And, your friend is a very smart woman.
If she has any more writings I'd like to see them.
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Offline magooch

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Re: My friend Brenda, teacher and author writes..
« Reply #34 on: July 13, 2022, 05:05:59 AM »
All opinions aside, it seems now there is no really good reason to take any vaccine, or booster as there are very effective medications available (maybe) for those who do contract the Chinese plague.  Either with, or without the vaccine you're not immune.  However, by taking the vaccine and boosters there is the possibility of it causing a coagulation which could lead to a stroke.  I know this from personal experience.  I got lucky and the mini stroke cleared by itself.  I did go to the hospital the next day, because it seemed like a good idea.  Over $16,000 worth of testing etc. they sent me home with some pills. 

I guess the pills are doing what they are supposed to as a subsequent checkup brought the comment from my doctor's nurse regarding my bp, etc.--"just like a teenager."  Anyway, knowing what I know now, I will not be taking any vaccines that are experimental unless it is a last-ditch situation.

Offline phalanx

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Re: My friend Brenda, teacher and author writes..
« Reply #35 on: July 13, 2022, 05:32:02 AM »
Talking about the vaccine. Last night on FOX they were saying we are on the path to another wave of Covid 19.
Dr. Fauci was saying it was caused by people not wearing mask, or not using his guide lines. And not getting the vaccine. Personally I feel like he is full of BS. Another Doctor on there said the drop in cases and the duration of the recovery is due to the rise in Natural immunity. And cases have not gone up.
In this time i Command ,That you take the Secular to Jerusalem .
There you rid the Holy City of the Scourge of Islam , Make the streets run red with the Blood of those who wish to wash Israel and Christianity from the face of the Earth.
Constantine III

Offline Mule 11

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Re: My friend Brenda, teacher and author writes..
« Reply #36 on: July 13, 2022, 06:42:29 AM »
Concerning the blood...

  TM makes an emotional plea that some blood may be involved in the making of vaccines.

Not even close to what TM7 said.

Offline ironglow

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Re: My friend Brenda, teacher and author writes..
« Reply #37 on: July 13, 2022, 07:08:01 AM »
Concerning the blood...

  TM makes an emotional plea that some blood may be involved in the making of vaccines.

Not even close to what TM7 said.

  TM's reply #29 
   " In this case human life, and I remind you human life is in the Image of the Creator. The satanist that created these vaxxines know this, and to get you listed in the judgement day book as a sinner you must freely choose to take the DNA jab and defile the Creator, and defile the pure blood Christ shed for humanity.
    Continuing this thought experiment:
First, there's is several hundred references in the Bible referring to blood. Blood is usually accepted as life or essence of life. It is not to be mingled, eaten, or triveled with. It's the holy sacrament of Life.
Conversely, the unholy sacrament of the Satanist are DNA altering fake vax, actually bioweapons.
Those that took these unholy anti-human sacrament by free choice may have a problem on judgement when the book of deeds is open, strictly speaking.
I think the reference you want is Rev 20: 10-15
Of course, once in the lake of fire there's no way out, but there will be interesting company."[/color]

If you don't want the truth, don't ask me.  If you want something sugar coated...go eat a donut !  (anon)

Offline Mule 11

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Re: My friend Brenda, teacher and author writes..
« Reply #38 on: July 13, 2022, 07:21:08 AM »
Like I said. As usual you are mincing another word salad to come to your own conclusion as usual. So, keep digging...

Offline Mule 11

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Re: My friend Brenda, teacher and author writes..
« Reply #39 on: July 13, 2022, 07:29:52 AM »
But the jabs are not a vaccine. According to the patents, the science, and the experts the jabs are gene altering serums. Which people chose to take by their own free will. Nor did the jabs decrease infections, they increased infections. And taking a gene/blood altering substance has everything to do with it.

The only way a person is condemned to hell is because he or she rejects Jesus Christs blood offering on the cross. If you confess Jesus as lord and ask him to forgive your sins your going to spend eternity with him. If you reject him then hell will be your home for eternity.   Pretty simple.

And taking a vaccine or not, has nothing to do with it.

This right here is the explanation you are changing into something it is not. Read Real Slow so that you might? Understand. Quit mincing others words and meanings it just makes you look ?

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Re: My friend Brenda, teacher and author writes..
« Reply #40 on: July 13, 2022, 09:42:17 AM »
Wish God could be a little more definitive. Something like get the jab and then you’re struck down by lightning.
As it is with all the vaccinations and decrease in COVID deaths it’s like he wants me to believe in science.

Offline BUGEYE

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Re: My friend Brenda, teacher and author writes..
« Reply #41 on: July 13, 2022, 09:48:38 AM »
Wish God could be a little more definitive. Something like get the jab and then you’re struck down by lightning.
As it is with all the vaccinations and decrease in COVID deaths it’s like he wants me to believe in science.
Well TW, GOD never mentioned the jab, but some here are trying to add to the Bible to justify their conspiracy theory.

And those same folks are acting exactly like democrats/communists in the fact that they won't allow other folks to make their own decisions.
They just keep yammering about it. :)
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Offline Mule 11

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Re: My friend Brenda, teacher and author writes..
« Reply #42 on: July 13, 2022, 10:29:59 AM »
Wish God could be a little more definitive. Something like get the jab and then you’re struck down by lightning.
As it is with all the vaccinations and decrease in COVID deaths it’s like he wants me to believe in science.
Well TW, GOD never mentioned the jab, but some here are trying to add to the Bible to justify their conspiracy theory.

And those same folks are acting exactly like democrats/communists in the fact that they won't allow other folks to make their own decisions.
They just keep yammering about it. :)

Actually accusing conservatives of acting like democrats/communists is what the left does. And TrumpWon, I think you had better try to make it out of the lake you fell in...
“The fact they won’t let other folks make their own decisions”.  How can anyone on this forum possibly do that?

Offline BUGEYE

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Re: My friend Brenda, teacher and author writes..
« Reply #43 on: July 13, 2022, 10:53:36 AM »
“The fact they won’t let other folks make their own decisions”.  How can anyone on this forum possibly do that?
They just keep yammering about it hoping I'll start thinking like they do.   Which ain't gonna happen. ;D
Give me liberty, or give me death
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Give me liberty, or give me death

Offline Mule 11

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Re: My friend Brenda, teacher and author writes..
« Reply #44 on: July 13, 2022, 11:18:42 AM »
Wish God could be a little more definitive. Something like get the jab and then you’re struck down by lightning.
As it is with all the vaccinations and decrease in COVID deaths it’s like he wants me to believe in science.
I’d like God to strike down many. He allows many pos’s To walk this earth. Your point is pointless and a jab to promote more of your mainstream media hence government ideology. Chameleon...

Offline Mule 11

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Re: My friend Brenda, teacher and author writes..
« Reply #45 on: July 13, 2022, 11:19:31 AM »
“The fact they won’t let other folks make their own decisions”.  How can anyone on this forum possibly do that?
They just keep yammering about it hoping I'll start thinking like they do.   Which ain't gonna happen. ;D

Now that’s funny :)