We were sitting on a side deck on my son's house..sipping our coffee. Up where the 2X8 rafters connect with their supports..a momma robin has built her nest in that corner.
She is on her second hatch of the season, and oh so busy, keeping those 3 hungry mouths fed..flying back and fourth..bringing worms to her babies.
I said to myself.."if she were to get killed while away, he babies would just starve to death".
Then just as quickly I thought,... "If she were to get an injury, say a broken leg..she would likely hobble around, find a worm..and somehow, fly back to those babies and feed them. She would likely do it until she dies.
Then I got to considering.."What has happened to humans over the last few decades..many thinking that
their babies, are just "something to throw away" ?
..Used to be, saying somebody was "for the birds", was a put down...now it could in some cases, be a compliment !