Author Topic: Don't listen to all the "climate change" BS !  (Read 641 times)

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Offline ironglow

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Don't listen to all the "climate change" BS !
« on: July 26, 2022, 05:47:54 AM »
  That climate change stuff as the left presents it, is proving to be no more than a BS storm!

  Yes, this summer has been very warm, but it is not our fault. If blame must be placed, look to our sun.  Every 11 years, the sun does a "magnetic flip".  That flip causes all  kinds of disruptions in the sun, and this season, that is what is happening.
  We all know that sunspots can cause great changes in earth's climate..and sunspots are exceptionally wild during
   this 11 year cycle.

  Did fake news inform people of this unusual disruption of the sun and the numerous solar flares, or did they
  join right in with the "big green lie".?

  From the article..first 2 sentences;

   " Something weird is going on with the Sun.

So far, almost every day in 2022 it has erupted in flares and coronal mass ejections, some of which were the most powerful eruptions our star is capable of."

If you don't want the truth, don't ask me.  If you want something sugar coated...go eat a donut !  (anon)
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Offline oldandslow

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Re: Don't listen to all the "climate change" BS !
« Reply #1 on: July 26, 2022, 11:09:28 AM »
No, no, no. Man is causing it. The democrats say so and they wouldn't lie to us.   ::)

Any one that believes that come on out here as I have some lake front property for sale.  ;D

Offline DDZ

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Re: Don't listen to all the "climate change" BS !
« Reply #2 on: July 26, 2022, 02:27:33 PM »
Out of our 50 states. 57 if you believe Obama. 40 of them set high temperature records before 1975. Many of them in the 1930's or earlier, before the industrial revolution started.

The climate change scare has nothing to do with climate change. Its all a lie, and scare tactic by governments to transfer wealth and power from us to them.  If they can instill fear in people government can get them to do anything. Just look at how they used covid fear to get people hide in their homes, wear masks, and get untested fake vaccines. Our government learned a lot from using covid as a scare tactic.  They are using the climate change scare tactic to get people to agree with their tyrannical Marxist takeover. And its working. Lots of American citizens actually think we can change earths temperatures by stopping the burning of fossil fuels.  If ya all remember we were headed towards an ice age, and we were all going to freeze to death in the mid 70's.  While we are told we need to cut our fossil fuel usage. China started last year to build more coal fired powered plants. 
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Offline TrumpWon

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Re: Don't listen to all the "climate change" BS !
« Reply #3 on: July 26, 2022, 02:49:58 PM »
Never ceases to amaze me how they’ve gotten every major scientific group in the world,a every branch of the armed forces and even all the oil companies to buy into it. We are doomed!

Offline Dixie-Dude

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Re: Don't listen to all the "climate change" BS !
« Reply #4 on: July 26, 2022, 03:11:08 PM »
I still say the Cern particle accelerator in France has caused this summer to be hotter than normal, not global warming caused by CO2 emissions.  One volcanic eruption gives off more CO2 than all the industry and cars in the world for a year.  Cern has 200,000 times more magnetism than the earths magnetic shield. 

Every time it starts up in causes the electromagnetic shield of earth to split allowing more UV rays to enter. 

I'm not against wind and solar, but only to supplement nuclear and water power.  If we put generators at all the old grist mills in America, it would increase water power production by about 35%.  This wouldn't cost much if the property owners would let you, or give them some discounted power. 
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Offline TrumpWon

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Re: Don't listen to all the "climate change" BS !
« Reply #5 on: July 26, 2022, 03:59:23 PM »
Colliders, sun spots, volcanoes. That’s part of our problem, as a group we can’t get behind one reason to explain the rise in CO2 and temperatures and it’s diluting the truth we know. Let’s all get behind one theory and stick with it. Makes us look like a bunch of lame scatter brained conspiracy theorists.
Personally I like the volcano thing. Conjures up images of fire and brimstone.

Offline ironglow

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Re: Don't listen to all the "climate change" BS !
« Reply #6 on: July 27, 2022, 02:14:14 AM »
Never ceases to amaze me how they’ve gotten every major scientific group in the world,a every branch of the armed forces and even all the oil companies to buy into it. We are doomed!

  The answer is simple, it is more about $$$$ than it is about science;

        "Major scientific groups" have only one product...studies.  Studies require funding..and funding comes from
    either governments, or wealthy political partisans.  These studies have been caught how often can an entity lie, before they are considered a LIAR?

     Every branch of the armed forces, must in  many ways, conform to the administration in power or funding
   tightens up.  The interesting thing about the's top brass is elevated by the party in power in
   Washington. So far it appears that one party promotes by merit, the other for political reasons. Note the
    harassment of Christian troops and the dumping of  some of our best troops, over a yet unproven inoculation.

   Don't underestimate the power of a political movement.  Which corporation likes the idea of being boycotted?
   You can plainly see what happens, when the nations (or United Nations) decide to place restrictions on one country.  They can destroy whole, long established nations, say nothing about the largest corporations.

    To many of us, it is clear that our government, indeed most major governments have been infiltrated by a
  sinister movement, greedy for POWER. They get some useful idiots to run the streets and cry, "power to the
 people"... while they are actually seeking "power over the people".  In the history of this fallen world, free
  societies, have been an anomaly, an extremely rare anomaly.

  If you actually believe the Democrats have the best interests of the people in mind, please answer the following
    questions for me..actually for most of the guys here..

     1) Why did Biden shut down our petroleum exploration and production, when our producers are doing it more
    environmentally clean than anyone else?

     2) It is common knowledge that other powers, such as China, India and Russia, not to mention myriad
   s**thole  countries that pollute far more than does the USA, so why are the Democrats not taking them on,
  saying, "there, we've cleaned up our act, now let's see some action on your part"?

    3)  With all the celebrities, politicians and national "leaders", who calling for us to severely reduce our standard
    of living and pay double to gas up our car, among many other restrictions, why are people like Biden, Gore,
    Pelosi, Kerry and many other "leaders", not setting the example, by avoiding extravagant and pollution
   producing lifestyles?  This puts the lie to everything they espouse

     3) In what way does it improve our military, to have all manner of perverts serving?  Combat troops for the most part are required to have  "picket  fence" physical profile.  That profile  should be rated A11111, so how does it help our military to have some serving in a combat zone, that require hormonal and other treatments on a regular basis?  Where are they going to get that crap in a terrorist infested nation in the mideast..or a warlord run country in sub-Sahara Africa?  Or must our military interrupt it's logistics program with emergency shipments of hormones and other medications.?

  4) Last but not least;...  Please list, among all the rules, regulations and trade deals made by the Biden
   administration, a minimum of 3 or 4 that have been good for the United states..

If you don't want the truth, don't ask me.  If you want something sugar coated...go eat a donut !  (anon)

Offline ironglow

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Re: Don't listen to all the "climate change" BS !
« Reply #7 on: July 27, 2022, 02:20:25 AM »
Colliders, sun spots, volcanoes. That’s part of our problem, as a group we can’t get behind one reason to explain the rise in CO2 and temperatures and it’s diluting the truth we know. Let’s all get behind one theory and stick with it. Makes us look like a bunch of lame scatter brained conspiracy theorists.
Personally I like the volcano thing. Conjures up images of fire and brimstone.

   Just what they want...for us to buy into their power grab lie!  That way they can put more and more restrictions upon our freedoms.
  Did you enjoy the mandatory masking and mandatory stay-at-homes..while they went fishing, patronized beauty parlors and ate at the French Laundry...whie their "subjects were confined to indoors at home?

  Truly, you must come to grips with tnhs fact.. SOME FOLKS ARE JUST CONTROL FREAKS !

  Are you going to willingly submit?  At least that would make you a great SUBJECT !
If you don't want the truth, don't ask me.  If you want something sugar coated...go eat a donut !  (anon)

Offline O-mega

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Re: Don't listen to all the "climate change" BS !
« Reply #8 on: July 27, 2022, 03:47:34 AM »
Colliders, sun spots, volcanoes. That’s part of our problem, as a group we can’t get behind one reason to explain the rise in CO2 and temperatures and it’s diluting the truth we know. Let’s all get behind one theory and stick with it. Makes us look like a bunch of lame scatter brained conspiracy theorists.
Personally I like the volcano thing. Conjures up images of fire and brimstone.
The bottom line is that we do not know, scientists do not know, what is causing this.  Climate change has been going on for millions of years, and will continue for millions more.  We humans do contribute to it, but not nearly as much as they want us to believe.  Should we pollute less, absolutely, and we are, as we progress and develop new methods and equipment these things become more efficient and cleaner for the environment.  But this takes time, and money, to accomplish.  Instead of trying to force the issue, and paying all these politicians to harp on the environment, we should be putting all that money into R&D of new tech.  It can be done, but it needs to be economical to do, THAT is what these governments need to be spending on, making wind, solar, nuclear, safer, cheaper, more effective.  If the entire world would get on the same wagon and combine efforts to develop safer cleaner means to produce the energy we need this would be knocked out in a decade or two.
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Offline ironglow

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Re: Don't listen to all the "climate change" BS !
« Reply #9 on: July 27, 2022, 03:54:20 AM »
From Omega;
    " The bottom line is that we do not know, scientists do not know, what is causing this.  Climate change has been going on for millions of years, and will continue for millions more.  We humans do contribute to it, but not nearly as much as they want us to believe.  Should we pollute less, absolutely, and we are, as we progress and develop new methods and equipment these things become more efficient and cleaner for the environment.  But this takes time, and money, to accomplish.  Instead of trying to force the issue, and paying all these politicians to harp on the environment, we should be putting all that money into R&D of new tech.  It can be done, but it needs to be economical to do, THAT is what these governments need to be spending on, making wind, solar, nuclear, safer, cheaper, more effective.  If the entire world would get on the same wagon and combine efforts to develop safer cleaner means to produce the energy we need this would be knocked out in a decade or two."


  Now consider this short statement from Omega.." The bottom line is that we do not know, scientists do not know, what is causing this."

      If we were to capitulate to the control freaks demands and look no further, spending trillion$$ we don't have,
    trying to solve the wrong problem, or a problem that does not exist, we will be worse off and much poorer to
If you don't want the truth, don't ask me.  If you want something sugar coated...go eat a donut !  (anon)

Offline Dixie-Dude

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Re: Don't listen to all the "climate change" BS !
« Reply #10 on: July 27, 2022, 03:57:21 AM »
It is a fact that every time a solar flare hits the world, we have a corresponding earthquake somewhere.  The pressure from the flare puts pressure on the earth.   Sometimes it is under water, or in a remote place and/or they are smaller quakes that do not do much damage.  Solar flares also can affect the weather.  A Denmark researcher pointed this out.  A lot more things affect the weather than CO2 from cars and power plants and industry. 
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Offline ironglow

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Re: Don't listen to all the "climate change" BS !
« Reply #11 on: July 27, 2022, 04:00:39 AM »
  They have tried to form a pejorative term, calling us "deniers". I doubt anyone here denies that our climate to day, month to month, year to year, century to century.. even millennium to millennium.

   It is simply that not being so panic driven emotionally as some (chicken Littles), we are not convinced that it is
  due purely to our personal cars and industry.
If you don't want the truth, don't ask me.  If you want something sugar coated...go eat a donut !  (anon)

Offline Mule 11

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Re: Don't listen to all the "climate change" BS !
« Reply #12 on: July 27, 2022, 04:13:01 AM »
Colliders, sun spots, volcanoes. That’s part of our problem, as a group we can’t get behind one reason to explain the rise in CO2 and temperatures and it’s diluting the truth we know. Let’s all get behind one theory and stick with it. Makes us look like a bunch of lame scatter brained conspiracy theorists.
Personally I like the volcano thing. Conjures up images of fire and brimstone.

Actually it shows differing opinions and not the accepted narrative of a psyops troll.

Offline TrumpWon

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Re: Don't listen to all the "climate change" BS !
« Reply #13 on: July 27, 2022, 02:28:01 PM »
Sounds like these guys are saying that we do have the ability to modify the planet’s climate. I’m not convinced we can do that.

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Re: Don't listen to all the "climate change" BS !
« Reply #14 on: July 27, 2022, 05:20:26 PM »
Day to day change is weather not climate. Year to year change is weather not climate. Century to century is beginning to edge closer to climate change but only if it keeps on changing for multiple centuries.

This entire line of BS hasn't been going on long enough yet to even begin to call it climate change. Just a short few years ago the same experts expected us to be encased in ice by now.

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Offline O-mega

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Re: Don't listen to all the "climate change" BS !
« Reply #15 on: July 27, 2022, 05:48:33 PM »
Sounds like these guys are saying that we do have the ability to modify the planet’s climate. I’m not convinced we can do that.
I have no doubt we can affect the weather, we have been doing so for years, ever hear about cloud seeding for the ski resorts?  The thing is, these affects are only local, but if you have enough logistics, then it could be more widespread.  We are great at breaking stuff, but suck at cleanup, otherwise we would have cleaned up that floating island of plastic out in the ocean instead of using it as a political weapon.  What gets me is that these findings, aluminum contamination, can be verified, why isn't the EPA all over this..One Guess.
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Offline Lloyd Smale

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Re: Don't listen to all the "climate change" BS !
« Reply #16 on: July 27, 2022, 11:01:16 PM »
exactly!! We have had many summers up here hotter then this one. Matter of fact we havent seen any real hot days this year. I think it made it into the 90s (barely) twice. Ive seen summers up here with a week straight of 100 degree temps. if  anything this has been a fairly mild and maybe a bit wetter than usual summer. Id bet even those living in tx or fl have seen hotter summers in there lifetime.  Funny thing is when its really hot the libs blame it on global warming and when its not they call it weather and say there different. Playing both sides of the game to push there agenda.
Day to day change is weather not climate. Year to year change is weather not climate. Century to century is beginning to edge closer to climate change but only if it keeps on changing for multiple centuries.

This entire line of BS hasn't been going on long enough yet to even begin to call it climate change. Just a short few years ago the same experts expected us to be encased in ice by now.
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Offline ironglow

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Re: Don't listen to all the "climate change" BS !
« Reply #17 on: July 28, 2022, 01:39:15 AM »
Sounds like these guys are saying that we do have the ability to modify the planet’s climate. I’m not convinced we can do that.

  No! It's the Democrats who say we can change the climate, if we just give up owning anything, having any freedom, or being able to make any major decisions for ourselves
  Pleased to hear you seem to doubt that mankind can change the weather, since Rush Limbaugh was of the same opinion.  You should feel proud to be in league with Rush.
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Re: Don't listen to all the "climate change" BS !
« Reply #18 on: July 28, 2022, 07:02:00 AM »
Greta Whoserface , that teenager from Sweden, says we’re doomed. She probably knows.

On the other hand, climate changes every day around here. Low 60s in the morning, mid 90’s in the afternoon, with rain once in a while. Snows in the winter, too.

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Re: Don't listen to all the "climate change" BS !
« Reply #19 on: July 28, 2022, 10:16:44 AM »
On the other hand, climate changes every day around here. Low 60s in the morning, mid 90’s in the afternoon, with rain once in a while. Snows in the winter, too.

Yep...All That "Proves" Global Warming.....Just ask Any Liberal.... 

Offline phalanx

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Re: Don't listen to all the "climate change" BS !
« Reply #20 on: July 28, 2022, 12:08:27 PM »
Sounds like these guys are saying that we do have the ability to modify the planet’s climate. I’m not convinced we can do that.
Oh really?
Read the abstract at least, in this DoD report.
They want to control weather long term , and thus climate to some degree. - ->


I hope it’s colder if they do.
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Offline Dixie-Dude

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Re: Don't listen to all the "climate change" BS !
« Reply #21 on: July 28, 2022, 01:23:03 PM »
The first time it was mentioned about "global warming" was in 1989.  They said we only had 10-12 years before it got out of hand.  Then there was Al Gore flying around using tons of jet fuel talking it up.  So, it has been 43 years and we are still here.  All I mentioned was the few lone scientists that say 90% of "global warming" increase is caused by the increase in solar flares.  He has spent a lot of time documenting this.  Hmm, so the sun caused "global warming"  Who would have thought? 

There are solar flares, there is a volcano under the Antarctic ice cap causing it to melt.  There is the Cern particle accelerator, some human burning of fuel.  Cities are 4-5 degrees hotter than the nearby farmland and forests due to asphalt.  More roads are being built world wide and asphalt absorbs the suns heat.  More things than just one are causing the so called problem. 

They can use concrete for roads instead of asphalt.  It would save oil and reflect more heat than asphalt.  Shut down the Cern particle accelerator.  Both would help a lot more than forcing the change to wind, solar, water power, geothermal, and nuclear.  In some areas of Florida they are installing white roof shingles with white houses.  It cuts air conditioning by 10-15 percent or more than dark shingles and darker colored homes.  Plant more shade trees.  Lots of things individuals can do without the government interference.   
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Offline ironglow

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Re: Don't listen to all the "climate change" BS !
« Reply #22 on: July 28, 2022, 05:12:31 PM »
  Sounds like Trumpwon would like us to settle on one theory and spend all our substance and more on that theory.
  Then, if/when we find that theory was the wrong one..we will be in a fine fix !  With no funds
   left to attack the real problem.
If you don't want the truth, don't ask me.  If you want something sugar coated...go eat a donut !  (anon)