Author Topic: URGENT: *DELAYED*  (Read 194 times)

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Offline Graybeard

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« on: July 28, 2022, 10:15:17 AM »
I have a terrific update for you.

After Gun Owners of America generated thousands upon thousands of phone calls into a dozen undecided offices in the House of Representatives, Nancy Pelosi is having trouble getting her own party to support a gun ban. As a result…
… House Democrats POSTPONED the vote on the federal “assault weapons” ban, citing a failure to lock in enough votes!

Anti-gunners are SEETHING with rage. Take a look at what the Chair of Newtown Action Alliance publicly stated:

The notorious anti-gunner David Hogg even told Pelosi to “f**k off.”

All of the anti-gunners funded by the Bloombergs and Soros of the world will now angrily retaliate and DOUBLE DOWN on lobbying Congress.

You’re our only hope of fighting back at this pivotal moment to defend our God-given rights.

Please make a contribution to our Ad Fund to COUNTER the gun control lobby as it pushes for a federal “assault weapons” ban.

I’ve got to be honest with you: it feels good to see anti-gunners, who manipulatively use children as props to attack the Second Amendment, eat their own.
But we can’t rest on our laurels just yet.

Those same angry gun control lobbyists were publicly encouraging their hysterical base to pick up the phone and call Congress to pass the “assault weapons” ban immediately.

And you should see the way they do it… they use the most manipulative and shameless language imaginable.

Gun control lobbyists essentially said that Pelosi has the blood of dead children on her hands for delaying this vote.

This shows you how ruthless the gun control lobby can be – and why it’s so important that we counter their lobbying efforts in full force.

We have to face the fact that this type of language worked on pressuring 15 allegedly pro-gun Senators to pass Red Flag Gun Confiscation Laws last month…
…And unless we keep fighting, it could work again next month as the House and Senate consider a federal ban on “assault weapons.”

So please, make a contribution to our Ad Fund to COUNTER the gun control lobby as it pushes for a federal “assault weapons” ban.

In Liberty,
Erich Pratt
Senior Vice President
Gun Owners of America

P.S. I hope that you had a chance to watch GOA’s Antonia Okafor Cover on C-Span yesterday. She went head-to-head against the anti-gun lobby and did a great job in the face of strong opposition!

Bill aka the Graybeard
President, Graybeard Outdoor Enterprises

I am not a lawyer and do not give legal advice.

Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life anyone who believes in Him will have everlasting life!