Author Topic: News Organizations file lawsuits against Texas Dept. Of Public Safety  (Read 263 times)

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Offline nw_hunter

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They are filing these lawsuis over the Departments failure to release Records on Uvaldi shooting. Good for them, don't let the powers at the states top level, sweep this under the rug. Someone needs to pay for the way this was allowed to go down. They owe it to the young lives lost, and what can be done to assure this is not allowed to happen like this again. Just the truth!  The people of Texas need to know that their children can depend on State run schools & Law enforcement to protect them, when in their care. Is that asking too much?
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Offline Dee

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Re: News Organizations file lawsuits against Texas Dept. Of Public Safety
« Reply #1 on: August 02, 2022, 03:03:08 PM »
Actually, the Uvalde Independent School System, from the school board members, down to the teachers, and staff are the ones who allowed this tragedy to happen.
Multiple doors weren't locked, security fences and gates were never built, and the teachers and staff were lackadaisical on their best day at providing BASIC SCHOOL SECURITY.

NOTICE! NOBODY is attacking, criticizing, or suing THE FOLKS THAT "ALLOWED" THIS ATTACK TO HAPPEN.
Because they're reacting based on "emotions", AND, school board members LIKELY have kids in that school. Nobody wants to sue a "fellow parent", or point the finger at a friend they elected to the school board.  ;D

What Law Enforcement IS GUILTY OF, is not immediately cleaning up the mess that the Uvalde Independent School District ALLOWED TO HAPPEN THROUGH THEIR INCOMPETENT LACK OF LEADERSHIP AND ZERO EFFORT AT PREVENTION! ZERO!

Do you blame the police if a burglar breaks into your house? Do you blame the police because you left your keys in your car, and a car thief stole it? COMMON SENSE says no.

As for the Texas Department of Public Safety, they have been guilty of releasing unverified information, and generally created a crap storm of confusion.

The complete investigation is yet to be completed, and certain information (evidence) certainly SHOULD NOT be released until the investigation is completed.

That a news media whom has proven itself time and time again  to be liars, sensationalists, and political crap stirrers, offers no credence to anyone genuinely seeking the truth.

I haven't heard one locally run news service complain that the Texas Department of Safety was sweeping anything under the rug. If anything they've jumped the gun and released unverified information that later proved untrue.

When the investigation is completed I have no doubt that the Texas Rangers whom are the agency actually conducting the investigation will release "the truth" in its entirety.
You may all go to hell, I will go to Texas. Davy Crockett

Offline ironglow

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Re: News Organizations file lawsuits against Texas Dept. Of Public Safety
« Reply #2 on: August 03, 2022, 02:19:16 AM »
  I think we may all have experienced when something that happened locally, become a far different story when
  presented by national level news.
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Offline Dee

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Re: News Organizations file lawsuits against Texas Dept. Of Public Safety
« Reply #3 on: August 03, 2022, 03:42:42 AM »
I understand the families wanting answers, and I understand their ignorance in not understanding how investigational processes take time.

Its easy to blame the 1st responders, but hard to blame your neighbors that you put on the school board to make decisions on your kids future.

Comparing Law Enforcement to military is equally done in ignorance. They are not, nor ever should be the same.

The Uvalde School shootings ARE NOT the 1st ever school shootings. But what have school boards, and school administrators, and teachers learned from past school shootings?


The Uvalde Independent School System IGNORED LESSONS from other school shooting tragedies and DID NUTHIN.

The entire tragedy of the Uvalde School shootings START WITH THE SCHOOL SYSTEMS FAILURE.

Did 1st responders fall way short? I would say yes, but 1st responders ARE NOT TE CAUSE.

Had the Uvalde Independent School System heeded the State of Texas training offers, and warnings to harden their campus, this tragedy likely would never have happened, or would have been no where near the magnitude it was.

You may all go to hell, I will go to Texas. Davy Crockett

Offline Mule 11

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Re: News Organizations file lawsuits against Texas Dept. Of Public Safety
« Reply #4 on: August 03, 2022, 04:53:48 AM »
Can’t argue with that. As long as schools are soft targets this will continue with many calling for changes that won’t work and the changes that will work ignored by ignorant people.