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Offline Mule 11

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Re: A question for resident liberals..
« Reply #60 on: September 21, 2022, 03:03:56 PM »
It’s all in the words they say and how they use it. A liberal will expose themselves.

Yet, many of these “liberals” voted for President Trump...

Offline DDZ

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Re: A question for resident liberals..
« Reply #61 on: September 21, 2022, 03:14:29 PM »
DDZ: Does that mean that you agree with Lloyd’s inference that I am a liar?

Well lets just say that from reading your posts for the last how many years. I think you vote for democrats and always have.
Well….if you believe that, you are wrong.
As well:
When someone has to come out and say "I voted for trump" It tells me they are saying that to fit more comfortably into a conservative internet forum.
  “to fit in” LOL. Really? Is that the only reason that you can think of? Maybe you should reread  that interchange. You won’t, I know.

Oh I re-read it, and it still says the same thing "Lloyd I voted for Trump."
 Maybe you can tell us why you have never had one single post that criticized what the radical left has been doing to destroy America?  Never a comment on the border invasion,  Never a comment on the radical lefts attempts to destroy Trump.  Never a comment on Biden regime shutting down our energy production.  Never a comment on the mandated masks or jab.  No comment on the Bidens multi trillion spending bills that are driving inflation. Never a comment on the Biden regime dividing America.  Never a comment on Biden's dementia, and the theft of the election.  No comment on the democrats constant lying. No comment on the media backing the democrats and their lying.  No comment on how the Bidens and his son have been in bed with the CCP, and corrupt countries like Ukraine.
Yet you choose to slam trump for raising the national debt, while never mentioning that Obama raised it almost 70%.   

I welcome your posts here darkgael. In fact I wish you would post more on issues that are very concerning to America. You don't because all the posts here are criticizing democrats, and you just plain stray from that. My guess is you refrain from commenting so to not show your true colors.  You say you voted for Trump, but every chance you get you criticize something he has done.
I remember not long ago IG posted about the CRT being taught in our schools. You denied that CRT was being taught. even after I provided numerous links that shown it was being taught. Like I said your posts over the years say who and what you stand for. Trying to claim now otherwise is surely not going to change my mind 
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Offline Dee

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Re: A question for resident liberals..
« Reply #62 on: September 21, 2022, 03:20:46 PM »
DDZ: Does that mean that you agree with Lloyd’s inference that I am a liar?

Well lets just say that from reading your posts for the last how many years. I think you vote for democrats and always have.
Well….if you believe that, you are wrong.
As well:
When someone has to come out and say "I voted for trump" It tells me they are saying that to fit more comfortably into a conservative internet forum.
  “to fit in” LOL. Really? Is that the only reason that you can think of? Maybe you should reread  that interchange. You won’t, I know.

Oh I re-read it, and it still says the same thing "Lloyd I voted for Trump."
 Maybe you can tell us why you have never had one single post that criticized what the radical left has been doing to destroy America?  Never a comment on the border invasion,  Never a comment on the radical lefts attempts to destroy Trump.  Never a comment on Biden regime shutting down our energy production.  Never a comment on the mandated masks or jab.  No comment on the Bidens multi trillion spending bills that are driving inflation. Never a comment on the Biden regime dividing America.  Never a comment on Biden's dementia, and the theft of the election.  No comment on the democrats constant lying. No comment on the media backing the democrats and their lying.  No comment on how the Bidens and his son have been in bed with the CCP, and corrupt countries like Ukraine.
Yet you choose to slam trump for raising the national debt, while never mentioning that Obama raised it almost 70%.   

I welcome your posts here darkgael. In fact I wish you would post more on issues that are very concerning to America. You don't because all the posts here are criticizing democrats, and you just plain stray from that. My guess is you refrain from commenting so to not show your true colors.  You say you voted for Trump, but every chance you get you criticize something he has done.
I remember not long ago IG posted about the CRT being taught in our schools. You denied that CRT was being taught. even after I provided numerous links that shown it was being taught. Like I said your posts over the years say who and what you stand for. Trying to claim now otherwise is surely not going to change my mind

That is an interesting point concerning CRT in schools, as he just told me he had been retired from teaching for 25 years.  :-\
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Offline darkgael

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Re: A question for resident liberals..
« Reply #63 on: September 21, 2022, 04:05:24 PM »
A lot of democrats voted for President Trump because they knew the democrat party was not representing them as much as Donald Trump was.... From what I’ve gleaned...

There you go. Bingo. Someone with a bit of vision. A sense of alternatives.

Are you saying that you now are a full fledged Christian and are no longer an atheist?
Where did that come from?
Note: “retired from teaching for 25 years”.   Nope. 20 years.

DDZ: I am amazed that you pay that much attention to anything that I have written. There is so much in your post to respond to. Some of it is legitimate criticism. Most of you fellas are way more knowledgeable than I about many topics. This is not a hobby for me as it seems to be for many of you (which is why I do not have 10-15-20 thousand posts.) I do not have the overweening distrust of the government that many of you do. When Mr. Trump said “if you read anything bad about me, don’t believe it. It’s fake news” many of you bought right into that and still do. I lived in the same city as the man for many years. I never liked or trusted him. Yet I gave him my votes..,,,because I liked the opposition even less.
You all see lies and conspiracy everywhere in everyone else. I do not and so I have less to criticize.

About IG and CRT.   It is worth noting that some of that discussion concerned the difficulty of defining what CRT is.

Offline Lloyd Smale

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Re: A question for resident liberals..
« Reply #64 on: September 21, 2022, 09:52:24 PM »
we all know what crt is. Its reverse discrimination against white Americans by mostly black Americans that dont want us equal by any stretch of the imagination. They are the root of true discrimination in this country today. The followers of it not only want to change history as it was written but take over this country by any means necessary. IE black lives matter and antifa. Nothing but lies and lunacy that your teacher's union pushes on our children. Children that they believe there wacko opinions on what to teach them (brain wash them) means more then the people who pay them to do there job and are the parents of those children. Supported by the liberal politicians for no other reason then to get the votes of the unions and minorities. Our whole education system needs an overhaul. It needs to be ran by school boards by elected school board members chosen from the people that pay there salary's. Not by unions and liberal teachers and management.  Pretty simple to define if you ask me.
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Re: A question for resident liberals..
« Reply #65 on: September 22, 2022, 12:50:25 AM »

About IG and CRT.   It is worth noting that some of that discussion concerned the difficulty of defining what CRT is.

Yes of course you claimed it is so difficult to define what CRT is. As Lloyd said everyone else knows what it is. Its understandable you don't want to criticize anything bad the teachers unions are doing or are part of. Since you still collect a pension from them.
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Offline darkgael

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Re: A question for resident liberals..
« Reply #66 on: September 22, 2022, 01:42:23 AM »

About IG and CRT.   It is worth noting that some of that discussion concerned the difficulty of defining what CRT is.

Yes of course you claimed it is so difficult to define what CRT is. As Lloyd said everyone else knows what it is. Its understandable you don't want to criticize anything bad the teachers unions are doing or are part of. Since you still collect a pension from them.
Teachers unions do not decide what is taught in the classrooms. State and local boards of education do.
I do not collect a pension from any teachers union. My pension comes from NYS.
Yes, you can find definitions for CRT……more than one. Which one do you know about? At what level is it taught in the schools that you know about? Have you seen copies of curricula? As a matter of public record, you can access any text being used in your schools. Have you looked at the texts….do the schools have them.
CRT is a travesty. Agreed. Because it is, too many people have hopped on the misinformation bandwagon. Schools are saying “we are not teaching it”. Parents (and others) are saying “yes, you are”. Teachers are being blamed…..they are employees; they teach what they are told to teach….what the BoE has authorized.
Type the question “what is critical race theory?” into your browser. See what comes up……multiple takes on what is involved…all a little different. So, what is being taught?

Offline Dee

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Re: A question for resident liberals..
« Reply #67 on: September 22, 2022, 01:49:12 AM »

Teachers are being blamed…..they are employees; they teach what they are told to teach….what the BoE has authorized.

What a cop out! ::)

By your analogy if the "Board of Education" told the teachers to kill every tenth student in history class, it still wouldn't be the teachers fault, they were just doing what the "Board of Education" told them to do. Their just employees. ::)

By your analogy, teachers don't have enough common sense to know the difference between right, and wrong. I would be inclined to agree with that analogy in many cases. ;)

I have long said, I'll take "Christian values", and "common sense" over a college education, any day.

I've dealt with lots of folks that were "educated beyond their intelligence".
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Offline ironglow

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Re: A question for resident liberals..
« Reply #68 on: September 22, 2022, 03:13:28 AM »
  From DG;
    " Teachers unions do not decide what is taught in the classrooms. State and local boards of education do.
I do not collect a pension from any teachers union. My pension comes from NYS.
Yes, you can find definitions for CRT……more than one. Which one do you know about? At what level is it taught in the schools that you know about? Have you seen copies of curricula? As a matter of public record, you can access any text being used in your schools. Have you looked at the texts….do the schools have them.
CRT is a travesty. Agreed. Because it is, too many people have hopped on the misinformation bandwagon. Schools are saying “we are not teaching it”. Parents (and others) are saying “yes, you are”. Teachers are being blamed…..they are employees; they teach what they are told to teach….what the BoE has authorized.
Type the question “what is critical race theory?” into your browser. See what comes up……multiple takes on what is involved…all a little different. So, what is being taught?"


   I don't care to "pile on" to DG, but there are a few things that I should like to point out.
  DG sems to indicate that teachers in general, are "independent thinkers".  My younger brother and his wife are both retired teachers (yes NY State), and I have met socially with some of their teaching friends, as well as having met and dealt with local NY State teachers.
  I can plainly say, I have never met a more "cookie cutter" mentality among any other group of people..
  No matter what the question concerning either social issues or politics, I could ask one teacher or ten...and
 I would get the same, prepared answer...and all were leaning so far left, it is a wonder they didn't tip over !

   Certain characteristics that seem common among them..and I am NOT saying that DG is guilty of them..

   Few have "real world" experience..Most started school at 5 or 6 years of age..continued through grammar school, middle school, high school and to college...then, right into another school scene.. 

    ..With no month by month, year by year experience with how life outside the sheltered halls of academia operates.  ..But still, they feel free to speak authoritatively, to students... how to think about the world exterior to the classroom.

  Some few (not all by any means,) seem to struggle with the concept that they are no longer a student or "classmate" of their students, but an authority figure..  Which I believe that some get involved with trying to date their students...and some few even go further..

  Many have a problem with Biblical Christianity..and seem to have a higher number of atheists than the general population.

   They all seem to agree that the THEORY of evolution, is a PROVEN HYPOTHESIS...and will not even listen to any counter theories.

  This it seems, gives them the idea that their counsel is better for their charges, than what their student's parents have to offer.

  Most seem to think that "racism" is a major debilitating factor in America.  Some even seem to think that the USA is especially egregious, concerning the issue.

   From my experience, many seem to think they have an "intellectual edge" over their student's parents.

   On this point, I have to give my brother credit on having served in the military for 2 years during the Vietnam thing..although he didn't have to.  Still, even that experience didn't do him much good.

  Curiously, for his first few years of teaching in both High school and at University, he was somewhat conservative...but it seems that after years of associating primarily with teachers..he has slidden over to the liberal side, where he is now firmly entrenched.

 Again, I don't personally know DG, so i am not accusing him of ny of these points..he can explain that. However, I can think of few other professions where "group think' is so ingrown.

If you don't want the truth, don't ask me.  If you want something sugar coated...go eat a donut !  (anon)

Offline Lloyd Smale

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Re: A question for resident liberals..
« Reply #69 on: September 22, 2022, 03:43:40 AM »
Teachers unions do not decide what is taught in the classrooms
Not only a liberal but either delusional or just stupid. Have you even watched the news over the last 2 years?? I mean the real news not cnn.
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Offline Lloyd Smale

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Re: A question for resident liberals..
« Reply #70 on: September 22, 2022, 03:58:48 AM »
your are right. Not all teachers are bad. My mother and sister were teachers and are about as conservative as they get. My ma taught before all this woke crap hit the schools and it embarrassed her to the point she said she was ashamed to tell people she was a teacher. My sister retired at the earliest age she could. This kind of crap was just starting up and she detested the unions and when she retired started a local organization of teachers who fight back against this nonsense. She said it split here school in half just like biden has the country. There are teachers that she called friend 10 years ago that she will never talk to again because they came out of the closet and admitted there beliefs and she said many of them admitted they could care less about the kids they teach. There only consern weas getting as much money and benifits they possibly could and didnt care about who they hurt to get it. She said it shocked her. Some teachers she knew were kind of off the wall but this brought them out of the wood work. She told me one thing id never have guessed shed ever say. That is teachers are about the lowest paid college graduates in the country and most teachers barely eek through college. They teach because its the easiest degree to get. They excepted the fact the pay wasnt great when the pursued that career and now want to claim they deserve mere. Nobody persues a teaching degree that doesnt know the pay scale when they graduate. She said it causes insecurity in them and they feel this kind of power over parents and kids gives them the feeling of power and allows them to pretend to be more intelligent then they are. Bottom line is anyone who can graduate high school making c's and d's can go to college and pass the courses to become a teacher. Heck a guy holding a sign up on a road construction job makes more money. She said its comical that teachers go to school for 4 years to learn to teach history and the english language and they think there qualified to rewrite it.
  From DG;
    " Teachers unions do not decide what is taught in the classrooms. State and local boards of education do.
I do not collect a pension from any teachers union. My pension comes from NYS.
Yes, you can find definitions for CRT……more than one. Which one do you know about? At what level is it taught in the schools that you know about? Have you seen copies of curricula? As a matter of public record, you can access any text being used in your schools. Have you looked at the texts….do the schools have them.
CRT is a travesty. Agreed. Because it is, too many people have hopped on the misinformation bandwagon. Schools are saying “we are not teaching it”. Parents (and others) are saying “yes, you are”. Teachers are being blamed…..they are employees; they teach what they are told to teach….what the BoE has authorized.
Type the question “what is critical race theory?” into your browser. See what comes up……multiple takes on what is involved…all a little different. So, what is being taught?"


   I don't care to "pile on" to DG, but there are a few things that I should like to point out.
  DG sems to indicate that teachers in general, are "independent thinkers".  My younger brother and his wife are both retired teachers (yes NY State), and I have met socially with some of their teaching friends, as well as having met and dealt with local NY State teachers.
  I can plainly say, I have never met a more "cookie cutter" mentality among any other group of people..
  No matter what the question concerning either social issues or politics, I could ask one teacher or ten...and
 I would get the same, prepared answer...and all were leaning so far left, it is a wonder they didn't tip over !

blue lives matter

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Re: A question for resident liberals..
« Reply #71 on: September 22, 2022, 05:36:51 AM »
I will vote for Trump or DeSantis, whichever way it goes. I’m so tired of all this Liberal BS and scare tactics. Murdering the unborn, disfiguring the children for life.
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Offline darkgael

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Re: A question for resident liberals..
« Reply #72 on: September 22, 2022, 06:27:01 AM »
New York State bill A8579…prohibits the teaching of critical race theory in the schools in NYS.

Higher percentage of atheists???? How could you possibly know that? I taught for more than three decades and it NEVER came up..,.not in the classroom, not in the faculty room. In fact the only place it has ever come up is here.

Real world experience?? What constitutes real world experience? I worked a second jobs in cabinet shops for years. I drove trucks in and out of Manhattan. I tended bar. I worked as a trainer in a gym. Does any of that count as real world or do I have to be under a truck dropping the oil pan or driving a combine in Nebraska?
Admittedly, lots of my colleagues did not do work outside the classroom for whatever reason.
Unfortunately, a good number of Lloyd’s criticisms are true. Sadly so. As to the profession being easy….try it sometime (you can’t. I know). Walk into a classroom with 25-30 teenagers, keep their attention for three quarters of an hour and try to have them leave your room knowing something that they did not know when they came in. Do that five or six times a day. Do it when you know that they are going home to have dinner with Dad, a good guy who works hard and makes way more money than the teacher (without college).

Offline Dee

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Re: A question for resident liberals..
« Reply #73 on: September 22, 2022, 08:43:51 AM »
  From DG;
    " Teachers unions do not decide what is taught in the classrooms. State and local boards of education do.
I do not collect a pension from any teachers union. My pension comes from NYS.
Yes, you can find definitions for CRT……more than one. Which one do you know about? At what level is it taught in the schools that you know about? Have you seen copies of curricula? As a matter of public record, you can access any text being used in your schools. Have you looked at the texts….do the schools have them.
CRT is a travesty. Agreed. Because it is, too many people have hopped on the misinformation bandwagon. Schools are saying “we are not teaching it”. Parents (and others) are saying “yes, you are”. Teachers are being blamed…..they are employees; they teach what they are told to teach….what the BoE has authorized.
Type the question “what is critical race theory?” into your browser. See what comes up……multiple takes on what is involved…all a little different. So, what is being taught?"


   I don't care to "pile on" to DG, but there are a few things that I should like to point out.
  DG sems to indicate that teachers in general, are "independent thinkers".  My younger brother and his wife are both retired teachers (yes NY State), and I have met socially with some of their teaching friends, as well as having met and dealt with local NY State teachers.
  I can plainly say, I have never met a more "cookie cutter" mentality among any other group of people..
  No matter what the question concerning either social issues or politics, I could ask one teacher or ten...and
 I would get the same, prepared answer...and all were leaning so far left, it is a wonder they didn't tip over !

   Certain characteristics that seem common among them..and I am NOT saying that DG is guilty of them..

   Few have "real world" experience..Most started school at 5 or 6 years of age..continued through grammar school, middle school, high school and to college...then, right into another school scene.. 

    ..With no month by month, year by year experience with how life outside the sheltered halls of academia operates.  ..But still, they feel free to speak authoritatively, to students... how to think about the world exterior to the classroom.

  Some few (not all by any means,) seem to struggle with the concept that they are no longer a student or "classmate" of their students, but an authority figure..  Which I believe that some get involved with trying to date their students...and some few even go further..

  Many have a problem with Biblical Christianity..and seem to have a higher number of atheists than the general population.

   They all seem to agree that the THEORY of evolution, is a PROVEN HYPOTHESIS...and will not even listen to any counter theories.

  This it seems, gives them the idea that their counsel is better for their charges, than what their student's parents have to offer.

  Most seem to think that "racism" is a major debilitating factor in America.  Some even seem to think that the USA is especially egregious, concerning the issue.

   From my experience, many seem to think they have an "intellectual edge" over their student's parents.

   On this point, I have to give my brother credit on having served in the military for 2 years during the Vietnam thing..although he didn't have to.  Still, even that experience didn't do him much good.

  Curiously, for his first few years of teaching in both High school and at University, he was somewhat conservative...but it seems that after years of associating primarily with teachers..he has slidden over to the liberal side, where he is now firmly entrenched.

 Again, I don't personally know DGH, so i am not accusing him of ny of these points..he can explain that. However, I can think of few other professions where "group think' is so ingrown.


Can't think of ANYTHING you said that I disagree with. You nailed it.
You may all go to hell, I will go to Texas. Davy Crockett

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Re: A question for resident liberals..
« Reply #74 on: September 22, 2022, 08:45:10 AM »
New York State bill A8579…prohibits the teaching of critical race theory in the schools in NYS.

Higher percentage of atheists???? How could you possibly know that? I taught for more than three decades and it NEVER came up..,.not in the classroom, not in the faculty room. In fact the only place it has ever come up is here.

Real world experience?? What constitutes real world experience? I worked a second jobs in cabinet shops for years. I drove trucks in and out of Manhattan. I tended bar. I worked as a trainer in a gym. Does any of that count as real world or do I have to be under a truck dropping the oil pan or driving a combine in Nebraska?
Admittedly, lots of my colleagues did not do work outside the classroom for whatever reason.
Unfortunately, a good number of Lloyd’s criticisms are true. Sadly so. As to the profession being easy….try it sometime (you can’t. I know). Walk into a classroom with 25-30 teenagers, keep their attention for three quarters of an hour and try to have them leave your room knowing something that they did not know when they came in. Do that five or six times a day. Do it when you know that they are going home to have dinner with Dad, a good guy who works hard and makes way more money than the teacher (without college).

If it was so bad, why did you stay?
You may all go to hell, I will go to Texas. Davy Crockett

Offline Lloyd Smale

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Re: A question for resident liberals..
« Reply #75 on: September 22, 2022, 09:47:24 AM »
you dont keep there attention by teaching them about sex and stepping over the line telling them something that its the parents job to teach them not yours. Your there to teach english, math ect on gender neutrality. As to them comming home to a dad that makes more then you. Thats exactly what i was saying. It pisses you off to the extent you feel you need to upstage them. Bottom line is just like i said. My ma had a masters and taught school and i made a good 30k more then her a year as a lineman. She knew exactly what the pay scale was before she took the job. She would tell me she didnt take the job to make a killing. She took it because i have a mentaly disabled brother and she wanted to do her part by helping others like him. That was the ethic that teachers once had. Add to that that as a lineman i didnt need a college degree but there isnt many with a college degree that would take that job or even be able to do it. Screw up as a teacher and the worse case scenario the super slaps your hand. Screw up as a lineman and your likely going to go in front of God. You made that wage because thats what that job is worth. You sit in a nice warm or air-conditioned building and the biggest danger you have is a paper cut. You teach a lesson plan that is the same lesson plan you used last year and every year before it. Doesnt take a rocket scientist to teach highs school english. history or even trig. Heck even this redneck that you think isnt qualified to do that job got A's in trig and geometry. You chose to have mommy and daddy pay for college so you could lead a nice safe clean life. Me? I chose to go in the military and got a much better education there thats helped me all through my life then some second rate teachers college would have given me. 
New York State bill A8579…prohibits the teaching of critical race theory in the schools in NYS.

Higher percentage of atheists???? How could you possibly know that? I taught for more than three decades and it NEVER came up..,.not in the classroom, not in the faculty room. In fact the only place it has ever come up is here.

Real world experience?? What constitutes real world experience? I worked a second jobs in cabinet shops for years. I drove trucks in and out of Manhattan. I tended bar. I worked as a trainer in a gym. Does any of that count as real world or do I have to be under a truck dropping the oil pan or driving a combine in Nebraska?
Admittedly, lots of my colleagues did not do work outside the classroom for whatever reason.
Unfortunately, a good number of Lloyd’s criticisms are true. Sadly so. As to the profession being easy….try it sometime (you can’t. I know). Walk into a classroom with 25-30 teenagers, keep their attention for three quarters of an hour and try to have them leave your room knowing something that they did not know when they came in. Do that five or six times a day. Do it when you know that they are going home to have dinner with Dad, a good guy who works hard and makes way more money than the teacher (without college).
blue lives matter

Offline darkgael

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Re: A question for resident liberals..
« Reply #76 on: September 22, 2022, 10:00:37 AM »
Teachers unions do not decide what is taught in the classrooms
Not only a liberal but either delusional or just stupid. Have you even watched the news over the last 2 years?? I mean the real news not cnn.
You are a fun guy Lloyd. Now you have me as a liar, delusional, and stupid.
I must admit that I have not watched the news in the last 40 years. I do not trust it, not any of it, not cnn, not whatever right wing service that you believe.

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Re: A question for resident liberals..
« Reply #77 on: September 22, 2022, 12:21:08 PM »
I must admit that I have not watched the news in the last 40 years. I do not trust it, not any of it, not cnn, not whatever right wing service that you believe.

On that we agree. I do read some on News Max these days but don't watch anything but the local weather report.

Bill aka the Graybeard
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Re: A question for resident liberals..
« Reply #78 on: September 22, 2022, 12:49:43 PM »
I have not turned my tv on in many a year. I admit that when I’m in a hotel which is a couple days a year I surf through the channels and know I’ve missed nothing by what I see.

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Re: A question for resident liberals..
« Reply #79 on: September 22, 2022, 10:10:00 PM »
not whatever right wing service that you believe.
there it is for all to see.
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Re: A question for resident liberals..
« Reply #80 on: September 22, 2022, 10:25:16 PM »
I do watch the news and check it out on the internet daily too. Mostly newsmax and fox but i even check out msn. I like to see what my enemys are up to and yes there is some bs even on the conservative channels and web pages but i think im intelligent enough to weed through it and know what fact and what is nothing but political bs. I think you do yourself an injustice by not knowing whats going on behind your back. The libs would love it if none of us kept up on the bs there pushing in this country today. See no evil hear no evil. To fight an enemy and win you have to KNOW that enemy and how he thinks. I cant travel the world and see with my own eyes what my enemy is doing so i use the best tool in my belt and it may not be a perfect tool by a long shot but its the only one available to me. It would drive me crazy to live with my head in the sand and not know what those libs were up to today. Yesterday was a good one. When a lib polititian trys to push some wacko claim that a babbies heart isnt beating at 14 weeks. That its a conspirisy created by men to oppress women. That doctors somehow have been fooling us with fake sound machines.  So insane that they dont factor in the probably have of the baby doctors are women. But if none of us watched the news Abrams could say that and not even be fact checked. If only 5 women in the whole country believed her its a victory for her if shes not called out by us christians for that bald faced lie. If i didnt watch the news i wouldnt even have heard it. KNOW YOUR ENEMY!!
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Re: A question for resident liberals..
« Reply #81 on: September 23, 2022, 01:17:54 AM »
Lloyd: You are just a bundle of preconceived notions……many of which are just flat out wrong. This is especially true when you start using “you” when you are making your judgements.
For example:
You sit in a nice warm or air-conditioned building and the biggest danger you have is a paper cut. You teach a lesson plan that is the same lesson plan you used last year and every year before it. Doesnt take a rocket scientist to teach highs school english. history or even trig. Heck even this redneck that you think isnt qualified to do that job got A's in trig and geometry. You chose to have mommy and daddy pay for college so you could lead a nice safe clean life. Me? I chose to go in the military and got a much better education there thats helped me all
Air conditioned building? How about no A/C and 3000 sweaty teenagers.
Reusing lesson plans? I suppose that there are people who call themselves teachers who do just that. The right way to do it (and what I tried to do) is to understand that every class, every child is a bit different and understand and learns a bit differently ( faster/slower, does better visually, does better aurally, should be up front in the room, etc., etc.,). Learning all that is challenging and not everyone is willing to go to the trouble. Every lesson is different because every class is different.  Johnny G in the fourth row reads and understands VERY rapidly. Robert R, who sits in the last seat is mildly dyslexic and needs more time and attention. He also needs different homework.
The lesson in the afternoon, after lunch is different than the the one taught at 7:30AM.
From where did you get the idea that I think that you are not qualified to do “that job”? Chose to have mommy and daddy pay for college? what in the world? Another preconceived and incorrect idea… my dad was a dispatcher for Con Edison; he made $90 a week. Mom was homemaker; when we were old enough, she got a part-time job at Abraham and Strauss selling silverware to help make ends meet. I paid for college myself.
This kind of baseless generalization is what I most often criticize. It happens here often…..four times in that one passage.

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Re: A question for resident liberals..
« Reply #82 on: September 23, 2022, 01:33:03 AM »
what ever ::)  The truth will set you free. I unlike some here grew up with a teacher for a ma and a sister that taught all her life and another that was a teachers aid for 20 years. My opinions on teachers and what they do and there mentality comes from listening to them my entire life. Yup theres good teachers. I never argued that. Matter of fact ive if anything defended them because of it. But they were few and far between 20 years ago and are as rare as honest democratic politicians are today. Which makes it about .0001 of one percent. Whos fault is it? Maybe all of ours. If i had to go to college for 4 years and come out and make 40k a year id be pissed too. but then i wouldnt be stupid enough to waste 4 years to get a loser job like that. It would take about 5 minutes of college sitting next to those idiots to realize i didnt belong. Sitting there with someone even more nuts teaching me. A flipping college professor. Now theres some big egos.
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Re: A question for resident liberals..
« Reply #83 on: September 23, 2022, 01:39:02 AM »
not whatever right wing service that you believe.
there it is for all to see.

Yeah I was going to comment on that, but he would just continue to claim he really is a conservative, because he voted for Trump 
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Re: A question for resident liberals..
« Reply #84 on: September 23, 2022, 01:57:44 AM »
  From DG;

   " About IG and CRT.   It is worth noting that some of that discussion concerned the difficulty of defining what CRT is"

   Yes, trying to define CRT is like trying to nail Jello to a fence post !  ..And it's proponents are happy to keep it that way, simply because by remaining "slippery" in definition, they can continue to teach it's substance, while denying they are teaching CRT !
    Some maybe accused of teaching Communism, and they vehemently deny that they are NOT doing so.. but
   between  themselves, they chuckle and take comfort that they are only teaching Marxism..and not
If you don't want the truth, don't ask me.  If you want something sugar coated...go eat a donut !  (anon)

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Re: A question for resident liberals..
« Reply #85 on: September 23, 2022, 02:19:15 AM »
I read a lot and much of it is news... I don’t need a tv for that as there are many sources of information.

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Re: A question for resident liberals..
« Reply #86 on: September 23, 2022, 03:26:42 AM »
  From DG;

   " About IG and CRT.   It is worth noting that some of that discussion concerned the difficulty of defining what CRT is"

   Yes, trying to define CRT is like trying to nail Jello to a fence post !  ..And it's proponents are happy to keep it that way, simply because by remaining "slippery" in definition, they can continue to teach it's substance, while denying they are teaching CRT !
    Some maybe accused of teaching Communism, and they vehemently deny that they are NOT doing so.. but
   between  themselves, they chuckle and take comfort that they are only teaching Marxism..and not
CRT is not hard to define; CRT = Whitey Bad, Brown don't agree = White Hispanic, Black don't agree = Uncle Tom.
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Re: A question for resident liberals..
« Reply #87 on: September 23, 2022, 07:42:34 AM »
Hey DG.......what do you think of the echo chamber now..?
LOL. I has been a busy place. Lots of commentary. Lots of judgements made with little attention to fact.
At one point Lloyd made a comment that he knew how I voted. He didn’t. That was when I mentioned Mr. Trump. That was picked up as me trying to pass myself off as a conservative…..trying to fit in with the guys. Nah! I hate labels (which abound here and are never accurate).

Offline Lloyd Smale

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Re: A question for resident liberals..
« Reply #88 on: September 23, 2022, 07:52:14 AM »
so you trust the newspapers??
I read a lot and much of it is news... I don’t need a tv for that as there are many sources of information.
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Offline Lloyd Smale

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Re: A question for resident liberals..
« Reply #89 on: September 23, 2022, 07:53:45 AM »
im dammed proud to wear the label conservative republican.
Hey DG.......what do you think of the echo chamber now..?
LOL. I has been a busy place. Lots of commentary. Lots of judgements made with little attention to fact.
At one point Lloyd made a comment that he knew how I voted. He didn’t. That was when I mentioned Mr. Trump. That was picked up as me trying to pass myself off as a conservative…..trying to fit in with the guys. Nah! I hate labels (which abound here and are never accurate).
blue lives matter