Author Topic: A question for resident liberals..  (Read 3745 times)

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Offline Mule 11

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Re: A question for resident liberals..
« Reply #90 on: September 23, 2022, 08:01:37 AM »
so you trust the newspapers??
I read a lot and much of it is news... I don’t need a tv for that as there are many sources of information.

Only thing I read in the newspaper is the police  blotter. Are you through yet? What do they say about assumptions again?

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Re: A question for resident liberals..
« Reply #91 on: September 23, 2022, 11:07:55 AM »
Hey DG.......what do you think of the echo chamber now..?
LOL. I has been a busy place. Lots of commentary. Lots of judgements made with little attention to fact.
At one point Lloyd made a comment that he knew how I voted. He didn’t. That was when I mentioned Mr. Trump. That was picked up as me trying to pass myself off as a conservative…..trying to fit in with the guys. Nah! I hate labels (which abound here and are never accurate).

Well Why don't you join in on many of the discussions that are going on about how this administration is destroying this country. Oh that's right this forum isn't your hobby, but you sure have been committed to this thread. Seems as though you feel the need to defend yourself from being labeled a liberal on a conservative forum. Wonder why that is? Its going to happen soon. There will be no more fence sitting, and you will have to choose a side.  I really don't care what you have to say on this forum. Its kind of different though when someone on here has left leaning posts then claims to be something else. Like none of us has a memory.  At least the other leftists on this forum don't claim to be something they aren't.
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Offline darkgael

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Re: A question for resident liberals..
« Reply #92 on: September 23, 2022, 03:09:15 PM »
Why don't you join in on many of the discussions that are going on about how this administration is destroying this country. Oh that's right this forum isn't your hobby, but you sure have been committed to this thread. Seems as though yo
Discussions. Why don’t I join in? Because you do not have discussions, you have “atta boy, you tell’em” sessions. One post after another detailing the failures of whichever Democrat is less popular than the others that day. You might even be right. There is little or no disagreement. Do you really need another voice saying the same things? Another voice telling you that you are right?
I think not. What would be nice is to read some criticism of the many overly general statements that pepper the conversations on this forum. Do you honestly believe that everything that gets posted here is accurate and true? How often does any one of of you ask another for documentation of a source or a quote? Is there ever any self examination, any checking the accuracy of what you read about?

Offline Lloyd Smale

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Re: A question for resident liberals..
« Reply #93 on: September 23, 2022, 09:59:33 PM »
you said you get your news  reading about it instead of tv. Two places i can read the news are news papers or the internet and we both know who owns both of them. Personaly i trust news max and even fox way more then i do the internet or news papers. So where is it you are reading the news that its a 100 percent legit?
so you trust the newspapers??
I read a lot and much of it is news... I don’t need a tv for that as there are many sources of information.

Only thing I read in the newspaper is the police  blotter. Are you through yet? What do they say about assumptions again?
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Offline Lloyd Smale

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Re: A question for resident liberals..
« Reply #94 on: September 23, 2022, 10:16:05 PM »
Do you honestly believe that everything that gets posted here is accurate and true?
Maybe not EVERYTHING but a good 90 percent of it is the truth. More then probably anywhere else. As youve noticed here, if you post something youd best be able to back it up or someone will call you out. Its a small little group and people remember. So like you found out when you claim to be something your not you will get ate alive. This isnt facebook or twitter or something else that you can be whatever you want. Youve been measured and exposed. Smart thing to do if you would like to stay here and have it forgotten would be to back the f off and let it lay. Maybe post about guns or hunting (if you even do those things) and leave the politics alone. But youve made it clear that. By this constant crying and deflecting to others you just dig your hole deeper. We have other liberals here. Some have been here a long time. But they have enough sense to keep there mouth shut when its prudent. Some learned that fast some gave up and went away, some were slow learners that must have enjoyed being crucified every day. If you insist on doing the latter id suggest you grow some thick skin because your wining isnt helping your cause.
Discussions. Why don’t I join in? Because you do not have discussions, you have “atta boy, you tell’em” sessions.
that coment is about like your buddy joe condemning all trump backers terrorists. You basically called us all out with that statement. Like i said. Try silence. This route is just making it worse
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Offline darkgael

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Re: A question for resident liberals..
« Reply #95 on: September 23, 2022, 11:58:31 PM »
Lloyd: your last post is what I was writing about. You make stuff up. You say things that just aren’t so.
So like you found out when you claim to be something your not you
Not. That is you claiming that I did something that I did not do.
Saying that your discussions are “atta boy” sessions is akin to calling you terrorists?? How you get to that conclusion is a mystery. (Let me try to get two things a little clearer. I do not like Biden at all. I also do not like Trump at all.)
My “wining isn’t helping your cause”. Whining? I don’t think so. My cause? What cause is that?

You want me to be quiet.

Offline Lloyd Smale

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Re: A question for resident liberals..
« Reply #96 on: September 24, 2022, 12:14:30 AM »
nah those teachers unions dont have much clout. they have ALL the clout. There power is bought and paid for. They are probably the largest lobbying force for the socialist party of america.

About IG and CRT.   It is worth noting that some of that discussion concerned the difficulty of defining what CRT is.

Yes of course you claimed it is so difficult to define what CRT is. As Lloyd said everyone else knows what it is. Its understandable you don't want to criticize anything bad the teachers unions are doing or are part of. Since you still collect a pension from them.
Teachers unions do not decide what is taught in the classrooms. State and local boards of education do.
I do not collect a pension from any teachers union. My pension comes from NYS.
Yes, you can find definitions for CRT……more than one. Which one do you know about? At what level is it taught in the schools that you know about? Have you seen copies of curricula? As a matter of public record, you can access any text being used in your schools. Have you looked at the texts….do the schools have them.
CRT is a travesty. Agreed. Because it is, too many people have hopped on the misinformation bandwagon. Schools are saying “we are not teaching it”. Parents (and others) are saying “yes, you are”. Teachers are being blamed…..they are employees; they teach what they are told to teach….what the BoE has authorized.
Type the question “what is critical race theory?” into your browser. See what comes up……multiple takes on what is involved…all a little different. So, what is being taught?
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Offline darkgael

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Re: A question for resident liberals..
« Reply #97 on: September 24, 2022, 01:05:34 AM »
4 years or more of college and you still havent learned common sense or when to back out gracefully. Keep digging your hole. Its entertaining if nothing else.
Lloyd: your last post is what I was writing about. You make stuff up. You say things that just aren’t so.
So like you found out when you claim to be something your not you
Not. That is you claiming that I did something that I did not do.
Saying that your discussions are “atta boy” sessions is akin to calling you terrorists?? How you get to that conclusion is a mystery. (Let me try to get two things a little clearer. I do not like Biden at all. I also do not like Trump at all.)
My “wining isn’t helping your cause”. Whining? I don’t think so. My cause? What cause is that?

You want me to be quiet.

There you go again.

Youve been measured and exposed. Smart thing to do if you would like to stay here and have it forgotten would be to back the f off and let it lay. Maybe post about guns or hunting (if you even do those things) and leave the politics alone. But youve made it clear that. By this constant crying and deflecting to others you just dig your hole deeper.
Measured and exposed… that so? Judgement by Lloyd? Guns and hunting? Early morning grouse on North Mt. Lifetime member of the NRA. And fishing. Salmon in the Kenai. Stripers in the East River. Reloading…lots of that. Constant crying? Crying?  Nah.

Offline darkgael

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Re: A question for resident liberals..
« Reply #98 on: September 24, 2022, 01:44:59 AM »
“you forgot all your martial arts belts and your time in the navy seals”
I didn't want to brag.

Offline darkgael

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Re: A question for resident liberals..
« Reply #99 on: September 24, 2022, 05:01:05 AM »

This is not an inquisition here. It's a discussion forum, you are free to comment or not. Do what you want. Unfortunately, there's a couple of forum bullies who have risen to full unchecked uncivil tyrant status. Their presence is disrespectful and overbearing and damages the forum in an effort to have all thought conform to their rational scheme of things.
You have a choice: try to appease them, ignore them, or defend yourself. And remember our discussion on narcissism _ _ narcissists need frequent affirmation of their dominance.

So, I appreciate your point of view when you share.
I'm pretty tolerant and not wanting to try any psychic surgery on anyone (except the cyberbullies are fun to play with). Do what you compulsions here, no fences here.

Online Bob Smith

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Re: A question for resident liberals..
« Reply #100 on: September 24, 2022, 07:34:05 AM »
You folks should get out more. You are happy to tolerate The Traitor, Putin Pal Timmy, but no one else. DarkGael, there is intelligent life our here. Your job here is coming to an end. See you on the other side.

Offline billy_56081

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Re: A question for resident liberals..
« Reply #101 on: September 24, 2022, 08:02:02 AM »
You folks should get out more. You are happy to tolerate The Traitor, Putin Pal Timmy, but no one else. DarkGael, there is intelligent life our here. Your job here is coming to an end. See you on the other side.

How's your energy bill? Be interesting to see if you all freeze this winter. 

Food and energy,  everything else is just fluff.
99% of all Lawyers give the other 1% a bad name. What I find hilarious about this is they are such an arrogant bunch, that they all think they are in the 1%.