No longer any doubt who took the bridge down..
Ukraine home defense forces took it down..thereby highlighting some of Russia's critical problems...
Evidently due to the oligharchs skimming off rubles, their military is hurting.. It appears it is antiquated in
it's equipment and tactics.
Their artillery is very inaccurate by today's standards, while the HIMARS now in the hands of the defending Ukrainians, is very accurate.
Since the Russian artillery at such longer ranges has a couple hundred yards as a likely impact area, they have
to "blanket " a proposed target, while the HIMARS is good within 1 meter..
My son showed me a video where the HIMARS just "marched" holes in the bridge, one after the other..then
they let it sit for a day or so, before finishing the bridge off.
It also showed hoe the Ukrainians built wooden mock ups of HIMARS units, and covered them with sheets of "tin', as decoys for the Russians to expend their rockets upon.
Then the Russians tried couple pontoon bridges.. The Ukrainian defenders let them get their bridges about
90% complete, before destroying them also.
Here is a short video showing the bridge with huge holes at regular intervals..before they finally committed
the 'Coup de Grace'. (video 1 min 44 secs)