Author Topic: Still Poking the Bear  (Read 1667 times)

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Freedom Of Speech.....Once we lose it, every other freedom will follow.

Offline magooch

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Re: Still Poking the Bear
« Reply #1 on: October 11, 2022, 05:50:25 PM »
Where are all the world's great assassins when we need them?   Russia, North Korea, China, Iran and even a few others could benefit from a visit.

Offline Lloyd Smale

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Re: Still Poking the Bear
« Reply #2 on: October 11, 2022, 11:57:05 PM »
all i can say is WOW!! :o
Yeah.  When you connect the dots and do the math, it's clear that the Demonazi in the USA are allies of the Banderite neo-Nazies in Ukraine. Just look at Biden's domestic policies here.,.than look at the domestic culture of Ukraine. Ukraine is not just corrupt, it's thoroughly morally corrupt, too.
There was a anti-nuke war rally in Kiev and the huge LGBT community in Kiev turned it into 15,000 strong orgy; not caring if they get blown to hell. Half the people in the USA don't care either!

Remember the Nazies that hung around Hitler were most all homos and pedophiles and lived for scientific experimentation and torture of children.
Also recall that the German state was defeated on WW2, but the Nazi party wasn't and never signed any treaty. Many went to Ukraine and sought refuge under the Banderites, Azov brigades, and the US supported OUN.
Many many thousands were imported into the USA under Operation Paperclip and under a dozen or more similar operations..   They set up the Frankist School to infiltrate higher education.
They became incumbent in the WW2 OSS and evolved it into the CIA and the Intel matrix known as the Deep State. Now you're seeing their handiwork domestically and currently linking up with Ukraine. The Demonazi, the Ukra neo-Nazies, and the Great Resetters are all the same globalist  engineering the 4th Industrial Revolution for the 4th Reich as it were. They're the same people! And when you look at what they 're doing..,..pandemic, fake vaxxines, vote fraud, abuses of children, abortion, debaucheery transitioning in schools, attack on agriculture and supply lines, endless war, killing Christ, climste warfare, culture inversion, mass formation psychosis, and now nuclear war _ _ you can only conclude one thing - ,- they want most people dead. DEAD!

There's an old WW2 and Korean war vet, who went on to be a Reverend, and also a John Bircher. He tells the whole sordid story; on a long YouTube interview. Do you know who I am talking about?

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Offline ironglow

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Re: Still Poking the Bear
« Reply #3 on: October 12, 2022, 12:47:56 AM »

   Wow!  ..Some fairy tale there..but it is disheartening how a senile old man like Biden can lead a clever,
  enduring , and brilliant Russian leader, around by the nose l  Here from the article..

    "Non-woke political scientists have already figured out that the Biden Administration suckered Russia into invading Ukraine."

  Also in the article..  Amazing how sneaky folks can haul those Russian bosses around like a batch of calves !

   " Brzezinski was the Trilateral Commission co-founder that originally suckered the USSR into Afghanistan; this wound up being their equivalent of Vietnam, with a huge cost in lives, armaments and resolve."

   Then he goes on to write this blather;
    "The US Commerce Department on Friday unveiled sweeping new regulations that limit the sale of semiconductors and chip-making equipment to Chinese customers, striking at the foundation of the country’s efforts to build its own chip industry. The agency also added 31 organizations to its unverified list, including Yangtze Memory Technologies and a subsidiary of leading chip equipment maker Naura Technology, severely limiting their ability to buy technology from abroad. "

  Of course, most observers realize that China, more appropriately the CCP, is trying to bury us.  They have been
 robbing patented and copyright material in a wholesale manner.. for decades.
   They convinced Clinton, Hunter Biden and the  "big guy" whoever that is, to cooperate with them..for a price?

  No secret, they are building a formidable navy, and already have a huge should we also hand them over leadership in technology?

   Sorry, but this guy sounds like an apologist for world communism.   ..And it is too bad that Russian leaders one after another, are so easily manipulated by western leaders, and "sucked into" war..even by senile cases like Joe Biden...
If you don't want the truth, don't ask me.  If you want something sugar coated...go eat a donut !  (anon)

Offline ironglow

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Re: Still Poking the Bear
« Reply #4 on: October 12, 2022, 01:22:02 AM »
Yeah.  When you connect the dots and do the math, it's clear that the Demonazi in the USA are allies of the Banderite neo-Nazies in Ukraine.
   When connecting dots and doing the math, all hinges upon WHO is connecting and doing.
 Sorry, but the dots and math don't add up the same for everybody.

   Just look at Biden's domestic policies here.,.than look at the domestic culture of Ukraine. Ukraine is not just corrupt, it's thoroughly morally corrupt, too.  Few are defending the basket case called Biden, and it is not really him that is forming policy..and there NO corruption in Russia?

 There was a anti-nuke war rally in Kiev and the huge LGBT community in Kiev turned it into 15,000 strong orgy; not caring if they get blown to hell. Half the people in the USA don't care either!
   I tried to find where that anti-nuke rally was sponsored by or composed entirely of the LGBTQ
  confused...couldn't find it.  In fact, the LGBTQ crowd in Kiev, have been struggling with their government for recognition..

Remember the Nazies that hung around Hitler were most all homos and pedophiles and lived for scientific experimentation and torture of children.So, what does that have to do with Ukraine?

Also recall that the German state was defeated on WW2, but the Nazi party wasn't and never signed any treaty. Many went to Ukraine and sought refuge under the Banderites, Azov brigades, and the US supported OUN.
Many many thousands were imported into the USA under Operation Paperclip and under a dozen or more similar operations..   They set up the Frankist School to infiltrate higher education.
     Frankly, I see Nazis in this world as a bothersome  anachronism when at their best, and just a bunch of confused never-do-well Cretans great threat to anybody.. There are a few Nazis in every country, and almost nobody listens to them.

They became incumbent in the WW2 OSS and evolved it into the CIA and the Intel matrix known as the Deep State. The CIA was established by the National Security Act of 1947..
Now you're seeing their handiwork domestically and currently linking up with Ukraine. The Demonazi, the Ukra neo-Nazies, and the Great Resetters are all the same globalist  engineering the 4th Industrial Revolution for the 4th Reich as it were. They're the same people! And when you look at what they 're doing..,..pandemic, fake vaxxines, vote fraud, abuses of children, abortion, debaucheery transitioning in schools, attack on agriculture and supply lines, endless war, killing Christ, climste warfare, culture inversion, mass formation psychosis, and now nuclear war _ _ you can only conclude one thing - ,- they want most people dead. DEAD!

  Great reset pandemics and such actions by the globalists, all bad news, but I see no bridge to the Ukraine, anymore than I see such a bridge to Russia.  I think you are trying to cook up a political stew, using beef, grapes, sauerkraut and apples, chili powder and maple syrup.   Here is the most puzzling of your charges, when you  say " KILLING CHRIST" ??.. how did that enter the discussion?.

There's an old WW2 and Korean war vet, who went on to be a Reverend, and also a John Bircher. He tells the whole sordid story; on a long YouTube interview. Do you know who I am talking about?


   Sorry, but I don't see where your dots and math compute very well..
If you don't want the truth, don't ask me.  If you want something sugar coated...go eat a donut !  (anon)

Offline Dee

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Re: Still Poking the Bear
« Reply #5 on: October 12, 2022, 01:37:11 AM »
Yeah, that historically sly old Joe Biden is reeking havoc in the Russian government by pretending to be a life long idiot.
I think he was mentored by Adolf, when both were studying to be priests.  ;D
You may all go to hell, I will go to Texas. Davy Crockett

Offline Lloyd Smale

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Re: Still Poking the Bear
« Reply #6 on: October 12, 2022, 02:28:49 AM »
heck ill give him one thing. It was about the most entertaining post ive seen out of him. About spit my coffee out.
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Offline ironglow

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Re: Still Poking the Bear
« Reply #7 on: October 13, 2022, 01:23:02 AM »

I guess you're forgetting about the Business Coup in the 1930’s by banking and business elites (including the Bush family) to oust Roosevelt and join up with Nazi movement in Germany _ _ you know the coup marine general Smedly Butler put down.
I am not trying to be argumentative, but I feel compelled to point a few things out.   Just because we read something written by somebody who appears credible first off, that is no guarantee that it is true.  Yes, General Smedly has offered some shocking accusations  ..But think for a moment, there are several thousand retired generals and admirals, and none other have suggested such a thing
   If I want to make a point, I could search all those star rank officers, and find at least one who agrees with my preconceived idea.   ..But would that be responsible researh?

  And I guess you never read Gravity's Rainbow . Or any of Stephen Qualye's writing.

     No, I haven't read Stephen Quayle, but then science fiction is not my bag.  Check link below.

In brief, here's how the Nazies won WW2 by
Noam Chomsky....

   First off, I am not aware of ANY credible conservative who would give Chomsky 5 minutes of
   their time, Chomsky being one who leans far, far left, and seemingly would like to change America into a
    socialist/communist model.
       In any case..the Nazi party was formed by Adolph Hitler in Munich (Muenchen), in February, 1920.  Yes,
    he borrowed some ideas from Nietzsche, Blavatsky and even Margaret Sanger, but the NAZI party itself came about on 2/20/1920..
   I guess Chomsky could dream that the Nazi party survived in a viable form, but it seems highly unlikely, when their Nazi icon and 'worshipful master' was found dead from suicide, in a ditch in central Berlin..

When I see Zelenskyy surrounded by guys wearing occult Nazi insignia; and most lately Zelenskyy's top military advisor wearing an elaborate Nazi bracelet _ _ one might conclude the Nazies won in Ukraine, now in cohoots with Demonazi which finally overran America in a soft war.
Nazi insignia?  Where did that come from?  The Ukraine forces wear a patch which looks nothing like anything Nazi.  Of course, if we wish hard enough and stare at them long enough, things can morph before our eyes !  We could see as much Nazi influence in the Boy Scout sleeve patch !  Or see an SS patch in an old,
  black and silver, Campfire Girls award patch!


  Again..if we desire to see something a certain way..we can easily convince ourselves..

  Below; see  #1) Ukraine forces patch  #2)  Boy Scout patch   #3)  Campfire Girls award patch.
If you don't want the truth, don't ask me.  If you want something sugar coated...go eat a donut !  (anon)

Offline Dee

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Re: Still Poking the Bear
« Reply #8 on: October 13, 2022, 02:33:01 AM »
IG......we can always count on you attacking the sources of information, rather then discussing the content.
So, do you think there is a Deep State?
And what are the origins of the Deep State, how did it come about?
And what do they want?

The pot calling the kettle black.  ::) You HAVE NEVER accepted ANYBODIES sources that contradicted yours. That is where your mentality is. NOBODY is right in all things Russia except YOU.

When it comes to Russia and the Ukraine, YOU ARE NEVER WRONG. At least in your mind, and you are rabid about it.

You seem to look at GBO as your personal "news agency" and resent, and accuse,  anybody that has a differing opinion,  and accuse them of trying to disrupt your "message".

FLASH! You ain't in charge of GBO.  8)
You may all go to hell, I will go to Texas. Davy Crockett

Offline ironglow

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Re: Still Poking the Bear
« Reply #9 on: October 13, 2022, 02:50:36 AM »
  Yes, there is a deep state..but they are not Nazis ! Nazism is as dead as last years turkey..with only a few
  ineffective pin feathers hanging around.

  If the deep state is allied with any such movement, it is with the National Socialists rival socialist movement..Communism..

   What do they want?  They want what every Devil driven tyrant in history ever craved......POWER !

    These wealthy megalomaniacs share one quality (?)..they are "control freaks" !  ...And IMO, despite their
   claims, they have no use for the Christian God.  In fact, I suspect they draw their power from the anti-God..
    or anti-Christ if you prefer..

  Nobody has to agree with me, but just observe and I think things will begin to clarify more in the near future..

   What kind of evidence do I have that they are anti God?

  1)  OK..take a look; they seem to suffer no qualms over killing off half of today's babies before they are born!  Remember, Baal demanded child sacrifice..while God deplored it !

   Although abortion is nothing new, here is when I believe they sold out to Beelzebub...

  2) A couple decades ago, there was a great  outcry from almost everyone with a conscience, over the genital mutilation of little girls, in certain cultures.  While God's people are still concerned, apparently the 'woke' mob
  is now full bore behind the genital mutilation of all children.

   You need only this an honest 'change of mind' (and I don't know how).. or is it a mass spiritual sellout to the anti-God ?

  All in all, I think what makes them tick, is something much deeper and older than any political movement..
   It was first encountered by Adam & Eve, hanging in a tree in the garden...
If you don't want the truth, don't ask me.  If you want something sugar coated...go eat a donut !  (anon)

Offline Dee

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Re: Still Poking the Bear
« Reply #10 on: October 13, 2022, 02:52:44 AM »
  Yes, there is a deep state..but they are not Nazis ! Nazism is as dead as last years turkey..with only a few
  ineffective pin feathers hanging around.

  If the deep state is allied with any such movement, it is with the National Socialists rival socialist movement..Communism..

   What do they want?  They want what every Devil driven tyrant in history ever craved......POWER !

    These wealthy megalomaniacs share one quality (?)..they are "control freaks" !  ...And IMO, despite their
   claims, they have no use for the Christian God.  In fact, I suspect they draw their power from the anti-God..
    or anti-Christ if you prefer..

  Nobody has to agree with me, but just observe and I think things will begin to clarify more in the near future..

   What kind of evidence do I have that they are anti God?

  1)  OK..take a look; they seem to suffer no qualms over killing off half of today's babies before they are born!  Remember, Baal demanded child sacrifice..while God deplored it !

   Although abortion is nothing new, here is when I believe they sold out to Beelzebub...

  2) A couple decades ago, there was a great  outcry from almost everyone with a conscience, over the genital mutilation of little girls, in certain cultures.  While God's people are still concerned, apparently the 'woke' mob
  is now full bore behind the genital mutilation of all children.

   You need only this an honest 'change of mind' (and I don't know how).. or is it a mass spiritual sellout to the anti-God ?

  All in all, I think what makes them tick, is something much deeper and older than any political movement..
   It was first encountered by Adam & Eve, hanging in a tree in the garden...

You may all go to hell, I will go to Texas. Davy Crockett

Offline Mule 11

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Re: Still Poking the Bear
« Reply #11 on: October 13, 2022, 03:07:28 AM »
The marketing of evil by David Kupelian, explains in detail where this originated in our society. Good book that you should read if you want to know when and how our decline started and it was decades back. I got the book from the library. I requested it and my local library got it on loan from another.

Offline Lloyd Smale

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Re: Still Poking the Bear
« Reply #12 on: October 13, 2022, 03:56:12 AM »
yup dee, i laughed my ass off at that attack. Right from the KING of calling any REAL news corrupt.
IG......we can always count on you attacking the sources of information, rather then discussing the content.
So, do you think there is a Deep State?
And what are the origins of the Deep State, how did it come about?
And what do they want?

The pot calling the kettle black.  ::) You HAVE NEVER accepted ANYBODIES sources that contradicted yours. That is where your mentality is. NOBODY is right in all things Russia except YOU.

When it comes to Russia and the Ukraine, YOU ARE NEVER WRONG. At least in your mind, and you are rabid about it.

You seem to look at GBO as your personal "news agency" and resent, and accuse,  anybody that has a differing opinion,  and accuse them of trying to disrupt your "message".

FLASH! You ain't in charge of GBO.  8)
blue lives matter

Offline Lloyd Smale

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Re: Still Poking the Bear
« Reply #13 on: October 13, 2022, 03:59:11 AM »
you sure need to have your meds adjusted. To attack iron glow for something you do in every thread on this forum. You really live is some alternate universe.
IG......we can always count on you attacking the sources of information, rather then discussing the content.
So, do you think there is a Deep State?
And what are the origins of the Deep State, how did it come about?
And what do they want?
blue lives matter

Offline Lloyd Smale

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Re: Still Poking the Bear
« Reply #14 on: October 13, 2022, 07:57:43 AM »
gosh the king of personal attacks condemning me!! how will i sleep. Maybe you should do what mules does and piss and moan to Bill that hes being picked on.
Ehhhh lloyd.....

That's hardly an attack on IG. It's asking him for more information. You and Dee should know that having carte blanche on personal attacks, while incapable of debate and backing up your opinions.
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Offline Mule 11

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Re: Still Poking the Bear
« Reply #15 on: October 13, 2022, 08:10:29 AM »
gosh the king of personal attacks condemning me!! how will i sleep. Maybe you should do what mules does and piss and moan to Bill that hes being picked on.
Ehhhh lloyd.....

That's hardly an attack on IG. It's asking him for more information. You and Dee should know that having carte blanche on personal attacks, while incapable of debate and backing up your opinions.

The king of personal attacks was The moniker I gave you years back. Copying is said to be the height of compliments. I just think You aren’t anywhere near smart enough to come up with original material of your own...

Offline Dee

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Re: Still Poking the Bear
« Reply #16 on: October 13, 2022, 12:27:35 PM »
Lloyd thinks mocking and disrespecting people is smart and how you discuss issues. Sadly, there is no cure for deep rooted hate and narcissism. I feel sorry for the poor SOB. (Naw, not really)

You may all go to hell, I will go to Texas. Davy Crockett

Offline ironglow

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Re: Still Poking the Bear
« Reply #17 on: October 13, 2022, 01:16:47 PM »
The marketing of evil by David Kupelian, explains in detail where this originated in our society. Good book that you should read if you want to know when and how our decline started and it was decades back. I got the book from the library. I requested it and my local library got it on loan from another.

  Yes, Kupelian did outline how evil was marketed..if I find  copy, I likely will read it !  Did he get right down to the core and source of ALL I did in reply #12 above ?

  I  have observed and taught on, the deteriorating condition of mankind.   Mankind in modern times, started
     down the wrong trail, back in the 19th century..

  People involved deeply in sin, wanted to find a way to justify what they involved in.  The German "higher criticism" along with Darwin and a few apostate clergy..offered them an they grabbed it.

     Back 150-175 years ago, such hatred of God, was shared by a very minute minority, but now with the wholesale indulgence in sin, we are probably at a 50/50 split, and the dividing line is as clear as a Jersey barrier.
  We should not be surprised.     Just often do we hear studious, Godly people say "the signs are all there", when speaking of the end times.

  Two thousand years ago it was written that a great "falling away"  will happen just before the AntiChrist is revealed.

    2 Now, brethren, concerning the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ and our gathering together to Him, we ask you, 2 not to be soon shaken in mind or troubled, either by spirit or by word or by letter, as if from us, as though the day of [a]Christ had come. 3 Let no one deceive you by any means; for that Day will not come unless the falling away comes first, and the man of sin is revealed, the son of perdition,   2Thess 2:1-3) .
If you don't want the truth, don't ask me.  If you want something sugar coated...go eat a donut !  (anon)

Offline Mule 11

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Re: Still Poking the Bear
« Reply #18 on: October 13, 2022, 02:10:55 PM »
The marketing of evil by David Kupelian, explains in detail where this originated in our society. Good book that you should read if you want to know when and how our decline started and it was decades back. I got the book from the library. I requested it and my local library got it on loan from another.

  Yes, Kupelian did outline how evil was marketed..if I find  copy, I likely will read it !  Did he get right down to the core and source of ALL I did in reply #12 above ?

  I  have observed and taught on, the deteriorating condition of mankind.   Mankind in modern times, started
     down the wrong trail, back in the 19th century..

  People involved deeply in sin, wanted to find a way to justify what they involved in.  The German "higher criticism" along with Darwin and a few apostate clergy..offered them an they grabbed it.

     Back 150-175 years ago, such hatred of God, was shared by a very minute minority, but now with the wholesale indulgence in sin, we are probably at a 50/50 split, and the dividing line is as clear as a Jersey barrier.
  We should not be surprised.     Just often do we hear studious, Godly people say "the signs are all there", when speaking of the end times.

  Two thousand years ago it was written that a great "falling away"  will happen just before the AntiChrist is revealed.

    2 Now, brethren, concerning the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ and our gathering together to Him, we ask you, 2 not to be soon shaken in mind or troubled, either by spirit or by word or by letter, as if from us, as though the day of [a]Christ had come. 3 Let no one deceive you by any means; for that Day will not come unless the falling away comes first, and the man of sin is revealed, the son of perdition,   2Thess 2:1-3) .

You won’t like what he has to say. I did not and had to put it down for awhile. Truth is often very painful. To the ones used even more...

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Re: Still Poking the Bear
« Reply #19 on: October 13, 2022, 02:33:10 PM »
Freedom Of Speech.....Once we lose it, every other freedom will follow.

Offline mcbammer

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Re: Still Poking the Bear
« Reply #20 on: October 13, 2022, 03:06:45 PM »

 While I agree with Gabbard on the war and the industrial military complex ,   she bears watching for those Democrat tendencies on other issues .

Offline Lloyd Smale

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Re: Still Poking the Bear
« Reply #21 on: October 13, 2022, 09:46:22 PM »
ill admit freely to the deep rooted hate. I hate ALL COMMUNISTS. Everyone of you sad sacks of crap equally. You deserve all the disrespect i can come up with and MUCH more. Like i said before. A full blown communist sympathiser is worse then even a liberal. Then add to that you claim laughingly to be a conservative so your not only a commy but a first rate hypocrite too. Then add in your not playing with a full deck and imo you should be locked up in a Asylum and the keys thrown in the ocean because you have the same wako ideas as many serial killers do. I just thank God i dont live near you. Its my deep rooted love of my country that bothers you the most. I sure dont need sympathy from some decrepit pos that cant even walk outside and is driven to near insanity by that fact. Thats whole life seems to be looking up conspiracy websites on his phone. just a matter of time before you  POP!! And yet again you bash me for personal attacks with a personal attack. Dont you see the irony in that or does it just go over your head. Or maybe so much meds that you dont even know or remember what you posted.
Lloyd thinks mocking and disrespecting people is smart and how you discuss issues. Sadly, there is no cure for deep rooted hate and narcissism. I feel sorry for the poor SOB. (Naw, not really)
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Offline ironglow

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Re: Still Poking the Bear
« Reply #22 on: October 14, 2022, 03:16:32 AM »

  Yes, Tulsi had soome valid points..but we still must consider that the "military/industrial complex", is not the only one we citizens must contend with.  Fact is there are other complexes that we are forced to deal with daily..

  For instance..  the "media/Democrat complex", the "academia/Democrat complex", the "entertainment/Democrat complex", the "IRS/Democrat complex", ...and newly arrived, the "FBI/Democrat complex"..

  They have followed the old communist playbook..infiltrating wherever they could find unprincipled persons,
      willing to sell out American people for "filthy lucre"...

   Not to be left out..because there are also Rinos on the take also.. the "big pharma/politicians" complex along with the "military/industrial complex"...something many politicians of all stripes may indulge in at their will..

   After all, what in blazes do you think lobbyists are doing in Washington, every day of the week ?
If you don't want the truth, don't ask me.  If you want something sugar coated...go eat a donut !  (anon)

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Re: Still Poking the Bear
« Reply #23 on: October 14, 2022, 03:36:00 AM »
Fox News had Tulsi Gabbard on this morning. She is now the conservative media darling for exiting the Socialist Democratic Party. They rated her right up there with Trump, and DeSantis as a possible 2024 presidential candidate.

What tha hell is wrong with people these days? This cute little witch endorsed Bernie Sanders for president. She's Joe Manchin in panties and a bra.

You may all go to hell, I will go to Texas. Davy Crockett

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Re: Still Poking the Bear
« Reply #24 on: October 14, 2022, 04:00:36 AM »
  Presidential candidate for whom?  So she has caught onto some of the intelligent aspects offered by the conservatives, but she is still not a conservative by any means.

  Maybe she wants to start a third party, and gather in that great swath of independents lingering out there.
   She could wield some power, and in that way, bargain with either side.. I can't see any good coming in that !.
If you don't want the truth, don't ask me.  If you want something sugar coated...go eat a donut !  (anon)

Offline Dee

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Re: Still Poking the Bear
« Reply #25 on: October 14, 2022, 04:05:38 AM »
  Presidential candidate for whom?  So she has caught onto some of the intelligent aspects offered by the conservatives, but she is still not a conservative by any means.

  Maybe she wants to start a third party, and gather in that great swath of independents lingering out there.
   She could wield some power, and in that way, bargain with either side.. I can't see any good coming in that !.

All I see her doing is splitting party votes. That worked out well when H Ross Perro ran didn't it.
You may all go to hell, I will go to Texas. Davy Crockett

Offline Lloyd Smale

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Re: Still Poking the Bear
« Reply #26 on: October 14, 2022, 04:13:32 AM »
Sad thing is Dee i could see whoever wins the nomination picking that pos for a vice president just to try to get some of the independent vote and a few disgruntled democrats. Might even be a planned thing by the democrats to keep one of theres in power. The republicans should tell her to go pound sand!!
Fox News had Tulsi Gabbard on this morning. She is now the conservative media darling for exiting the Socialist Democratic Party. They rated her right up there with Trump, and DeSantis as a possible 2024 presidential candidate.

What tha hell is wrong with people these days? This cute little witch endorsed Bernie Sanders for president. She's Joe Manchin in panties and a bra.

blue lives matter

Offline Lloyd Smale

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Re: Still Poking the Bear
« Reply #27 on: October 14, 2022, 04:15:43 AM »
Fox is projecting she could be the #3 candidate for the republicans behind only trump and desantis. Doesnt that make your stomach turn. I trust her as much as id trust pelosi if she said she was now a republican.
  Presidential candidate for whom?  So she has caught onto some of the intelligent aspects offered by the conservatives, but she is still not a conservative by any means.

  Maybe she wants to start a third party, and gather in that great swath of independents lingering out there.
   She could wield some power, and in that way, bargain with either side.. I can't see any good coming in that !.
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Offline nw_hunter

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Re: Still Poking the Bear
« Reply #28 on: October 14, 2022, 04:21:34 AM »
Personally, I think she is doing what Trey Gowdy Did. Hawk for a job on Faux (FOX) It pays well.

BTW, to anyone participating in the name calling and flaming.........Stop! Is it that hard to disagree with someone without adding personal insults?
Freedom Of Speech.....Once we lose it, every other freedom will follow.

Offline Lloyd Smale

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Re: Still Poking the Bear
« Reply #29 on: October 14, 2022, 04:57:25 AM »
thats the beauty of this forum. you dont have to be politicaly correct or dance around the lib stripper pole. You can tell it like it is but then you have to take it in return too. Very fair if you ask me. If you cant stand the heat get __________
blue lives matter