Two days ago I decided I was going to make some spaghetti.
We had no hamburger so I cut up two pounds of stew meat into smaller chunks that had already been seasoned with MSG, Tumeric, Garlic Powder, Black Salt and Onion Powder and had been sitting in the fridge for a week.
I browned that in butter and a little oil.
When I thought they were brown enough , I tasted and decided I had put too much salt in the seasoning, so I fill the pan with water, simmered for a minute and drained the water.
I tasted a couple of beef chunks and they were a lot better.
I chopped up some Green Olives and added that to two bottle of Italian Marinara Sauce that contained Olives and Cappers along with a little Tomato Sauce and simmered that for an hour.
Mean while, I was going to cook up some spaghetti noodles and found out we had none , so i cooked up a box of shell type noodles and another box of the type of noodles used in a mac and cheese.
I thought one box would be not enough but two ended up a little more than I really wanted.
I mixed the meat into the noodles and it came out pretty good but we had a LOT.
Today, I was tired of eating the original , even though it still tasted OK, so, I cooked up a box of Cracker Barrel Mac and Cheese, added a some Havarti Cheese and Heavy Cream so it was a bit more liquid, then mixed in the noodle hot dish I made two days ago.
With the numerous quite large chunks of beef from the first dish, this came out pretty darn good, but as we still have quite a bit of the two combined , it will be a bit of time before I make noodles again.