I havent cleaned the bore of a handgun in probably 20 years. Only time ive ever done it is if they leaded and if they leaded they probably went down the road in short order. Most handguns dont settle in shooting cast until they have about 50 rounds down the pipe. The handguns I've carried get a
good douche and polish regularly
because of debris and junk that
finds it's way into the bore and
crevices while doing this and that.
The hunting rifles get a wipe down
and a dry patch down the bore
during any hunting seasons. No
hardcore bore scrubbing until the
accuracy starts getting off kilter,
and a few shots are fired before
any trips afield
I usually clean the handguns because
of debris from mowing or rolling around
on the ground underneath a vehicle, etc.
Usually a few dry patches to push out
any dirt, grains of sand, little pieces of
grass, leaves, etc.
That and any crevices that collected
debris that doesn't belong there.
May not necessarily need a major
cleaning, but it's better to do it (IMO)
before it's an urgent need