Depends where you are in Pa. If you go to Pittsburgh or Philly and surrounding county. People will be in favor of Fetterman, believe it or not. Pa like many other states votes conservative except around the cities. Pa went for Trump in 2016, and it went for trump in 2020, minus the cheating that went on here. I do believe there will be cheating again, and there will be enough cheating to get Fertterman elected. Tons of money from other states are flowing in to support Fetterman. Plus the pathetic Pa republicans did nothing to stop voter fraud since 2020. I figure why the polls are close is because of the women's vote. Fetterman is all in on killing children in the womb at any time. As evil as he is. I believe he would allow killing of children after they are born.
Oz is a weak candidate. In fact I didn't vote for him in the primary, and will have to hold my nose to vote for him in Nov. I really want to vote for Ron Johnston who is running in the Constitution party. I'm fed up with the republican party, and their constant leaning toward the left. I think even if the republicans take the house and senate. Nothing will be done just as in the past. Anymore they are nothing but a bunch of hot air. Its pretty pathetic that Oz is the best the republican party could come up with for a senate seat.