Yes, Musk said the dems have gone too far left. He said he was slightly left of center several years ago. He said he hasn't changed, but now he is right of center due to the movement of the dems to the far left. He is pro capitalist. Even though he makes electric cars and solar panels, he is pragmatic and know we will need oil for several years into the future and wants to drill for more. The average time new technology takes to become mainstream is 30 years. Electric cars have only recently came out. It will take 30 years before they get all the bugs out, make them cheaper, longer range, and shorter charging times. Only then will they really compete with gasoline and diesel. Cars came out in the 1890's, but only the rich could afford them. It wasn't until the 1920's that they started becoming mainstream. Same with the telephone, telegraph, television, radio, computer chips (1958), transistors(1947 or 48), even cell phones (late 70's), flat screen TV's(1980's), and so on. Not going to happen by 2030 or 35, but more like 2050. Solar cells came out in the 1960's, but only now are becoming cheap enough to use in desert climates where there is a lot of sun.
I don't like some of the things Musk does, especially his personal life, but he works long hours and gets things done.