Cool, do you have hogs on your property?
Nope no hogs and no bear either. . . . .
Be sure to give special thanks
for that bit of fortune that was
bestowed upon you and yours
The blankety blanking hogs are
bad enough, now the bears are
moving back in the east from
Louisiana and Arkansas and
up from mexico and New mexico.
As posted, they can tear stuff up
and destroy things that the hogs
can't reach or don't mess with,
so now all the animal "vandalism "
bases are covered.
I've read old accounts of the early
settlement days where the pioneers
would have to rebuild parts of their
cabins or chicken coops, etc. after a
night of fun and games with big cats
and/or bears and/or wolves .
Not to mention the loss of valuable
livestock that made a huge dent in
the family's ability to feed themselves.
They didn't have all those expensive
bounties back then for no reason