I recently got a remington 550-1 for a good price at a pawn. A little stock work to get rid of the crappy varnish and the black walnut looks and feels good. I had to replace the firing pin early on.
It had a problem jamming, didn't like Remington ammo, fed Federal just fine. The problem turns out that Remington ammo is almoust half a 'thousanth bigger than Federal. Federal miked out exactly .22, and the chamber also had what looked like a bur, posibly a ringed chamber from 40-50 years of firing short or longs instead of long rifles. I turned a 1/4 brass rod down to 22LR size on one end and with a little valve lapping compound and a battery drill polished the chamber. A bur still showes a little, but Remington or Federal eigther one will chamber just fine now.
Well after 3 or 4 hundred rounds the firing pin fell out of the lug, I at first thought it broke, I turned a new one from 1095 and hardned and tempered the end and shoots fine so far. Less than 50 rounds through it though so far.
The bolt seems pretty loose compared to my father's 550,(it's close to 40 years old) and initial feed, loading first round wants to bind a little, but after it cycles automaticly just fine.
The is clean, but the rifling is rather shallow, though 99% of the shots are off hand at less than 100 yards, so match grade acuracy is not a big issue, though I do love a tack driver. I have a Marlin 22 auto with micro grove rifling and it's a tack driver, though there is way to much plastic and die cast aluminum for my taste, and the Gum stock is crap.
I can't find a new bolt anywhere. Is there any thing I can do to get this gun in top notch working order? I wish they still made this model, I'd just buy a new one and know that it'd probly last me the rest of my life and then some.
Any idea's?