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Dee, please explain everything about Texas border issues
« on: November 25, 2022, 05:39:13 PM »
This is what Forum's are for, and you talk like you're an expert on Texas's border war and immigration issues. So that is do nothing know nothing Northerners can at least have an ingling of the situation.
You have been barking about this Texas border problem often. Now this is your opus so be factual and detailed when you school us.
... history of Texas's border and immigration
... who are the invaders
... what is or define the exact problem beyond
      the Fed's failing to act.
... what exactly is Governor Abbott doing now
... how are Texans affected
... how have you personally been affected
... what is the history of Texas-Mexican relations
... how you communicate/advise with Gov Abbott
... detail how you would solve the problems
      since little federal help is forthcoming
...  what you expect other Americans to do
... AND any other details members and ignorant
       Northerners should know.

Class is in session.
Let's hear and learn all about this issue; particularly how you would solve the problem.

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Re: Dee, please explain everything about Texas border issues
« Reply #1 on: November 26, 2022, 01:45:36 AM »
I tried to explain our situation here in Texas in your other thread and you didn't want to accept facts well known here in Texas. You clearly don't comprehend whats going on here on the Texas border, and you  just as clearly didn't want to discuss it, you  wanted to "theorize" and you wanted another pissin contest, and thats what it turned into. So continue on with "your conspiracy theorist quest". And just wing it cheesy. 8)

And like I said in your other thread. Adios   ;)
You may all go to hell, I will go to Texas. Davy Crockett
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Offline ironglow

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Re: Dee, please explain everything about Texas border issues
« Reply #2 on: November 26, 2022, 03:42:04 AM »
  I have longed for the time when we could clear things up with facts and evidence, rather that just "I think", "everybody knows", or "that's just the way it is'..

   I have gone over to the 'religious' forum and tried to discuss basics of the Christian faith.  I cannot seem to get
    the guys to discuss the issues point-for-point.

   We already have the encyclopedia, dictionary and constitution of the Christian faith..all wrapped up in one volume...the Bible.  But some will still call me wrong...without referring to that comprehensive source to disprove me.

   Surprisingly, the border states not necessarily the only ones with a high foreign-born population.  Surprisingly,
  some other states with a high foreign-born population, are located in the northeast.

   One important point however, the border states likely feel the situation in a much more painful way, simply because in the northeast, as in Canada.. the foreign-born are located primarily in the cities, while in  the border states, they seem to be distributed across the entire state.
  Besides, big city folk seem to ignore one another..and don't really care what they may introduce into their city,
  since they seemingly all live as strangers, even if they are living close as ants in a hill.
   ..And likely the foreign-born in the northeast, have a higher percentage of LEGAL immigrants among them.

    I refuse to take the plight of our border states lightly, since there are cultural and financial pain, as well as great
 disruption in their established way of life..which any of us would find distasteful in the extreme.

   ..But keep in mind, the northern tier of states are also border states, but that is a far different story..

  Below, see a US map showing percentage of foreign-born for each state.
If you don't want the truth, don't ask me.  If you want something sugar coated...go eat a donut !  (anon)

Offline ironglow

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Re: Dee, please explain everything about Texas border issues
« Reply #3 on: November 26, 2022, 05:09:47 AM »
 one important point;
  In fairness, that map shown above, may be dated and likely doesn't reflect the current situation.  Obviously, when hundreds flow into a large city, they may be largely unnoticed.  However, if hundreds flowed into my rural county, they would most certainly be noticed.

   Meanwhile..under questioning from the new congressional reps, Secy Mayorcas says the border is well  "under control"..  See how his "control" *works for Texas, below;
If you don't want the truth, don't ask me.  If you want something sugar coated...go eat a donut !  (anon)

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Re: Dee, please explain everything about Texas border issues
« Reply #4 on: November 26, 2022, 05:30:41 AM »
A lot of members here were born , raised and lived in Texas. We may have migrated elsewhere but its still in our blood and memories and we still come home now and then. You would have to be one to know one. I was born in Baird Texas, its near Abilene,Raised in Clyde. Even if Dee did explain you wouldn't understand.
We take a very dim view of illegal aliens pouring across our border, it hits the wrong nerve.

Drab roadsides begin to come alive with Texas bluebonnets, the official state flower of Texas. The Texas legislature adopted Lupinus subcarnosus , generally known as buffalo clover or bluebonnet, in March of 1901.

In this time i Command ,That you take the Secular to Jerusalem .
There you rid the Holy City of the Scourge of Islam , Make the streets run red with the Blood of those who wish to wash Israel and Christianity from the face of the Earth.
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Offline ironglow

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Re: Dee, please explain everything about Texas border issues
« Reply #5 on: November 26, 2022, 05:58:27 AM »
  Having spent some years in Texas, I know of whence you speak, and understand it !  Of the various places around the world where I have taken up residence, I must consider Texas as my 'adopted' second home.

  Texas is a great state..and has done many great things...But still, that is not germane to the discussion at hand.
If you don't want the truth, don't ask me.  If you want something sugar coated...go eat a donut !  (anon)

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In this time i Command ,That you take the Secular to Jerusalem .
There you rid the Holy City of the Scourge of Islam , Make the streets run red with the Blood of those who wish to wash Israel and Christianity from the face of the Earth.
Constantine III

Offline ironglow

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Re: Dee, please explain everything about Texas border issues
« Reply #7 on: November 26, 2022, 06:33:19 AM »
This is how we feel about it.

   I spent nearly a year in San Antonio, and appreciated the sunken gardens, Rio Rita, and being a history afficionado, I most appreciated the Alamo, and as a young GI, I caught alligator Gar by the Llano river.. 
    Many years Later, while living in East Texas, owning a home in the Golden Triangle; I drove with my family.. to Nueva Laredo, and had opportunity to appreciate the scene at Goliad..bolstered in later months by a visit to the scene of the Battle of San Jacinto ...all rewarding to the history lover..

  It was then I enjoyed getting a "birds eye view" of Texas, since my job was painting tanks, towers and bridges in east Texas and Louisiana.
If you don't want the truth, don't ask me.  If you want something sugar coated...go eat a donut !  (anon)

Offline ironglow

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Re: Dee, please explain everything about Texas border issues
« Reply #8 on: November 26, 2022, 08:48:23 AM »
IG ....

Your data map appears to be current as to 2021.
Notice  several states have more foreign born inhabitants than Texas. Notice New York and New Jersey have about 6% more foreign born than good ole Texas.
However, I do not entirely share your conclusions about city vs urban vs rural denizens. People in cities have neighborhoods and know what's going on. Certainly, in urban or suburbia foreign invaders are noticed and affect schools and safety.... Suburbanites in Suffolk and Nassau counties have complained about mass invasions for years. But guess what, Texans didn't care. 
    I may stand corrected, since I am judging by only a few months each,  living in a couple different cities.  I must admit however, I have sworn off doing that again..even though it was not my choice in the first place.

Certainly the daff notion that nobody can fathom Texas immigration troubles unless you're born and raised in Texas-by-God is hubris and baloney.

  Yeah...much like saying nobody  but someone living IN Chicago, Baltimore or St Louis can have any grasp of their crime problem, except they live in that city.
Here and now we have the perfect venue to explain in detail what Texas's immigration/border troubles are all about. And to set the record straight on what Gov Abbott is doing.
 You did invite any and all to present facts and figures..wish they had done it !

But no takers. And I pause to think our number one whiner is 'all hat and no cattle'. Because I am anxious to get the inside skinny on our southern border. I'm sure you are too.

Btw, fwiw, my neighbor down the road a piece up here in the Grand Bois du Nord is Texas born and raised, so is his brother, and they say no way they'd ever go back to Texas. Nice place to be from they say.

  It seems many people have their problems with other states/locations..  I don't like to be involved with such disputations, since I can see some good in each state, and I don't have to travel through them to find it, even though I have driven through most of them.
   Below is what internet participants think of the various states, *and I think they are wrong..mostly going by other
   things they have read on the net..

If you don't want the truth, don't ask me.  If you want something sugar coated...go eat a donut !  (anon)

Offline ironglow

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Re: Dee, please explain everything about Texas border issues
« Reply #9 on: November 26, 2022, 09:51:12 AM »
Actually IG....
I specifically invited Dee to explain and set the record straight about Texas's border/immigrant situation since he is the most outspoken and hypercritical of anything or anybody he thinks is disagreeing with his viewpoints.  You have firsthand experience with how that works.

I'm anxious to come up to speed on the southern Tex border situation and Gov Abbott's tactics.
But so far no takers.  I reckon I'll have to be content being raised in Vermont and incapable of understanding Texas border issues; so why should I care?

Btw, my neighbors from Texas jokingly say if we flatten out the Grand Bois it's bigger than Texas.
Ha!   :)

   If it were me, I would jump at the opportunity to present all kinds of facts and data..

  I have a couple nephews who live/work between here and Alaska  One also has a home on a lake somewhere near Center, TX..
      They in a jovial manner, have often said that they think Texans have developed a Napoleonic complex, ever since Alaska has joined the union.  ;) ;D
If you don't want the truth, don't ask me.  If you want something sugar coated...go eat a donut !  (anon)

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Re: Dee, please explain everything about Texas border issues
« Reply #10 on: November 26, 2022, 11:14:27 AM »
Alaska: 663,268 square mile in area, population of 733,391 in 2020, Gross product of 49.12 billion dollars

Texas: 268,596 square miles, population of 29,145,505 in 2020, Gross product of 2.1 trillion.

Complex? Uh, uh.

Alaska and New Mexico have something in common, lots of land that is worthless for making a living on. Texas has quite a bit also but nothing like Alaska. Not much market for snow and ice.

Offline Dee

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Re: Dee, please explain everything about Texas border issues
« Reply #11 on: November 26, 2022, 12:36:15 PM »
Just listen to these two clowns. I've been talkin about the border problems in Texas for months  and all they wanted to talk about was Russia, Russia, Russia.

Now I've got their tails all twisted up, and their pretendin to be interested wantin to try to get even. I doubt I could care any less. What a comical couple a dinks.  ::)
You may all go to hell, I will go to Texas. Davy Crockett
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Offline Dee

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Re: Dee, please explain everything about Texas border issues
« Reply #12 on: November 26, 2022, 01:11:29 PM »
Yeah, you've been yakking and complaining about Texas border stuff, but not saying much. Then attacking anyone you think disagrees with you, or might have a different take on things.

Now here's your chance to be specific and precisely tell us what the real story is.
Take your time; BUT WHERE'S THE BEEF.?

Let's have the scoop pard....

LMAO! Keep squawkin, I'm enjoyin the attention.  8)
You may all go to hell, I will go to Texas. Davy Crockett
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Offline billy_56081

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Re: Dee, please explain everything about Texas border issues
« Reply #13 on: November 26, 2022, 06:34:54 PM »
Well bless your heart.,
All hat and no cattle..,..figures.

He's dumb as a rock and More ignorant than a weasel.  What do you expect! 

I love the Texans!
99% of all Lawyers give the other 1% a bad name. What I find hilarious about this is they are such an arrogant bunch, that they all think they are in the 1%.

Offline Lloyd Smale

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Re: Dee, please explain everything about Texas border issues
« Reply #14 on: November 26, 2022, 10:52:27 PM »
heck dee just find some conspiracy theory web page wrote by someone that none of us has heard of and just post a link. That is all the proof a couple here seem to think is necessary to prove there side of things. You are allowed to make it up as you go too and ignore any real facts or news sources. 
I tried to explain our situation here in Texas in your other thread and you didn't want to accept facts well known here in Texas. You clearly don't comprehend whats going on here on the Texas border, and you  just as clearly didn't want to discuss it, you  wanted to "theorize" and you wanted another pissin contest, and thats what it turned into. So continue on with "your conspiracy theorist quest". And just wing it cheesy. 8)

And like I said in your other thread. Adios   ;)
blue lives matter

Offline Lloyd Smale

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Re: Dee, please explain everything about Texas border issues
« Reply #15 on: November 26, 2022, 10:58:55 PM »
Dee we know he doesnt give a rats ass about texas or the border problems or even this country. That is unless they can drum some anti someone conspiracy concerning it that will allow him to pretend he knows something we dont know.  There just trying to bait you. Common sense would tell you that someone that is a communist sympathizer and a cheerleader of putin doesnt really give a rats ass about anything in this country other then milking it for there monthly check.
Just listen to these two clowns. I've been talkin about the border problems in Texas for months  and all they wanted to talk about was Russia, Russia, Russia.

Now I've got their tails all twisted up, and their pretendin to be interested wantin to try to get even. I doubt I could care any less. What a comical couple a dinks.  ::)
blue lives matter

Offline Dee

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Re: Dee, please explain everything about Texas border issues
« Reply #16 on: November 27, 2022, 12:24:37 AM »
Dee we know he doesnt give a rats ass about texas or the border problems or even this country. That is unless they can drum some anti someone conspiracy concerning it that will allow him to pretend he knows something we dont know.  There just trying to bait you. Common sense would tell you that someone that is a communist sympathizer and a cheerleader of putin doesnt really give a rats ass about anything in this country other then milking it for there monthly check.
Just listen to these two clowns. I've been talkin about the border problems in Texas for months  and all they wanted to talk about was Russia, Russia, Russia.

Now I've got their tails all twisted up, and their pretendin to be interested wantin to try to get even. I doubt I could care any less. What a comical couple a dinks.  ::)

Naaa, i tried to explain what Texas was up against to TM in his other Texas border thread. He wasn't interested, he went into his theorists' mode, and wanted to "theorize, and hypothesize". That didn't work so he started this thread to try and bait me.
Texas' border issues are pretty straightforward, and the solutions are just as straightforward.

TM wants to complicate the uncomplicated. Kinda like the furniture manufacturer shutting down. Its likely the end of their physical year, and they're broke. It historically always happens before Christmas with most companies that go under. But TM turns it into a "conspiracy". Their gonna make missiles for the Ukraine.

Now one of his groupies "little billy" has showed up to help, and this is just gonna get better. When you get their goat you just sit back and let'em beller.   
The two "rumorists" will now try and out do each other, on who can come up with the best "Dee insult". Thats all this thread was ever intended to be, and TM along with "little billy" have just the right mentality for that.
So enjoy the comedy.  8)
You may all go to hell, I will go to Texas. Davy Crockett
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Offline ironglow

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Re: Dee, please explain everything about Texas border issues
« Reply #17 on: November 27, 2022, 03:03:45 AM »
Alaska: 663,268 square mile in area, population of 733,391 in 2020, Gross product of 49.12 billion dollars

Texas: 268,596 square miles, population of 29,145,505 in 2020, Gross product of 2.1 trillion.

Complex? Uh, uh.

Alaska and New Mexico have something in common, lots of land that is worthless for making a living on. Texas has quite a bit also but nothing like Alaska. Not much market for snow and ice.

   O&S..  Don't sell Alaska too short.  Alaska probably has more wealth under it's sod that many would or could consider....but the green freaks in the federal government won't let them touch an area filled with oil, that is the size of South Carolina.

   Since regions of Alaska are virtually unexplored resources wise, while most of the lower 48 have been well combed over, and still new discoveries are made..who knows what may be found there ?

     Places near the Arctic Circle unlivable?  Some countries, like Sweden, Finland and Iceland don't think so.  Russia
     has cities in their Arctic regions to support the thousands who work there.   As i said earlier, In don't want to disparage any of our 50 states (not 57 Obama), since each has treasures to be found within.

   Of course, if the Commie/Dems take over..there will be places for them to build their "re-education camps"... ;) ;D ;D ;D

  If that ever comes about who cares? Step on part of an anthill...and the ants will mindlessly rebuild..then go about
   their regular zombie-like existence.
If you don't want the truth, don't ask me.  If you want something sugar coated...go eat a donut !  (anon)

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Re: Dee, please explain everything about Texas border issues
« Reply #18 on: November 27, 2022, 04:11:33 AM »
TM7: In your first post you asked:
... history of Texas's border and immigration
... who are the invaders
... what is or define the exact problem beyond
      the Fed's failing to act.
... what exactly is Governor Abbott doing now
... how are Texans affected
... how have you personally been affected
... what is the history of Texas-Mexican relations
... how you communicate/advise with Gov Abbott
... detail how you would solve the problems
      since little federal help is forthcoming
...  what you expect other Americans to do
... AND any other details members and ignorant
That is a request for what amounts to a large chunk of data. Several large chunks.
Is it practical to expect that?

Offline Lloyd Smale

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Re: Dee, please explain everything about Texas border issues
« Reply #19 on: November 27, 2022, 04:29:53 AM »
OMG it seriously isnt YOU SAYING THIS !!!! ::)
You got real issues and paranoia imagining your personal conspiracies

So tell me why your asking him in the first place. Have you been under a rock for the last 3 years? Are you to stupid to understand whats on the news EVERY DAY. Or maybe you are FOR the illegal border crashing going on there or dont care because its not in your back yard. Or are you just trying to stir up crap and find new ways to make personal attacks. My guess would be a combo of all of them. If you need answers get them where you get all your knowlege. Off your waco websites. Im sure they know more then someone that right there and has them walking down his street. Maybe you can find some of the pro biden sites that are claiming like you that theres nothing to see. Ill freely admit i made mistakes. When trump was first pushing the wall i was totaly against it. I thought there was better ways to tackle border security and might even still believe that. But never did i make light of the damage these people are doing today in this country and even more so in the future. That wall is looking pretty good to me right now.
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Offline Lloyd Smale

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Re: Dee, please explain everything about Texas border issues
« Reply #20 on: November 27, 2022, 04:59:56 AM »
funny you know so little about our own border but are an self proclaimed expert on everything russian.
blue lives matter

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Re: Dee, please explain everything about Texas border issues
« Reply #21 on: November 27, 2022, 05:02:54 AM »
IG, please reread my post and comprehend what it said. Nowhere did I say Alaska was unliveable. I said you couldn't make a living in much of it just like you can't in a lot of NM and some of TX. That is the reason for low populations in those areas.

I knew better than to get in this particular mess but thought I might project some actual facts into it. Nope, no interest so I'm done. Got better things to do than being corrected for something I didn't post.

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Re: Dee, please explain everything about Texas border issues
« Reply #22 on: November 27, 2022, 06:06:45 AM »
funny you know so little about our own border but are an self proclaimed expert on everything russian.
I know a lot about both, and many things.

Then tell everyone what you know about the Texas border. Just the facts please.  ;)
You may all go to hell, I will go to Texas. Davy Crockett
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Offline Lloyd Smale

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Re: Dee, please explain everything about Texas border issues
« Reply #23 on: November 27, 2022, 10:47:38 PM »
Maybe because EVERYONE here knows that 99 percent of your posts are just hat. Tin foil hat wearing loon icy. Your new idiotic deal with calling dee a conspiracy nut is hilarious. Even  you have to know that everyone is shaking there heads at you. Your sure as hell not fooling.  What you are is someone that either took to many drugs, was molested by someone in your family or dropped on your head when you were a baby.  At one point something snapped in your head. Whats left is a nut case conspiracy theorist and an American hating communist If ANYONE ive ever delt with needed to be on the federal governments watch list its you. My guess is you already are. when you had dug your hole 6 feet in the ground on here i thought maybe youd level out and at least keep some of your crazy ideas to yourself to save face but nope, your half way to the center of the earth and the dirts still flying. The real scary thing with you is you seem to relish in the fact that everyone here thinks your crazy.
funny you know so little about our own border but are an self proclaimed expert on everything russian.
I know a lot about both, and many things.
I also know if there's something contentious with your lying legacy media narrative, you always default to claiming it's all conspiracy, followed up with the your usual narcissistic attacks. Predictable.
blue lives matter

Offline Lloyd Smale

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Re: Dee, please explain everything about Texas border issues
« Reply #24 on: November 27, 2022, 11:01:43 PM »
yup you are an expert in everything, a legend in your own warped mind!! You asked dee to tell you whats going on on the border but claim here you already know. So which is it? Are you just picking a fight or do you want to learn. So then old wonderful wizard tell us whats going on on the border in your warped opinion and let dee argue your points. You surely shouldnt fear doing it that way because you know in your mind your smarter then him ::) Tell us how those 100s or even 1000s of illegals crossing the border in his back yard isnt real. That for some reason the republicans are just lying about it all.  I know your a gimp but i wonder if maybe your blind too. Flip on the tv and you can see whats happening every day. I suppose that is just staged somewhere in the Midwest like your buddies think the moon landing was. While your at it keep the set on for a few more minutes and you can see with your own eyes the terrible war crimes committed by your hero. The rapes the murders of women and children. The one forcing old men to fight while he hides in a bunker! you know the one. You probably have a poster of him in your bedroom that you photoshopped a man thong on.
funny you know so little about our own border but are an self proclaimed expert on everything russian.
I know a lot about both, and many things.
I also know if there's something contentious with your lying legacy media narrative, you always default to claiming it's all conspiracy, followed up with the your usual narcissistic attacks. Predictable.
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Re: Dee, please explain everything about Texas border issues
« Reply #25 on: November 28, 2022, 03:10:57 AM »
He can't explain it. He wasn't even smart enough to plan for his future even with a supposed pension from being a supposed LEO. Why would anyone think could could explain the border.
99% of all Lawyers give the other 1% a bad name. What I find hilarious about this is they are such an arrogant bunch, that they all think they are in the 1%.

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Re: Dee, please explain everything about Texas border issues
« Reply #26 on: November 28, 2022, 03:27:02 AM »
He can't explain it. He wasn't even smart enough to plan for his future even with a supposed pension from being a supposed LEO. Why would anyone think could could explain the border.

Well, I see "little Billie the bread truck driver" is back off his route and wants to weigh in. Make it up as ya go "little billie". Lying is your one talent.  8)
You may all go to hell, I will go to Texas. Davy Crockett
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Offline Lloyd Smale

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Re: Dee, please explain everything about Texas border issues
« Reply #27 on: November 28, 2022, 03:41:36 AM »
again your either nuts or just comical. You accuse me of trying to get a post shut down when your entire post is a personal attack. still waiting for your analysis? Please in english not russian ;)
Yeah, now we have the UPer character doing his best to get the thread shut down.

Come to think of it, Dee doesn't do well explaining anything, but is always fast on the draw to attack those who he thinks are contentious with his rational scheme of things. Only problem is he can't explain his rational scheme of things!

Still waiting for his definitive analysis of the Texas border situation.
Tik tock.
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Re: Dee, please explain everything about Texas border issues
« Reply #28 on: November 28, 2022, 03:48:45 AM »
Yeah, now we have the UPer character doing his best to get the thread shut down.

Come to think of it, Dee doesn't do well explaining anything, but is always fast on the draw to attack those who he thinks are contentious with his rational scheme of things. Only problem is he can't explain his rational scheme of things!

Still waiting for his definitive analysis of the Texas border situation.
Tik tock.

I think its admirable that you and little billie have bonded so tightly, and that you've learned to work together.  :-*
You may all go to hell, I will go to Texas. Davy Crockett

Offline Lloyd Smale

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Re: Dee, please explain everything about Texas border issues
« Reply #29 on: November 28, 2022, 03:57:11 AM »
Hes his friend for the month. Last month it was mule. Just like everyone else they abandon him when they realize that he is a complete nut case and it just make them look like one too. He will learn fast and tm7 will be all alone again till he can side up with someone that cant stand on there own and need backup. That is how sheep act.
blue lives matter