I clicked onto Youtube, to watch a movie called USS Seaviper. Well, it started out in a German sub pen, with a German captain receiving his orders. It was a WW2 movie, circa 1944.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SrWloM47vGo&t=28s In the background was a civilian shipyard worker, doing some acetylene cutting. Oops! He was wearing what looked like Carhartts!
Now, I arrived in Germany just 18 years after the war, and such work clothes were not seen then. Their work clothes were of a dark color, providing they weren't wearing lederhosen..
..And that was also true in wartime Germany.
So, I decided to overlook one mistake and continue on..
The scene switches to an admiral's house, evidently at Pearl. The admiral welcomes a sub captain into his home to
give him his orders.. The captain has a full beard not to mention the admiral..who also has a beard !
At that time beards were about non-existent in the military.. -and moustaches considered non-SOP..with the possible exception of a very small minority of Special Ops troops, who were very few in number..
No way and admiral...and thus his subordinates would be wearing a beard.
... Lots of drama, but little fact.
Sure, the movie was made in 2012, but that is no excuse for such inaccuracy, concerning time and place.