We went shopping for new laptop, found that there were NO Cyber Monday deals at the two places we went to, and the gent at the true computer shop said from his experience the deal you get on Cyber Monday, or Black Friday is most poor seling crap they want to get rid of before having to take invetory.
We wanted laptop with Mouse button which are getting harder and harder to find and generall come only on high buck top end stuff of basement level stuff that when it goes pfft, not worth the price of fixing.
We looked at a top line Asus at Sam's club and a top line Lenovo at Digital Majik; the old man who owned DiMaj. gave us a 20 dollar discount and we bought a top line Lenovo WITH Mouse Buttons.
Most places now have teenagers selling such items who have litte to almost no knowledge on the products they are supposed to sell, the gents at this place have been in the business their entire work lives, which is why we spent over an hour their verbally shopping before we ordered the Lenovo.
1,300 dollars after taxes; it will probably outlive either of us, and it is always better to have what one does not need that need what one does not have.